The 1% will never be satisfied until game is homogenized overwatch with raids

I can’t agree with you there. I’m making choices based on my gameplay everyday, but I also sim. I haven’t lately as it’s just not needed, but still. I enjoy figuring out what gear works best with my spec. Your speculation of who is meta or this “1%” nonsense doesn’t work.

I’m the most filthiest casual around here, but I also sim and try to be the best I can be for my raid / pvp team.

So what am I? A filthy elitist casual 1%er meta pooper?

Come on mannnn


A little of column a, a little of column b.


Well Ralph does buy m+ carries so he pretty much plays it like a SPRPG instead of an MMORPG

So as long as it helps his single player mind set he won’t care if it hurts people that want to actually perform in group content.


Lol true.

I think he just likes knowing that other people are being punished.

I think it’s sad that he doesn’t realize how many more casual players than 1%ers get caught in the punishment.

That is them making their own choice. It’s just making a choice for reasons other than what you would make the choice for. That doesn’t mean they are wrong, that means they have different priorities or have fun in a different way than you do.


Simming or knowing the meta is very different than being a meta slave, I always sim a ton of different combinations and know what is best, it still doesnt change anything, I ll still make my build the way I want to with Talbadar’s in shadowlands for example and psychic link that everyone dislikes cuz it isnt as broken as the rest.

Does it do less dps in some scenarios than the best ones? Yeah, I still dont care as my gameplay is what matters and if you are skilled you ll do well no matter the build.

There is a big difference between someone who knows how the game works and a meta slave, most meta slaves dont understand how the game works and instead worship sims and the meta in order to make themselves feel they are good players.

Needing someone else to tell you what you are means you are susceptible to social control, what you are shouldnt be affected by what others say.


Ion has no right to say anything on the topic considering he himself treats the game like “Overwatch with raids”. He doesn’t even have pathfinder!


I’d actually 100% prefer covenants be a permanent choice - but you can only have that if you remove the power aspect of covenants, or make the soul bindings not tied directly to specific covenants.

I’d love to be a necrolord, they’re interesting to me, but math doesn’t check out, and not by 5%, we’re talking 30-40% gap between them and my BIS.


You’ll often see players discuss balance and utility like everyone should be able to do what everyone has, while being the special snowflake for every fight. Of course that’s just asking to have your cake and eat it too.

It’s one of those “You think you do but you don’t moments.”


Meanwhile the logs showed classes doing 2X the performance of other classes. Its not 5% that is a myth and a blatant lie. Given blizzards track record this has never been true.



The only compromise I would ever accept is choosing between permanent covenant and mercenary, merc accounts would lose all loyalty rewards and permanent accounts would receive something huge such as change your class abilities to include covenant hue, not some worthless title or mount, and of course you cant bypass that by making another char that mercs on that account.

You are correct. Vanilla, BC and Wrath had abysmal balance. The game was not designed so that classes or specs could be optimal all the time.

Yet despite that design, a shocking amount of people are asking to go back to when this game was still an rpg, before all the qol etc.


I think you are sorely mistaken on every aspect of why anyone and everyone wants it changed. You my friend are tiresomeley wrong in every single forum post you write.

The reason is that it affects everyone differently. For classes that have multiple specs like druid, or paladin it affects the most. It completely locks them out of being even remotely optimal of at least 1 or 2 of their specs. Which then later creates problems with being able to use that offset if they run keys in that offspec, or they need to play a different spec for raid because maybe someone couldn’t make it etc.

There is a multitude of reasons and none of them happen to have anything to do with your ridiculous thoughts.

Just because you suck at the game, doesn’t mean everyone else has to suck too. You actually bought heroic nyalotha clear too, to boot.

The game isnt catered to the 1%. If anything it is catered to the casuals, and those caterings are bad for the rest of the game. Do you even know any top players that have complained about it? Link me some actual stream or YouTube video from a 1%er actually forcing ideas on blizzard please. Or even find me a forum post. Link me any relevant data to that fact, that actually shows the 1% community driving these conspiracy theories you derive to light


Also of note most of the progression in those expansions was class based. Not gimmicky expansion borrowed power that goes away and has a narrative that counters the fundamental tenants of a class lore. Also a shocking amount of people never touched classic and wont ever bother with it.

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I love the accusations that I buy everything simply because I ve admitted to always buy boosts for any new main that is behind

I ll be maining spriest, but if 2 months after I decide to also play ele shaman you can bet I am gonna buy quick 15 boost for my ele so I dont spend months slowly grinding gear to reach the my main’s performance level faster, maybe I ll buy one the week after too if gear is that scarce to boost ele even faster HAHAHHAH

I bought my logs too i guess xD

Yeah, and their raids are filled with mages and Warriors, not Ret Paladins and Feral druids.

Funny dat.


The classic crowd is mostly just people that can’t play well enough to actually hold a raid spot even on normal in retail. Jhst mechanically unaware apes, so they play easy mode classic and pretend their epeen is huge. Classic has the biggest ragers


What’s with the 1% narrative.

Anyone who played the beta for more than 10 minutes would have told you the game wasn’t ready for an October release.


I like how you only replied to a piece of my post that has nothing to do with the fact that you are just a bad player that fills the forums with misinformation because he’s salty about his own abilities.

Still waiting for that data to be linked from where you get all you “information” and “factuals” lmao


I guess we don’t learn from history.

Either A, power is in classes. That power escalates in the arms race over the course of multiple expansions, as each class gets homogenized or power creeped. Leading to bloat. Then we get pruning so we don’t end up with a 100 keybinds.

Or B, power is xpac based. The core class remains the same and are augmented by themed xpacs or tiers that can be removed as needed to prevent bloat and the need for future prunings.

It’s actually comedy, players complain about bloat, so they prune. Players complain about prune, so the give “borrowed power” so they don’t have to prune. Now players complain about “borrowed power.”

The only constant? Players will complain.