The 25% damage increase was due to the top 0.1% of players

Still on Exile’s Reach, I see.

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I find it funny that we have a hunter who’s enchanted his legs with intellect, and is still posting stuff that this dumb.


Given the majority of solo players aren’t very performance-orientated, would you be okay with a system like Brawler’s Guild guild that offered upgradable World PVE gear with a special “challenge” boss that offered Normal-mode gear? It would effectively be just the same caches we get for weekly stuff, but you can spam the quest as much as you want.

Thinking of ways to support the idea, but perhaps the polarizing idea – make it a permanent part of the Darkmoon Faire. It can be held underground to retain some of that “Fight Club” vibe this way. This way it allows it to feel like Timewalking does in relation to leveling → “Timewalking is up? Time to power level by alts” :: “DMF is up this week? time to grind some gear on my alts”

I don’t think it should offer Heroic-level gear though, as I am biased towards group content offering the best player power rewards. But I also believe solo content should offer some of the coolest cosmetics available.

I’m in the camp where I don’t care if you do solo or group content to get good gear, just that the content you do is sufficiently difficult to warrant that reward.

Normal raid or better from the world is already overtuned, since the difficulty of world content is within a rounding error of 0.


That’s fair. My main concern is tuning. There are some things that are just vastly more difficult depending on your class. And WoW’s class design is built around strengths and weaknesses, so I’d be wary of mechanical difficulty here.

But to the greater point of gear/player power, I feel LFR gear you can upgrade to Normal mode gear provides you with a relatively decent power level, but not such at it threads of group content.

Also, I’m really digging the possibility of Brawler’s Guild being more of a spectator-focused event. Sit in the bleachers, gain some vehicle UI with a bunch of special emotes like in Hearthstone. It can get pretty silly, but that’d be fun. Especially if there was some occasional intermission event where you throw stuff at creatures in the arena. Or some fun stuff like if there is enough cheering, the entire crowd gets some fun rewards, like a Reputation buff that lasts for the rest of the week. Or when someone gets their first win, or beats a special challenge boss, the crowd also gets a fun buff.

I’m going to point out that they’ve shown with the mage tower that they can do per-spec tuning of a single player scenario.

loooooool oh man, this gets better and better. This can’t be real.

edit - my guild discord is gonna die. I’ve shown them a handful of snips from the forum these last two night but this tops it all. :rofl:

Just flexing my superior intelligence over you.

Tell me when you’re ready to start the Waking Shores. I’ll help you learn the game.

I’m ready to learn from you. How do we do this, discord or btag? looool



+151 intellect goes a long way

Not as well as I think it needs tbh. Like the Holy Priest challenge was nuts compared to say Guardian this last time.

How well they executed on it isn’t really the point I’m making. I’m saying that they have the technical capability to tune different challenges for different specs, given how the worm and totem guy have very different HP values and distributions for WW and BM last I tried.

25% increase damage to what?
All spec’s auto attack damage with 25% buff?
Please at least bring up the context of your topic.

I mean, who’s advice should they take? Yours? Mine? Kevin from Walgreens?

If I’m being honest, I’m not taking advice from someone who isn’t proven to be really good at the thing I’m asking for advice at. It’s why people look to the top tier PVPers and raiders for guides on how to get better. Their advice has merit, they have the experience, skill and an understanding of the game and class or classes played. Why shouldn’t they take their advice seriously? It’s just being realistic.

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Sam from Taco Bell would be a better option than the int enchanted hunter OP having difficulty in open world content.



So the context is that recently Blizzard wanted to make healing less bursty cause its hard for them to balance both healing going out and damage coming in when Healers can reliably heal huge chunks of HP in either a global or short cast.

So what they did is they increased damage coming in (from NPC’s) by 25% and player HP by 25% (and adjusted DPS/Tank sustain to account for this).

This is a nerf for healers relatively speaking, but it makes balancing incoming damage easier on Blizzards as they have to rely less on instakill mechanics as unavoidable damage becomes harder to heal.

One doesnt necessarily mean the other applies as well. One of Warlock theorycrafters for example is really good with that sort of stuff but ingame skill wise hes quite meh.

Understanding how something works and being able to do the math to me means very little when that person can’t put it into practice. I feel like they understand what to do, but can’t do it and that’s a no-no for me personally.

Ye and thats wrong im afraid. He may not be able to put it into practice but others can. And they use said data they received from him. Turning down potential data (backed up data) just because someone plays on a lower level in general is just…ye.

The only thing youre doing is shooting yourself in the foot that way.

You also have ingame gods that flat out suck in regards of all the math and stuff.

The usual counterargument is that top players are playing a fundamentally different game to regular players.

But in WoW that argument holds less weight as the difference between high and low-end play isn’t really all that big compared to games like say, Overwatch or League of Legends, where characters can be menaces at low-level play and useless at high-end (or vice versa).

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