That 100% EXP boost is unbelievable


Just turn the exp off if you don’t like it lmao

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Slip Sliding away music intensifies

It’s a never ending goldmine, dude:



Running GY 5-8 times per level, with 9min aoe GY clears for 5 instances every 50 minutes for 72 consecutive hours in a mid-tier bracket of insanely boring/sparse quest availability is not a “significant part of the game”.

It’s a boring hurdle before you get to actually participate in the game.

Spoken like a retailer who likes boosts. Just boost then, why even 100% xp increase? perma xp boost is one more step into casualising the classic game and turning it into retail. This is blizzards panic attempt to try and get the dying subs back.


I guarantee you I have more characters, at higher level, with more of whatever avenue of gameplay you find valuable in classic era wow.

Both vanilla, classic relaunch, tbc/wotlk advancement, classic era servers, etc.

I have done the thing more times than I can keep up with. It has nothing to do with “boosting” or “turning into retail” - it’s that a temporary seasonal server has a year long life expectency… This isn’t a forever server. Spending a massive amount of time on leveling progressing just for it to mean nothing is goofy.

Or is this your first seasonal content of any video game?

I wonder how many times he’ll use this word before it finally sinks in that WoW has been Everquest for casuals since day 1…


Probably explains why you prefer the casual retail mindset, hah. Lets give everyone free epics and legendary/artifacts while we’re at it to go along with your free xp! Feel accomplished yet?

I will be happy to compare classic era character progression with you at any point.

I raided Naxx 40 tonight in 1hr 46mins - Did you?

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crying more about players being able to reach end game faster and making more gnomers and filling BGs more consistently. Do you idi0ts just always gravitate towards bots?

ahh man cant wait to treat WoW like a job instead of a game. How about you actually fill in an application

I can understand hating a lot of decisions in SoD, but the decision to implement an experience boost seems like the last thing anyone should be up in arms about.

Bots are going to run rampant regardless of a 100% experience increase or not. Report them and move on. That’s all you can do. The economy is already completely trashed from P1. There is no saving it.

Allowing people to level new classes to max faster to try out the new runes and playstyles isn’t a bad thing. Let people have fun playing the game. It does you absolutely no harm.

This is a really pathetic way to level. You relinquish your right to complain about leveling being unfun if this is how you choose to do it.

Incorrect. The game starts at level 1 in Classic. This isn’t retail where leveling is

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Yeah, you’re right, fighting hundreds of people for each quest mob is totally better. And then at 40, you get to grind dungeons for all the books you didn’t get while leveling.

Uhh, leveling is the most tedious off-putting part of classic era. Questing is boring, and classes are wildly unequal in power disparity. Getting through the leveling process as fast as possible in classic is always the goal - because missing single lockouts means being permanently behind.

Hes too afraid to even comment back.

Careful youre talking to an Orange parsing (2.15% of the time) Classic Warrior legend.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nobody has said this. Ever.

There were bots before gdkp, there are bots after it.

It makes the need for gold far less, and drives down prices to a point it’s much less profitable to bot. Why spend all that $$ on computers, Internet, electricity, cooling, and subscriptions if it’s not nearly as profitable? Exactly.

Very simple economics lesson friend.

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At least make it so you can’t get the 25-40 xp buff without having at least 1 max level character. You make a good point I didn’t even think about with bots. My first reaction was how much time I just wasted leveling… Limiting the buff would still help alts which seems to be the intention of the buff, while also respecting peoples’ time and discouraging bots even if its just a tiny bit.

Ignoring the bot problem. Learn to read.