That silly smirk Sylvannas has


Don’t dis the leader of the Best Friend Squad by comparing her to Mary Suevannas. SheRa is a better written character than that. Her show on the other hand, not quite Voltron season 8 but I can see it derailing into that kind of a mess.

Elephant in the room—YOUR smirk is silly. Let’s see how you come back from that one, you fool!


I’m waiting for her to do the Ojou/Noblewoman’s laugh at the end of her “this was my plan all along” monologue while petting a cat.


I don’t think you know what a Mary Sue is, because she’s definitely not it. It does make me happy to see people like you so bitter over her :joy:


I dunno, I don’t make it past her hips.


BfA Sylvanas is a classic sociopath. In fact, when you look at her actions, it feels like the writers consulted a diagnostic handbook when writing her actions.

Let’s see which classic symptoms she has:

  • Arrogance and feelings of superiority.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Superficially charming.
  • Switches very quickly to hostility, irritability, aggression and violence, particularly when thwarted.
  • Lack of empathy for others.
  • Lack of remorse about harming others.
  • Persistent lying or deceit in order to exploit others.
  • No consideration given to morality or ethics.
  • Failure to consider the negative consequences of certain behaviors, or learn from them.
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I got a fever and the only prescription is MOAR TEETH!!!

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No one said anything about Bow.

Legion and BFA. Lot of people died. They all went to the Maw. Guess who has been getting stronger this entire time.

Saurfang was far more of a Mary Sue, but you probably loved him.


OMG I thought I was the only one who was bothered by that stupid snide smirk she always does in every cinematic we see her in lol.

This is the holy combo of butt hurt Sylvanas haters. (dare I say also from a small but persistently vocal group of men who lack something).


Cata was when she started running death camps in Gilneas and conquered areas of Lordaeron.

Someone is mad at her skills. :slightly_smiling_face:


Not only this.

You can easily tell who never wrote anything when they say,

“Sylvanas isn’t a Mary Sue! It’s just bad writing!”

A Mary Sue is the result of bad writing.

Sylvanas isnt a Marry Sue, maybe you guys should look up the meaning of Marry Sue.


How about you look it up?

Use Google.


Yep know what it is and clearly Sylvanas is not that. Cant really call someone who burns down an world tree with most of the Night Elf population a Marry Sue.

Seems to me you have no clue at al.


Spoiler alert next time dude…