That 100% EXP boost is unbelievable

Bots are tied to RMT chumps, for which there are many. The ban on GDKP is just the start of handicapping RMT busters.

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Our server has dozens of bots in every zone and it’s the lowest pop in NA.

Even lowest pop servers have dozens of bots in every levelling zone. Is fondling billionaire’s balls a job that pays well or?

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No way Drinknblink is in this thread too? This guy doesn’t sleep, literally how.


Nah pretty sure that was anti-GDKPers coming up with that so they could get GDKP banned. But now we see bot numbers didn’t decrease, but normal player numbers did. Good job.

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take a look at every single MMO that has ever existed and point to the one without a botting problem

I mean I get people don’t like bots but complaining about an XP boost that overall helps and grows the community because you’re worried about the bots is just a waste of breath. Idc how much money a company has, there will always be bots.

So should the buff be for alts only?

I’ve levelled a gorillion times, I’m fine with the xp buff. I don’t want to see it in classic plus or fresh, but SoD I’m totally cool with it.

If SoD wasn’t phased, I wouldn’t be leveling alts, and I’d want regular XP.

Most seasonal things give exp bonuses for leveling in different manners once you’ve already leveled once - to incentivize continuing to play once you’ve done the content once.

I, personally, would like to see it enabled once you hit 40 on a character that your other characters get the buff.

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Hahahahaha, loooool. You’re STILL so hung up on that and mad. I can see the red on your face from over here, kek. Rent free in your head with that ONE post they made. It’s SO fun watching you seethe in MULTIPLE threads about it.

“Uh, guys, look, I proved them wrong even after they got me and I moved my goalposts! Haha look everyone please let me into the in-crowd because all I do is post on the forums and I need a win because I have nothing (in WoW) to do because GDKP is BANNED and REPORT-ENFORCED and GONE FOREVER so pls crowd around me, laugh with me, then sic that guy I hate on these forums because hahahahaha they said they had orange parsed but they only orange parsed less than however many times I assumed they did entirely on my own and because they didn’t explicitly give ALL information at the time related to their claim HAHAHA THEY’RE BAD LOL please feel bad for me and/or look my way because i cant play the game anymore.”

I don’t care if I sound unhinged, but pot meet kettle, Drink, if you think so LOOL. Please keep posting the same stuff. PLEASE. I get SO much satisfaction as an unrelated, unaffiliated party in these forums.

Loving. Every. Laugh.

I mean he made an idiot of himself and others agreed.

In order to be an orange parser you would need to finish the raid tier as a 95+ parser in best, he never did.

He had 2 orange parses in 93 kills.

We all laughed at him and moved on.

You ok?

Pffftloooool yes this is 10 char.

I love the increased experience… I hate leveling to begin with, this speeds that up. Bots is on them.

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I remember it was 2008-2009 and it was transitioning from TBC to WOTLK at the time. I was either 15 or 16 and I was brand new to WoW and the world was still magical to me.

I remember watching this guy named Reckful on YouTube at the time and when I saw how good he was, I strived to be as good as he was. One day I was in Brill (I forget the server but it was either on Blackrock or Tich), and I see Reckful and I pause in-game and IRL. I gasp and I say oh sh. It, that’s him……

But as soon as I see him and I’m in awe I have no time to even take on what’s going on because a dread lord about 25 feet tall is assaulting Brill and laying waste to all the noobs in the area.

All of a sudden a GM spawns in and he starts going to work, him and Reckful and all the level 5-10s in the area. And together we took down that Dread lord at a cost that took much of Horde that day. And I will always remember that day. And that is why I love this game so much. R.I.P. Reckful.

T.L.D.R. Stop complaining about G.M.s interference and be lucky for your experience.