That silly smirk Sylvannas has

Keep arguing sweetie. She’s a Villian Sue.

Also LOL are you high? Are you seriously crying because we want Slyvanas to die? So when people want Tyrande, Anduin, Jania, Saurfang, Thrall, Alleria, to die? Do you have a problem with that? And yes, I have seen a few wish death upon them. Or do you join? Your entire last post is literally the most stupid part of this thread, because you are crying because someone wants your favorite character to die?

I also want Nathanos killed off too. You going to have a cry about that too?

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roflmao…You’re just seeing what you want to see. No where am I crying, unlike the wailing going on from the Sylvanas haters here. :smile_cat:

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Because she was the Ranger General who directly opposed Arthas trying to invade and so he took it personally. He took her soul, ripped it from her body, and tortured it for what we can only assume was many years before she was finally able to reclaim her body and was free from the Lich King’s will.

So yes, she is very much different to nearly all raised/undead etc due to the amounts of suffering she was put through.

Sounds like it to me. You are upset because people want Slyvanas dead? So what? She’s an evil character, and even if she was a “hero” there’s nothing wrong with hoping a fictional character died. Same Slyvanas fans wanted Jaina and Tyrande dead.

I don’t want Jaina dead, I just want her and Sylvanas to marry each other for political peace and end up falling in love with each other.

Gosh is that so much to ask for?


Yes banshees do typically remain in their ghostly form. Sylvanas started out that way. Once the Lich King lost control of her mind and she regained free will, she specifically went and found her body and possessed it.

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It is nothing different than what Alliance did to the poor vulperas?

Stop being mean to Kerrigan.

Plenty of people die opposing great evil. She’s not special or unique in any way shape or form here.

Wrong. This was almost an instant process. She felt tortourus pain when she became a banshee. There are other banshees. There are other people that were tortured. She’s not special here. Again. She’s just like so many others, even the ones she hurt. Hypocrite. Narcissism.

She was under his direct command and mind-controlled by Arthas for awhile actually.

It’s not only so many other undead she shares an experience with, it’s also other people. No matter what she went through there are other situations where people can feel the same way. Even altogether.

So no. She’s not a special snowflake.

lol…I’m hearing ‘Leave Brittany Alone!’…

We are going to battle sylvanas at the end of the xpac. when we beat her a cinematic well play. She well then smirk and one shot us all. The End. Enter WoW2.


Admit it, you know the high point of the expansion is going to be watching that smirk wiped off her face in glorious 4K HD when she finally bites off way more than she can chew.

I hope sargeras busts out of his cosmic prison thing, grabs his sword and cleaves the planet in half.

no one likes Tyrande. We’re just stuck with her since they ruined Shandris and left Maiev on a warfront.

It’s a lot different.

  1. Only caravans were targetted.
  2. It depends who you ask. Alliance and horde got completely different quests. Alliance got a quest to scare away the vulpera and burn the supplies, horde got one where alliance apparently were killing vulpera.

My only complaint is that she one shot a dude that could take down a 40 man raid in 15 seconds.

Right, caravans full of kids and belongings… Caravans are like homes to vulperas.
So you burned a lot of caravans and we burned one big tree. Yw.

So it is 50 50 now.

You seem mad.

I guess you prefer a sad orc face to a smirky sassy elf.

No, the smirks are nice and playful.


We scared away people and you burned thousands alive. Sure, totally the same.

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Is there an /OOC tag that we’ve been missing? Can we actually talk about real life stuff without players forgetting that Azeroth is an imaginary place?

Do they know about Santa Claus?