First of all, you can’t even spell “Mary” correctly…
…second…You clearly don’t even understand the term “Mary Sue” if you think committing genocide and getting away with it makes her less of one.
You, and whomever liked your comment, should take some literature classes before you come here trying to tell me what is and isn’t the definition of something when you can easily Google this and see you have no clue about anything story related.
You can be a evil character and still a Mary Sue, there’s actually several variation of it, go look at TVtropes, don’t be surprised if Slyvanas shows up on the video game list below, (I believe they still udate.
She’s a Mary Sue and you know it. Not only that, but Blizzard is obivously going to make all of this somehow, as if she was the hero all along trying to save us, especially with her last quote “I’ll set us free from death” or whatever she said. Which FYI only means the Horde, because the Kaldorei reject her BS.
End of Shadowlands Expansion, Tyrande’s the evil one, Slyvana’s the good one (Mary sueing her even more), Tyrande dies, next expansion Blizzard just puts Slyvanas back on the throne and pretends BFA and Shadowlands didn’t happen, because they and the Banshee’s fanboys all have a hard on for her. Guess sex really does sell.
I just googled Evil Verison of Mary Sue and Villian Sue popped up with Tv Tropes. Unforuently don’t think I can link it? But it’s very 3-second easy to find.
Seriously, yall Banshee lovers go look at it before you sound completely stupid. It exists, literally the definition of it. And don’t worry, Blizzard is going to Mary Sue her to the ground where she just ends up alive and back in the Horde as some “hero”
I forgot. She’s sad and SOOO unique that she was raised by Arthas. Umm. Why is her case with being undead more important than anyone elses?
Isn’t she a massive narcissist and hypocrite for raising new humans to her curse that she says is a curse anyways? Oh and forget doing to her own sister what happened to her. lol. She’s so special. She doesn’t struggle anymore than anyone else in Azeroth.
Damn. I hate her fans more than her. She’s actually cool though.
So why is it the rabid night elf fans that spam the forums about Tyrande like her for normal reasons but everyone that likes Sylvanas is a fanboy that wants to sleep with her?
But I love how the Banshee fans ALWAYS switch it around, because god forbid should anyone speak the truth about Slyvanas. Just because the same thing applies to Tyrande, doesn’t mean Slyvanas gets scott free. And also the story is clearing gearing Tyrande to evil and dead, Slyvanas hero and alive.
Since BFA begun the fans of Slyvanas have been trying to come up with crazy and whacky ways to defend her, claiming anything from “Lolz just a war guys” to “Okay so now she’s literally done evil crap, but lolz guys she’s still a good person”
She’s been Mary Sued since the beginning of BFA. Before that, she was morally gray and actually alright.
Same in reverse, if Sylvanas dies, I will be celebrating and laughing. (Although, we already see the Sylvanas fans cry over the past year because some saw her turning evil, killing her off, becoming a raid boss etc. That was hilarious watching those people cry.)
Not a mary sue.
People like the character, but because you don’t, you want to see her killed off?
I like her character always have and disappointed the way they took Sylvanas’ story. But I’ve come to understand they’ve just given her more depth and more future story to look forward to. I don’t believe they have her death planned for the future at this time.
But haters…making false claims because they dislike her character? Hoping they kill her off? Yeah…you guys are making yourselves look really silly here with the outrage.