The ability to buy runs

I decided to try healing keys for the first time on a class I’ve never really played and am already in the low-mid 20s range with exclusively LFG. The reward cutoff is super low, too, at only +15

Yea, I came back and they actually made a channel for this stuff man. It’s crazy. And they never list the price.

So you know you’re getting ripped off. LOL

It causes people that could otherwise run raids, not run raids. And since raids are multi-player content, it promotes just buying them in that way too.

just leave the channel, no more spam. that’s why they put it in a different channel

m+ bleeds gold, im glad i can at least sell some carries for like 40k for 15 minutes


But you started that as an above average player who is naturally talented, experienced, and a fast learner. Most players are not these things. And in fact, that’s not how learning a complex skill works for most people. They cap out at some point and don’t understand why. Or they may even not understand that they have capped out.

some of you all let what other people are doing live in your head.

like… it literally impacts you 0 if Bob over there buys a carry. 0 impact.

yet you seethe and rage and worry it about in your head. let it go.


Less people are running raids.

i see tons of raids in lfg right now

Yeah, everybody does, myself included, but until that point (and maybe even after) it’s just kind of a matter of spitballing as to what you could be doing better/differently regardless of how stuff went. People who aren’t interested in this don’t have to partake in non-trivial modes.

I’m all slow and dumb, 90% of my ability is just having a plan as to what I’m using ahead of time. I think a lot of people fall into the pit of thinking it’s reactions or natural ability when in a game like wow it’s mostly just macro knowledge planning etc.

Missing BFA where I’d get a token per buyer for a 15, grab 2 then pug the rest of the group.

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raiding isn’t the only kid on the block anymore, that you’re forced to play with if you want a friend.

less people raiding was going to happen because m+ is a viable end-game source of gear, and for many it is preferable to raiding.


True, I won’t deny that it certainly benefits Blizzard directly that people buy runs and such. I still recall that one dev who was advertising doing some streamed runs that players were paying for.

I guess I feel it’s a little weird for the game itself to encourage a microtransaction rather than improving one’s performance and earning the achievements that way.

And I get it - Blizz is a business after all, and it doesn’t really affect me all that much or the circles I’m in, but I dunno! I guess it feels like Blizzard leaned into it a bit too much if that makes any sense?

yea but it doesn’t like devalue my accomplishments though. that’s why i don’t really care if someone buys aotc.

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the funny part is, people have been buying AOTC since AOTC was a thing.

Additionally, I wonder if everyone against boosting because it “devalues their achievement” is also against friendship moose/bird type groups that slam hundreds of people through AOTC a week for free.

after all, if paid carries devalue AOTC, so do friendship moose groups.


idk when people will stop caring about what other’s do. like someone buying a boost doesn’t effect me directly unless they’re buying from me, in which case, thank you blizzard for giving me gold

Most of them don’t even get that far. Teaching yourself to master something you don’t understand is like giving a French test to a kid who has not studied French, then expecting him to take his failing grade and teach himself how to speak French fluently. As a person who has studied linguistics and done substitute teaching, I can tell you that there are a lot of students who think that occupying a chair in a foreign language class for a year or two means they “speak French”, when in fact they don’t have the rudimentary communication skills involved in using what the curriculum was intended to teach them.

You need to accept that you are not an average player.

Not for Blizzard. This makes token sales go up, thus increasing their revenue.

The token was never complained about to this scale as far as I remember.

Boosting has become more obvious though anyone that says boosting just recently started due to the token is delusional.

Complaints about the token are just excuses by people that aren’t successful at the game.

if yall were selling runs you wouldn’t be saying the same thing tho especially with m+ being a gold sink

I sometimes get tired of looking around in the LFG / just want to get a run done quick and easy so I throw gold at em.

I’m not paying gold for a carry, I’m paying gold for a decent group that I can pew pew in.

BTW if you find a group willing to do it that has the same class as you, you can make a bet on if you out dps their 3k io guy you get 20k to 30k knocked off but if you don’t you have to give an addition 20k to 30k.

Some groups agree to that and it makes for an interesting time.

Oh no, I’m not saying it devalues things. It’s probably just a me - after all, no amount of moderation will stop selling runs. Blizzard’s offering a means where people don’t have to go through a third party and potentially get scammed, and I totally get that.

But I guess I wish there were things that would serve to motivate people to hop into the content themselves? If the raids aren’t fun enough to get them to raid, then hey, the raid’s not fun for them. Can’t really be helped I guess.

Yeah, especially at some point in BFA it became super obnoxious where every server was community spam to the point where trade was actually unusable.

I don’t like finding or talking to buyers. Apparently cuts aren’t that great these days anyways so eh.