Safe Haven just put the last nail in the coffin.
What did the Validated Doomsayer used to say, again? Oh yeah.
“I was right all along”
Safe Haven just put the last nail in the coffin.
What did the Validated Doomsayer used to say, again? Oh yeah.
“I was right all along”
YOu see the interview where they said theres alot left of Sylvanas’s story? Apparently not enough to warrent a cinimatic explaining her 9d chess plan
Naw, I think they are gonna still have her do 20 more stupid pointless things like kicking puppies everywhere she goes. Like Garrosh torturing civilians and children for no tactical reason in the streets of Orgrimmar.
Character assassination BLIZZARD STYLE doesn’t know when to quit.
Until I see a legitimate reason to turn against her, it’s just another raid tier to ignore.
If Sylvanas had actually wanted to legendary fighters like Thrall and Saurfang dead, she wouldn’t have sent only two rogues that RAN STRAIGHT AT THEIR TARGETS SO LOUDLY YOU COULD HEAR THEIR FOOTSTEPS. That’s some Warrior stuff right there, not Rogue. She would have sent a dozen, they would have waited until the targets were seperate and/or sleeping. This is a bait, and the two orcs swallowed it.
Time to get that sweet DW mount and ignore the whole of bfa completely…
Well at least the horde will triumph right?
May our queen rest in peace and our alliance overlords can finally rule the teo factions. Since just cowards are left in the horde.
Yeah, sending two lvl 1 Forsaken rogues who barely attempt stealth to kill Thrall seems like a false flag more than anything else.
I can already see the final cutscene from the expansion.
As Sylvanas falls on the ground, Saurfang moves to execute her with his Legendary Cleave, Genn interceds saying that .
Genn: Her punishment is not for you alone to decide
Saurf: I wont let YOU take her!
Tyrande: We all suffered from her atrocities. My people more than any other. Let her face trial with Elune. There we will meet justice for all.
Genn and Varok stand aside.
Varok to Thrall: The Horde needs its true warchief, now more than ever.
Thrall: Yes, but it was you who held the horde together during this madness. It was you that protected our Honor. From this day on Varok, if you lead I will follow.
Varok: I…am not worthy, but I will give my all…for the Horde!
Genn to Anduin: Big Oof Look at them, already they plot against us. Seize this moment, Anduin. D I S M A N T L E the Horde.
Jaina: Anduin! What are you doin?
Anduin: What a king must do. I WILL SPEAK TO YOUR WARCHIEF!
Varok: I speak for the Horde.
Anduin: Very well. The horde has commited hedious crimes, Varok. But some fought against Sylvanas’ tyranny. For that, I am willing to end this bloodshed. But know this: If your Horde fails to uphold honor as Garrosh did…
We will cuddle you.
Fade out
This is the person who power slid into Frostmourne we are talking about.
It’s ironic because I was super down to clown as Horde, started as alli up until Cata where I quit… Came back, swapped from elf/worgen to Troll at the end of pandaland. Woo boy, vol’jin as warchief how exciting! Garrosh is out so that’s neat and stuff, oh… Oh vol’jins hardly in WoD, well it’s fine i’m sure he’ll get some play in uhhh Leg- oh…
I feel like I hopped into a plane that’s crashing into a chasm or something.
Yo, but real talk though, if she DOES end up a raid boss, what mount will she drop? And what will the AotC quest mount be?
Probably drop a bat or something, AoTC mount will be some old god nonsense setting up the N’Zoth raid where we beat him in one shot and set up the next expac.
Genocide isn’t a legitimate reason? lol
“It was genocide against the Alliance.”
There. I made the argument for him. Nobody argue for eighteen threads now.
Thanks Ben
It’s finally time to kill her! Think she’ll drop her cool hood?
A permanent flying broom that periodically emits a cackle?
They are going to pull a GoT subversion of expectations:
Make Sylvanas a good person at the end, and have us show that the rebels were void infected.
She’ll essentially drop a purple invincible and the AotC quest mount will be an undead wyvern.
Maybe we’ll get an ability to turn into a ghost and fly wherever we want. “Banshee’s Essence” or something.