The ability to buy runs

yea. it’s really not. but it’s like 15 minutes of work for a pretty large amount of gold. Honestly, 30k goes a long way in the pushing world or just m+ in general - rather

I just need to liquidate some of my TCG and I’ll probably never have to think about gold again.

I would go into org and turn them all into turkeys. XD

I’ll take them kennie. dont worry about it.

I mean that’s what trade for was personally.

Anyone that’s actually paying to get KsM is pretty dumb anyways.

i dont think ppl realize how much gold buying a FULL ksm carry is.


Oh, yeah, for sure. I just think that it’s tragic to see so many people fall into the pit of thinking they have to buy casually accessible goals like keystone master mounts.

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The design of the game, with high expenses for repairs, consumables, and legendaries in this expansion, is intended to encourage high level players to be carriers to support their chosen playstyle.

They have both supply and demand covered.


it sucks because do i want boosting in the game? like not really - but it’s something that i have to do to be able to play the game.

sure i could do callings etc but like why not just do my preferred content and get paid for it

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Positively diabolical.


Exactly. I have 5 accounts with all kinds of toons on em so I just kept alt swapping and turning them into turkeys.

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I’ve always wondered, if the people who buy boosts in-game are that lazy about playing the game, where are they getting to gold to pay for the boost?

you aren’t wrong. it’s expensive to run a lot of keys, and it benefits blizzard to have people buying tokens either to purchase consumables for keys, or to purchase carries (the gold which then goes to purchasing consumables)

lemme put it into perspective right. So i’m an okay player right - and i dislike mythic raiding but i need the gear. I’ve considered paying millions of g old for BoE’s so that I have 304 gear. Not to mention the 311 stuff from the final bosses

They’d even class stack for you and funnel you.

doesnt really matter to me ppl can look deeper into the io’s available data and figure it out pretty damn fast.

i actually feel more for the clown that pays to not enjoy the content themselves lol
poor soul.

bless their heart.

I leveled up 4 characters last week after redeeming the free offer. The idea that ksm is “casually accessible” to a player like me right now is a sick joke.

I don’t buy carries. I don’t even buy store mounts. But there is no way I could even choose to complete end content right now, given the absolutely massive amount of grinding it would take. And significant cash expenditures. And time. The expansion is almost over, and I don’t want to grind my eyeballs out. That’s not my playstyle. It is incompatible with having fun.

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But when you scrutinize closely their resume, you would realize it’s fake. 1 x M+15 completed each dungeon on Tyrannical and 1x M+15 completed each on Fortified.

A real KSM player has more than 50x runs on each dungeons.

Don’t you have like 80 different druids