The 1% will never be satisfied until game is homogenized overwatch with raids

Just look at the complaints on today’s changes.

They gave them a ridiculous number of conduit changes that I believe is too much(10 charges are huge) and most still complain non stop because this was never about freedom, it was about them wanting to be optimal for every single boss, every single dungeon and sweeping all their character’s weaknesses in an encounter through a tome.

These people dont want to play an RPG where you build a character that has strengths and weaknesses, they want to pick the bis loadout for every single boss, m+ and even trash pull so they NEVER had to deal with actually have weaknesses.

They always and will always complain about balance because even 5% difference is enormous to them, for them a talent that gives them 3% more damage is impossible to not pick and then the same people will complain about choice as if they ever make any choices themselves and arent meta slaves that simply copy what the sims told them.

I have even read that some players were having more fun in WoD because they “only logged in to raid and then played xbox”, clearly they arent having fun playing WoW and instead use WoW the same way they use overwatch, to just login and play a few competitive matches and leave.
They have 0 interest in any actually RPG feature, they dont care that this is an RPG to being with, all they want is overwatch with raids and Ion was right to call them out on it.

That is the crowd that is trying to ruin WoW for everyone else even though they are clearly a minority

And by 1% we obviously dont meant literally 1%, we refer to the toxic tryhard mentality that doesnt only exist in the literal 1% but many people who copy them in a desperate attempt to feel they are “good” even though they dont even understand how the game or their classes work most of the time


Would you consider a meta player a 1%'er?


if u do more dps u can be badder player still get re ward , is normal 4 ppl want to dps a lot so they can get re ward 4 be bad


if they never make their own choices based on gameplay and instead choose what sims tell them is best then yes, especially ones who never actually made any real RPG choices in their life so they just changed to what is obviously most optimal for each spec.

These people have 0 interest in the RPG features of the game which is why covenants annoy them so much, because for once in WoW’s lifetime, meaningful choice exists, a choice they cant just take back by using a tome because it isnt optimal for X boss.


:joy: I was literally thinking the same thing when I came in.



That’s not a request. That’s a statement.


So what if they did the calculations on their own to figure out what worked best. Would meta players still be considered 1%ers?

Or is there no difference between meta players and 1%?


Giving us charges is not freedom now instead of a 1 per week limit we have a 1 per day limit or until we expend our saved up limits. That isn’t freedom.


Why do you care so much that someone wants to play a certain way? Why do you want to control someone who wants to perform to the best of their ability? If you don’t want to play that way, if you like how things are now, if the restrictions were removed you wouldn’t be stopped from playing how you want. So why do you want to stop me from playing how I want? I don’t care how you enjoy the game. Why do you care how I do?

Btw if you think this is strictly the 1%, you’re even more ignorant than I thought. Or an amazing troll.


Nope, I suspect the top 1% of players would be very satisfied with systems that let them tinker without time-gate/un-fun content used as a punishment. They are already out-achieving the 99%, so any sort of gate should be skill-based and they’d be thrilled.

WoW is not a RPG, it is a MMO - you must and always should sacrifice roleplay for gameplay.



Casual players want to make choices for themselves instead of having a website tell them what to pick.

Casuals want to swap things around to feel what fits their playstyle and is the most fun.

Casuals that care about meaningful choices that impact their fun and groups success are negatively impacted by restrictions.

There’s nothing mandatory about an rpg having permanent and punishing choices.


I feel like you’ve made this post already

I distinctly remember overwatch with raids in a thread

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It is an rpg and an mmo. What it’s not is a single player rpg.


The moment people stop making choices based on gameplay and what they enjoy and rather what sims best, be it from their own or other’s sims they are a meta slave, they no longer are in control of their build, the sims are.

And it gets even worse when the people who dont understand sims copy them since they dont understand the occasional flaws of sims or technicalities, blind worshipping is even worse but it is still worshiping.


We can just agree to disagree - but teleporting spaceships with infinitively resurrecting demons with lasers moshed the “roleplay” so very hardcore that I will never consider it a real RPG :wink:

I knew it was going to be flagged lol.

It’s a choice you make, and it doesn’t matter if you agree with it, they can play how they want

Look I think i speak for everyone when I say I’m glad he’s back.

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Actually, rather than 12 charges per week, you get 7.

Funny how they always complain even though they made the choice to be meta slaves that will choose what the sims tell them is best instead of make their own choice.

It is why you see so many balance and “lack of choice” complaints at all times(Not just now) when in reality they never allow themselves to make a choice that doesnt worship the sims.