The ability to buy runs

Um, I don’t.
I did just enough to get my KSM and pretty much stopped playing. On my affliction lock that is.

There are multiple solutions to that issue. You find a group of players that are your same skill level, 15s this season are in all honesty, a joke. Even slightly average players in 270+ gear can put enough dps to complete them on time.

If you post your key, don’t take the first few people to apply, it’s your group, put together something you know can knock out the dungeon.

Average players don’t need even 10+ runs in each dungeon to hit KSM, it’s only 2k this season.

To answer that you’ll have to answer why do you have to use an authentication to form a raid on a world boss?

It’s always been around.

Because more players found out about it and want a share of the profits

They did, gave them their very own channel to post advertisements, that you can /leave and never see it again. And if you do see it elsewhere, report them.

It’s always been here, the rampant advertisements ruin the game. Once they get those corralled into trade services and you leave that channel, you won’t even know it exists.

It’s simple people are making money out of their skill. It’s like in real life. You don’t know how to do carpenters work but you wanna have nice house, so you pay someone to do it. Same in game.

Some people have time some people have money.

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So what’s the hourly rate for this service?

It’s already been established that Jhannae gets carried in their runs. Don’t let him get to you.

Do they really?

Please send link :joy:

If blizzard allows it there’s not much you can really do. It’s apart of the game.

People paying for carries was happening since vanilla and only those who didn’t actually play vanilla don’t know that fact. The difference is that it’s a lot more commonplace now and the ability to advertise such services are facilitated by online services that didn’t exist at the time.

The other reason is actually a fault of Blizzards own making. The game is far harder and more time demanding now than it was back in the old days. Comparing raids from vanilla to current is like comparing a horse and buggy to a Lamborghini. That plus the fact that the borrowed power grinds and hoops you have to jump through of the last several expacs meant people can’t just pickup and go like they used back in vanilla/TBC etc.

So the uncomfortable truth is the game needs to be made easier and more accessible in to bring it back into line with how the game originally used to be. It was this ease that propelled wow to the dominance it once enjoyed. It’s that ease that allowed it to attract so many players of older MMOs that didn’t even have a questing system. Think about that. The questing system was an ease of access facilitator.

If you want a perfect example of what happens when a bunch of people think wow is too easy and needs to be made more grindy and elitist and complex, go take a look at Wildstar. Oh wait. You can’t. It shut down. I wonder why.

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Jhannae ‹ACME Camping Supply› @ Bronzebeard (US) (

Just look through his top runs this season and last season.

because a lot of pug groups can’t time runs for multiple reasons (heals sucks, tank over-pulls, nobody does mechanics, etc), and one or more of them eventually ends up rage-quitting

not to mention the time it takes to actually find a decent group these days

I think the biggest problem with this is the addition of the Token which allows people to buy gold, if tokens were a thing bliz set and only bought with gold for game time as a gold sink it wouldn’t be a problem, but, with them being a ‘spend irl money to buy gold in an official approved way’ is the problem that made this so much worse.

Classic WoW shows that it doesn’t matter if there’s a token or not, people will buy boosts. It’s a community thing that has nothing to do with the token.

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Why there is no dedicated category for boosts / gold based runs bothers me beyond belief.

Like if blizz knows its occurring just create its own separate room, I dont want to keep whispering groups in lfg if they need my class for their last 4 dps slots, just so their non noted pug azz can respond with that penguin toned “buyer”? nonsense.

Sure, but it wouldn’t be as prelevant without the token

No, it was still extremely prevalent prior to the addition of the token.

It was more prevalent in Classic than it is in Retail.

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Yeah, Classic really was just “insert coin to continue” :dracthyr_crylaugh: Everybody bought gold to fund their GDKPs for gear they could AFK in and show off. It was wild.

Whatever you say. I can only call what I see.

“No buying gold for cash” - Blizz starts selling tokens
“No buy powerleveling for cash” - Blizz starts selling boosts
“No buying in game items for cash” - Blizz starts selling mounts, pets, toys, and cosmetic gear
“No changing realms, races, factions, etc” - Blizz now offers all of it… for cash

Like I said, just going by what I can see in my last 16 years of playing.