That 100% EXP boost is unbelievable

You guys have been doing a TERRIBLE job at catching bots and you want to make sure they get to 40 twice as fast? Are you taking the piss?


Get over it.


Bots were tied to ONLY GDKP’s, Dont you remember the community telling you that?

As im looking at 5 bots rn in sod.


Imagine being able to level alts easily/freely with significantly less time invested to enjoy the game and going so far out of your way to create a reason to be mad about it when one doesn’t exist.

Do you genuinely think bots care how long it takes to hit 40? They’re bots. It’s the regular every-day casual player that doesn’t want to spend 40 hours per alt re-leveling that is about to get a massive QoL increase.


Josh Greenfield is the worst thing to happen to WoW, just like Jay Wilson was the worst thing to happen to Diablo. Change my mind.


Puppet account defending botting. Interesting.

No because the entire point was that GDKPs incentivise gold buying which in turn incentivises botting to get said gold. Bots existed without GDKP. It doesn’t mean GDKP wasn’t incentivising more of it.

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BuT tHiS bEnEfItS bOtS sO yOu GuYs DiD a TeRrIbLe JoB!1!



you know… this is a seasonal server right? era/hc >>>>>>>>


This is incredible.

I will probably play almost every class now instead of just 1.


Yeah bro skirt the point that this makes bots have huge negative effects on the game twice as fast.


Everyones subs about to expire exactly a month from when p2 began.

Exactly that week, they make exp 100%.

Planned and calculated. Blizzpilled

well they made the account have to have a level 40 spray that would eliminate the problem when account gets banned.

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I will be leveling a Shaman next week, thx blizzard.


The entire point of SoD is discovering. Discovering new class/spec combos, playstyles and builds. Its a seasonal server, let people level multiple classes a little quicker so people can try things out and find what they do and do not like. We did a near full on no changes vanilla in 2019, been there, done that. This entire server is experimental and a large test ground for future products, just have fun with it. If it isn’t your cup of tea, you have retail, era, hardcore + ssf and soon to be cata. I’m sure there’s a game version you’d enjoy.

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Yes there is no reason for bots as there is nothing to buy anymore i was told.

Gold prices doubled.

Bots everywhere.


oh no now my alt leveling will be 100% more efficient… THE HUMANITY


The most appealing thing about P1 was how easy it was to level to 25 and all the different classes u can try, now they give a boost to level to 40 faster. I think they learned from p1 and implemented what people loved most about p1 into p2…this was a great idea

I’d honestly rather them do the exp boost then sell level boosts in SoD because that would only open up more money for game services like special mounts, pets, etc. and I’d like to avoid that.

I only see bot hunters killing near Tarren Mill and A. Highlands, if blizz can’t see how obvious they are and ban them, I don’t have much care at this point and will just make the most out of this game while I can.

Watch numbers dwindle even more, making things easy is the pathway to failure, just like every expansion since vanilla. Why not just give everyone artifact/legendary/epics and make them easy to acquire? i will feel super accomplished and want to play more right? Terrible game design made by horrible retail dev team, lead by Josh Greenfield aka Jay Wilson.


The only people who said that were pro-gdkp trolls trying to make a strawman.

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