"That's really a skill issue."

Hm yea he’s 146 ilevel. Now reread my comment and see what you missed. Take your time, reading is hard.

It makes no sense in a moba. It makes perfect sense in a mmorpg and was exactly how the game was designed from vanilla to cata. Progression and investment do and should matter.

However, that does not mean that the current system is correct either. There are too many ilvl tiers and the ilvl floor is too low. Additionally the rate of acquisition of both conquest and honor is too low.

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I’m sorry to break it to you. If you feel a 5 ilevel difference…its probably a skill issue.


He can say whatever he wants that doesn’t mean we’ll listen. In fact, where’s my shades and safety plugs.

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227 from rbgs, 1400 in 2s. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I’m not sure if I trust your judgment.


I’m 100% more reliable than someone who hides behind an alt


I play off meta comps at around 2050 in 2s, 3s. I’m not good, but I’m not 227 at 1400.

It’s alrite, we heard that excuse before.


People too busy talking about PvP not actually listening to the interview to realize that it was a PvE comment.

Thus is the GD cycle of regugitating half-info to make it seem like they have a point


Not going to lie, he is kind of right. And it was hilarious when he said it was a skill issue.

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The difference between honor gear and conquest gear (of which there was only one type, as it was not rating locked) during wod was 10 ilvls. This would be the equivalent of 3.5 ilvls with the level squish. And right now the ilvl difference between top PvPers and those in honor gear is how much?

Get real. It’s a sick joke.

No. He’s completely wrong. He designed a gearing system intentionally that would lock out players who did not start the expansion with a background and connections and played the game like two full time jobs the first month.

Why? Because god-like mythic raiders deserve this, and anybody who has been locked out can be considered a potential purchaser of paid carries. Lots of paid carries that can easily be turned into real life income by those same mythic raiders and arena gods.

Have a reality check.


That’s exactly the situation, though. What people are overlooking in favor of that soundbite is that higher skill then typically leads to higher gear. It’s the basic reward structure of the game - do better/harder content, get better loot. So yes, it is a skill issue when we look at the gap in the average performance of people in roughly heroic and mythic gear, because the latter literally has a higher bar to even obtain it in the first place.

That’s pretty big talk from someone that GD dumps on pretty regularly. Not saying I have paid attention, but it does seem to pop up quite a bit.

What you are overlooking is that getting in early has gotten a lot of players up to a gearing level that a new team cannot possibly overcome, given that multiglads are now encouraged to wreck new teams in seriously mismatched games for cash money payouts that everybody’s talking about.

Mathematically impossible. The reward structure of the game didn’t give the first mythic raid team to kill Denathrius a free spot at the top in the next raid, did it?

During wrath devs discussed why they decided not to lock higher ilvl pvp gear behind rating. Because it was bad for the game. If you think too many people are doing PvP now and that needs to be fixed, you’re doing it right.


The statement was made in regards to PvE. So this is irrelevant to what Ion was actually commenting on.


Thank you Mr. Hall Monitor. The topic has indeed come up in this thread above.


Then why are you still trying to use that like it’s a valid point? You know that it isn’t what he was commenting on, yet try to tell me I was “overlooking” this scenario that wasn’t part of the question.


That’s a load of bull. It depends on the classes as well. The I’ll imbalance and the class imbalance is real.

Also, locking pvp gear behind rating is ridiculous. I agree on progressing and grinding, but artificial walls in pvp are just as bad as in pvp. Just make conquest points worth more than honor points.


Because you’re attempting to paper over the fact that the enormous power gap is much greater than it has ever been before. It is a reward to elites for playing the game right™. The new mythic+ rating system will make it easier than ever to decline players. Less access to content = fewer players. But it’s just a symptom of the direction the game is heading.


Where should the gameplay be heading? Back to simpler times?

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