The 10.1.5 Warlock Questline was pretty silly

Yeah… I see those largely as relics of an era before the current cosmic structure. Honestly… from before Void, Death, and Fel had really even been divided apart and there were common not-so-subtle usages of the concepts of heaven and hell.

Fel reacts badly to Death from what the Nathrezim say.

The Light reacts badly to Void.

Order doesn’t react badly to anything except more Order. Life doesn’t react badly to anything either.

Those “explanations” are full of plot holes. If you want to accuse me of something, have the guts to do it openly instead of doing it in such a passive-aggressive, cowardly way.

For one, the existence of Lightforged warlocks means at worst Illidan could’ve regained his Fel powers after Lightforging. This undermines the purpose and story role of Lightforging and the fanaticism arc some people blindly support due to either (since you want to get personal) rabid commitment to headcanon, rabid love or hate (like you do) of certain characters, their IRL religious/anti-religious biases or prejudices or projecting themselves onto a certain fel junkie and projecting a hated IRL authority figure on a certain cluster of crystals.

The relevant part is, when did he object BEFORE she tried to Lightforge him?

He defended himself with excessive force (look up what that means legally), even if it was crazy jobbing (at least the Elemental Lords, Old Gods, Wilds Gods and more were allowed to win some battles before they got jobbed).

I personally see Xe’ra’s attempt to Lightforge Illidan as an example of the “morally grey” some WoW fans go on about. Especially since some fans hating on Xe’ra for trying to Lightforge Illidan blindly kiss his (or worse, Sylvanas’) feet when they do the same kind of thing.

They whine that Xe’ra’s authoritarian but give Illidan and Sylvanas passes for making literal Cults of Personality for themselves (remember “Dark Lady watch over you” and “Illidan knows the way”?) and magically enslaving people (as Illidan did to Akama and Sylvanas tried with Derek and succeeded with Anduin). To those who do this; don’t you dare judge if you give them a pass.

Illidan trying to lecture anyone on freedom or authority is hypocrisy of the highest form. And given what came out about a certain dev responsible for that cinematic in a certain lawsuit, they’re not fit to give moral lectures either.

Now back on topic, I agree with the OP, the Lightforged warlock quest is poorly written (interestingly, Blizzard tends to do that more often than not with anything Light-related from Legion onward).

Did you watch the cinematic?

Illidan makes it perfectly clear he’s not okay with the idea (both in his words and the tone of them), then he’s forcefully bound by the light as Xera tries to infuse him with it. The entire time that’s happening he is resisting, before he finally transforms and blasts Xera with fel, killing her (at least temporarily).

Even Velen states that what Xera tried to do was wrong.

Whether or not he could use fel after the fact is irrelevant. His objection was never about the source of his power. Xera wanted to physically change him, tried to force that change onto him when he didn’t go along with it, and got turned into shards of crystal for the attempt.

Also, just to hammer down one point in particular.

One does not have to object BEFORE, for something to be forced on someone. Take for example sexual assault.

If I am with a woman, and that woman doesn’t object to sex before the act begins, but then objects before anything truly gets started, or after it starts. Is it still sexual assault if I continue? Yes! 100%. Am I forcing her to have sex if I continue? Yes! 100%. By not stopping when she says no or when she tells me to stop, I have forced her to do something that she doesn’t want to do.

Now obviously what happened between Illidan and Xera is not even remotely the same as that, but the point remains. If someone is doing something to you, you object and try to stop them, and they continue, they are now forcing you to do something that you don’t want to do, regardless of any prior objections or lack thereof.


I wrote so much, and people cherry-pick snippets. Typical.

Which words of Illidan’s specifically prior to her attempt to Lightforge him? In that case, Velen’s words and tone also condemned Illidan killing Xe’ra.

Sometimes I think many people in these forums have sex on the brain.

I’m not disagreeing about during the attempt to Lightforge, as stated I’m talking about BEFORE.

Side note; With those points addressed (just in case anyone tries to accuse me of whataboutism), what do you think of Illidan’s actions to Akama, or Sylvanas’ towards Derek and Anduin?

And Lightforged warlocks still undermines anti-Light WoW fans’ headcanon.

Those actions are wrong. Just like what Xe’ra did to Illidan is wrong. Simple as that.

You seem to be the only person trying to desperately justify the glorified chandeliers actions

Are you saying the actions of the overrated junkie I cited were wrong too? If so, that’s fair on your part.

Excessive force has a different meaning depending on the jurisdiction, and even that is adjudicated. Some states have “Stand your ground laws” while others have laws regarding “appropriate force” - Azeroth does not follow those laws of the US or Earth in general.

However, since you bring up IRL law…. a person being assaulted does not have to object prior to the assault in order to be considered a victim of assault.

You seem to think because Xera reached “the point of no return” during her assault, Illidan should have let her finish up. Since you bring up the law, that line of thinking holds no water in US courts.

Before is completely irrelevant!

It doesn’t matter if he didn’t object before.

Varied applications of “Excessive force” doesn’t disprove my point. My objections are Illidan killing her, his cringe lines when doing so, and fans praising him for it and demonizing her; major double standard.

I personally see Xe’ra’s attempt to Lightforge Illidan as an example of the “morally grey” some WoW fans go on about. Especially since some fans hate on Xe’ra for trying to Lightforge Illidan blindly kiss his (or worse, Sylvanas’) feet when they do the same kind of thing.

I just said what Sylvanas and Illidan did were wrong. I can put my feelings aside and talk objectively about the lore.

Everyone should try it sometime

I thought you were saying that, I was just trying to clarify. Besides, Lightforging isn’t restrictive like certain fans claim since Lightforged are still free-willed, independent and able to draw on other powers if they choose. Kinda shoots their vaunted “Light fanaticism” arc in the foot (or should I say “hoof”, given all this talk of Draenei and Illidan?)

Not really, Zealots can still have free will, infact they usually do

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Yes it does disprove your point. Excessive is a matter of opinion based on the situation. I believe in most states, a person being assaulted and bound would be seen as using legitimate force to free themselves if they killed the person attempting it.

You disprove yourself with your bad examples.

Which is what makes them so dangerous. They actively choose to be fanatical

So, what is the point of Lightforging in the story? It doesn’t change them as people, it clearly doesn’t restrict what powers they can or can’t use, and the immortality it grants hasn’t come up in the story yet (Turalyon’s longevity could be due to Twisting Nether time shennanigans and Draenei were long-lived before Lightforging).

Maybe that’d be better as its own thread. Maybe next time Light-related things are popular talking topics among the fanbase.

To show their devotion maybe, i could see its use in a prolonged in a prolonged fight with an equally immortal enemy like the legion making sense.

A show of devotion would make sense, though so far the only change seems to be aesthetic and long-life (to anti-Light fans; OH, THE HORROR! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). Maybe for a prolonged fight, but as I said, there’s also time flowing strangely in the Twisting Nether and Draenei were already long-lived beforehand.

You believe in “most” states… weasel word right there. Besides, me citing a law isn’t a “bad example”.

Yea some people don’t want their body marked by whatever holy powers exist, regardless of whatever positive benefits might happen

Just like some people don’t want to take vaccines regardless of whatever positive benefits might happen.

(in case someone tries to accuse me, I’m not anti-vax and get necessary vaccines like flu shots and Moderna)