That Darn Fox!

Still bugged today. I can’t catch Renny after clicking on it several times. NPC just stands still and becomes unclickable.

One time it worked and left me stranded in Bastion.

Still bugged.

Randomly bugs either in the first catch, the second or the third. Tried relogging, disabling addons and keeps bugging

Exactly what happens with my attempts.

That Darn Fox - quest flakes out when you’re in the part in Bastion… stands there and doesnt register the catch, so you can’t continue on… dropping the buff doesn’t help, he disappears, and you have to go back to Ardenweald to either re-grab the buff or the quest…
in addition… dropped the quest and picked it up again in AW… could not register the fox RIGHT OFF THE BAT… turned me gold as if I caught it, but he stood there in place on the ground… wouldn’t move, wouldn’t jump in my arms, nothing… abandoned again, and picked up the quest right next to the quest giver, once again… this time, caught him in AW, caught him in Bastion, went to MalDrx., killed the baddie, and clicked the fox to complete it, and once again, turned gold and watched the fox stand there on the floor… no moving, no clicking, no registering… screen shots to prove. And please, before you give me your same canned answer copy and paste from your premade Blizzard templates, it’s NOT AN ADD ON PROBLEM! So please spare us the horse manure, cool? Clearly all these people aren’t all wrong…

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I can confirm it’s not an Adon issue, as I don’t use Adon’s in the game. I am at the exact same impasse, I can’t even pick the fox up in AW, let alone go anywhere else on the quest. I have tried EVERYTHING that has been suggested and NOTHING works.

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One week and this quest still has the same problems. Are they just ignoring it?

Just had this problem.
I managed to get the fox on ardenweald, then ported to bastion and managed to get him again but nothing happened. I know i got him because of the animation and the light that appears on your character when you do so.
Tried to /reload the game but no use.

Happened again, but this time in Maldraxxus

This right here! Still bugged.

I turned off all addons, made sure my hunter pet was dismissed, didn’t click Rennie until I was standing still, logged out and back in and nothing helped.

My character does the holding an object pose and Rennie is sparkly on the ground, but he cannot be clicked or otherwise interacted with. He just growls.

I was able to complete this yesterday without any issue and I have like 57 addons running. Either there’s quest or phasing that is bugging.

I have left the room and entered and fought the boss and I click on the fox and glow gold but nothing happens, I dont teleport or can complete the quest

I got to the last step in Maldraxxus and it bugged.

2nd Dec 2020 still bugged. no idea why we have to do all the legwork… thought they held this lag ridden shartstorm back to fix the issues…

stuck on ardenwald do the 5 failed attempts glow gold assume the Soon ™ pose …he rainbow farts away and then nolonger interactable no progress no teleport nothing Aman’thul horde warrior . gunna try it on another character next

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Still bugged. Clicked on him in ardenweald and got transported to bastion. Clicked on him several times to remove the buff and got stuck since he didn’t teleport me to maldraxxus. Had the pose of holding something in my hands while the fox was on the ground.
This quest ought to be removed and the pet just gifted to everybody given how broken it is.


Still bugged.

I abandoned the quest and then picked it back up, and it finally let me finish it.

I did that like 5 times. Still didn’t work.

Hotfix notes said they fixed it. Still broken in Ardenwield for me.

Still bugged for me. :confused:

still bugged and do not use add on’s at all