The 10.1.5 Warlock Questline was pretty silly

I wouldn’t compare holy power to a vaccine but aight

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It’s not one-for-one, but both can serve as a cure to corruption of a healthy functioning system.

“Believe” is a weasel word to you? If you think people who believe in things like God are weasels, I guess that is how you feel about yourself. It is rather weaselly of you to defend an assault against someone who is bound and protesting.

Citing a law is a bad example when the law you cite is not applicable.

The states have different laws. Some states have laws that let you kill a person for entering your property, others have laws that won’t let you kill them unless you tried everything reasonable not to as the standard.

But a person being bound and assaulted against their will, and destroying their captor, would not be considered excessive force.

Not that’s there anything wrong with mistrusting the vaccine. Especially now that we’re finding out it’s causing severe heart problems in young men

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Given that illidan was also made immortal by fel, i doubt you can call it unhealthy

Nope. I realized my mistake about your use of the word “believe”, so I removed that one.

A person being bound and assaulted against their will killing their captor after freeing themselves instead of doing something like escaping would be excessive force.

Ah good, I corrected you, and you learned.

Maybe one day you will see how wrong you are about the rest of your nonsense. But I will take that as some small advancement in your learning.

The more you post, and the more I reply, the more you see how wrong you are. And you go back and change your words.

You are welcome.

I share your concerns. I was clarifying I’m not an anti-vaxxer.

For me, I say it’s unhealthy because it turned Illidan’s feet into hooves, gave him horns and wings and exacerbate his aggression and addiction to magic.

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He has never shown an addiction to magic nor has it be shown to make him any more aggressive then he already was

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“You were right to come to me, Kael. I too share the pain of your addiction – your hunger for magic.”

Actual Illidan quote from Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne.

Next two lines for added context;
Kael: “Can you help us, Lord Illidan? Can you cure us?”
Illidan: “There is no cure, young one. But there are ways to feed the hunger. Follow me, and I will grant your people more magic than they can imagine.”

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You have a habit of turning any thread slightly related to the Light into a screed about Illidan and Xera. When you don’t make your own threads about it. I remember one time you had a couple threads made by you about Xera going on.

I think you are capable of discussing other aspects of the Light besides Illidan and Xera… but you seem to drag all Light conversations down that road.

Just like you have a habit of passive-aggressiveness and falsely accusing me and others regarding motives, but you’re not so bad, especially compared to certain others on the forums.

All Light-related stuff seems to go through Xe’ra these days, because that’s where Blizzard focused/derailed Light-related subject matter in the plot.

I’m not the only one who cites Xe’ra often. I’m just one of the few who does so without blind hatred. Look how often that clip of her and bound Illidan did the rounds on WoW Youtubers’ channels. Bellular, Nobbel, Doronsmovies… for awhile, this was their cliche;

he is right tho, the only cures for magic addiction have been a well and a magic tree, although we have no proof fel use made it any worse, infact it sated the blood elves

We’re both right. Me about him being an addict and you about how they can deal with the problem.

Not at all. Anduin, Calia, Faol have relationships with the Light that have nothing to do with Xera. The Lightforged do not follow Xera any more.

People have discussions about the Light without Xera. There was actually a discussion about the Light going on in here without mention of Xera or Illidan until you brought it up :

Talk about unhealthy obsession…

Fair enough about Anduin and Faol, though Xe’ra’s actions tainted some fans’ trust in Calia (that’s an observation, don’t shoot the messenger).

This thread is about Lightforged Draenei who were Lightforged by Xe’ra herself and served her for millennia until her jobbing death, so bringing her up doesn’t seem off-topic.

That thread you linked and cherry-picked from was me refuting an argument based on some people’s headcanon against that character. Just because you dislike Xe’ra doesn’t mean it’s obsession to use her name when relevant.

I would very much not trust a person powered by something that was poison to my people

If you’re saying what I think you’re saying, that shows a problem with a Lightforged Draenei wanting to become a warlock.

More back on topic…

I admit I am not the best Warlock Player. I like the idea of my Demon pet doing stuff. So I was reticent to use the sacrifice demon talent. But enough people have suggested using the sacrifice demon talent, that I finally did.

As a Warlock Player who has small attachment to his little demons, it made me a little sad to start killing my demons for their power.

But I can see that being a fun part of Lightforged Warlock RP. Summoning a demon to kill it and take its power.

LFWarlock : “Come demon, so I may take your magic, and return you to the nether!”

Demon : “oh no not again…. Ack!”

I mean yea, you dont have to trust a warlock, infact you’d be a fool to trust em

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