The 1% will never be satisfied until game is homogenized overwatch with raids

This isnt about that, it is about how obvious that any compromises by blizzard are never enough for the meta slaves that will still complain and demand more unless they turn this game into overwatch with raids.

What blizzard changed with conduits, 10 charges is HUGE, but even that enormous change was not enough for them

Even if it was well balanced these people would still complain because some choices are a huge 3% DPS INCREASE OMG, it doesnt matter how big to them, if it is more than a 0.5% it is huge and they will complain about lack of choice and how bad the balance is.


Oh really its obvious? Where are you getting this obvious from exactly?

If anything the top players are the least vocal about issues they have with the game. If anything they just deal with it or find ways to cheese it.

I think you think the 1% is anyone that posts on forums that disagrees or has other ideas about systems for blizzard.

As I said before, show me where your conclusions come from. Without the data to back up your claims you are just a forum ape with no backbone

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show me data where you draw these conclusions. Lmfao baseless bullcrap from you lot

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Its almost like players are not a homogenized group of people that think one thing…

But how does it make sense for me to be a death loving DK representing life loving Furries? Thats just nonsense and is anti rpg

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They are neko weebs, did you see any handsome anthropomorphic talking werewolves around in ardenweald?

If they were actually furry I would be joining them instead of necrolords, sadly they are just neko weebs and ferals

We need to go back to when changing your specs was hugely expensive to do, right? Because you earned those talents on those specs, and if you wanted to change and just didn’t have the gold to do it, well tough luck. You get to not have access to those abilities you already spent time and effort earning, until you could afford it.

That a similar reasoning, OP. If we earn the conduits in the game, and we have them there for use, we should be able to use them. Logically, there should be no bar at all to making use of something we have earned in the game - otherwise, why let us put it in our conduit library at all? It just sits there, reminding us of what we cannot have.

I remain unconvinced that timegating an ability I already have is reasonable or in any game sense, logical.


welcome back ralph we have missed your threads

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Regardless I do not want to play covenants that are counter culture to the tenants of my class that I choose. But I will choose that if it helps my group push content because in the end of the day I want to help my friends to the maximum of my ability. Choosing between my lore fix and my friends progression and time is hurting my love of the fantasy elements of this game as I will always pick the power component to help my friends out

What be funny it will still be buggy When it dies come out

I mean its a genuine fear OP but thats assuming the devs actually release every Covenant with every Conduit across every Class spec in a balanced homogenized state.

That isn’t going to happen. No matter how much time the devs have.

It’s mighty morphin Ralph thread time!

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So, stereotype or nothing? As in, you don’t believe that there aren’t people that like things that don’t fit in with norms?

Logical? You already to this. You are posting on a hunter. There are a dozen things that you have “earned” that are no longer available to you as you switch spec or talents. Spirit Beasts is an easy example.

Your point is…what?

If I want access to those Spirit Beasts, I can simply click on my Talent screen, select “Beast Master” and swap to it. I do not have to wait a day, I do not have to earn any form of currency to do it, I can do it whenever I want.

There are an abundance of RP servers you can go play on and RP your furry fantasies.

No I never said that. In fact #pulltheripcord would let you pick whatever you want without consequence to the power design. However as it stands I cannot pick anything if I care about player power at all. I will just end up picking whatever is best. The current iteration forces peoples hands away from their choice covenant to the best/ most powerful covenant if they care about team progression at all

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Then let’s pull all the ripcords, faction, class, spec, race, profession. Especially since of the ripcords, covenant is one of the least impactful.

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And that’s why SL is delayed, I could blame the toxic community and influencer for abusing the beta and ptr in using the convenants skills instead of reporting this op bug.

But trust me if this expansion launch out in January, we should be much more concerned about a WC3: reforged result.

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I think the ralphs are fictional constructs created by performance artists.

Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this guy for real?” What if the answer was, “No”.

Thats an overreaction and something that goes against even what #pulltheripcord stands for. At this point I think you gave up on having a good discussion and are just throwing nonsense at the wall claiming things that no one has asked for