That Darn Fox!

Quest is still bugged. The fox does not jump into my arms in Ardenweald. I’m stuck on this part. Can anyone please fix it? It is NOT fixed as the support article says.


Still bugged in ardenweild count down his buff count and then he just sits still and does nothing until he despawns.


Still bugged despite the in-game FAQ claiming how they’ve “had a talk” with Renny to make him more obedient. Contacted a GM over this who sent me a completely worthless canned reply telling me to look it up on WoWhead (which I specifically mentioned already doing), turning off addons (ditto) and other stuff I also tried before contacting them, proving that they haven’t even read it.

Glad to know the game was delayed for “quality reasons”, yet blunders like this are still present and the support people don’t care.


It bugged out on me after killing that guy in Maldraxxus. The fox just became unclickable despite still having the buff.


if you get to that point you can manually remove the buff your character has and then click on him (before the npc in that room phases back in) and it should complete

i had him targeted and pressed the I key , which i have bound to “interact with target” - which also makes “clicking” on him while running around in the previous steps that much easier as well, just target and spam I.


This quest is still bugged. just went to maldraxxus killed a dude now i can’t click on little fox…

Yup, still bugged. This is the second day in a row. I’ve disabled all addons, deleted all cache files and WTF files, still nothing. I think this whole area is bugged. Even chests aren’t opening after doing everything to open them. This is so frustrating!

stuck on last part, in Maldraxxus

Seriously catch that darn fox, Npc not clickable after killing the quest mob)

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Just like someone else posted

“when you kill the boss in maldraxxus, just manually click your speed buff off and you will be able to click renny again.”

just did it, it works.


Kill the mob in Maldraxxus
Click the fox upon spawning
right click to remove his buff
click renny BEFORE the mob spawns again and the quest should complete and tele you back to the quest starting location.

can confirm this as of 03:20 p.m. pst

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So I was coming here to look for solutions, but ended up getting it done myself.

From what I can tell, the important part is to not use ANY shapeshifting effects. For me (a shaman,) that was Ghost Wolf and Ascendance.

Perhaps speed buffs or other movement abilities may also bug the quest, or maybe I just got lucky after not using them to click/pick him up.

GL all…I don’t even know what the quest gave me. T_T

Edit: nvm, I know what I got now. cool.

Still bugged. Tried this and fox disapears and never respawns unless I log off and back in. Even then, hes loaded when I log back in. Still cant complete and now the fox doesnt load at all.

still bugged. tried yesterday and today

“that darn fox!”, more like “that darn quest!” or “that darn lazy coder who stuffed it up”

This actually worked. I had to do it a bunch of times (and the NPC you have to kill still was dead in the room). But eventually it did finally complete and pick the bugger up. I was able to complete the quest. Nothing after it though. Not sure if there’s supposed to be a pet reward or anything lol, but at least it’s done.

Yeah i just got done killing the guy and it bugged on me… So i can’t click on him to move foward now… So as of 6:57PM 11/30/2020 it still bugged…

Any one from blizzard ? 5 days of this bugged quest…

renny showed up in the heart of the forest (night fae sanctum) with a quest to get him as a pet

not sure if he shows up in other sanctums if you have a different covenant, or if you have to go there to see him

This is still broken. You chase him around and then your character does an animation like they’re holding something and nothing happens, he appears targetable on the ground still and sparkles, yet you can’t click him. Have seen that logging out and back in several times can help, but I haven’t managed to get it to work yet.


Still bugged and nothing mentioned in the hotfixes.

Yep still bugged. Tried all the logging out tips, still cant complete this quest. Even got to killing the boss but then my body shines gold and it never completes or teleports me back to Ardenweald.