Thanks to the level boost, I'll be playing TBC Classic

i wonder if they realize that in retail you don’t get perma’d for botting anymore. you get all your stuff taken away including gear and gold, you get 6 months, you can buy another account with a boost included and all the gold you’re willing to throw $20 at. and you still keep your mounts and mogs and other things on all connected accounts even if one is currently suspended. then when your time out is up you can transfer your gold and max level toons to your “main” account. like… do they think blizz did that on accident?

edit: before anyone irrationally accuses me of botting i never have. i know this because of an arena botting ban wave that happened. people were bragging on the forums about it.

character reply limit again. has the token really reduced gold sales? gold is mostly farmed nowadays, not stolen like it used to be.

so we should see less bots now than there were before wow tokens. and the game has even less players than back then to buy the gold. but botting is the worst i’ve seen. are they not farming gold to sell?

the words in your second part were hard to get, but yeah i hate that botting is rampant in classic. forcing bots to level to 58 before starting outland content (profitable content, and the level required for max professions) will of course slow down botting and make it less profitable.

i’m not sure i’m reading your post right, not arguing or meaning to offend by that. i don’t see where the extra 10 levels come in, we are talking about boosting away the first 58 levels.

Yup, this is the case for a MASSIVE amount of people. I’m really happy it’s giving everyone easier access to play TBC and nobody that isn’t interested in Classic has to waste the time leveling in it. Reasonable addition, very welcome by most

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He would not understand what hes looking at.

OP Thank you for the well thought out post. Glad to have you along for the ride.


I agree, i love these boost, there gunna bring in my friend, id also like 2 point out most of the people suckling on the classic experience teats are the same ones that cant clear nax, hates world buffs, and don’t know why they don’t need 12 healers in a 40 man raid.


I’m a fan of the boosts. The worst players are these classic Andy’s. Get over it smile

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:grinning: Glad to have such good company.

I’m just happy I’ll be able to share the experience with other people who are in the same boat as I am. We would have skipped it but now we can play together.

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Gonna be on a pve server or pvp? PVE has legit been a treat this time after doing pvp back in the day.

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I’ll be rolling on Arugal which is a PvP server. I was on Blackrock back in the day and that was a wild ride. Looking forward to it :smiley:

I wish my friends played on a pvp server! i missed world pvp I hope the towers will be a little bit of fun even on pve realms

i mean if you like just handing out $60 ill get you flasks for that much it’s ok cause it’s for TBC

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I was kidding.

It’s a shame such a huge vocal group of classic players are choosing to only focus on the the negative implications and not the positives of having access to a level boost :frowning:

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From what I can see, the single loudest complaint is “botters/farmers will get it and thats bad”. Despite that its one boost per account, can’t be used for the two new races and cannot be used on Classic Era servers. And despite the fact that the bot farmers will already have a whole raft of capped characters waiting to get through into TBC.

For people like me who didn’t enjoy the Classic levelling experience but always wished I’d been able to play in original TBC, it provides me with the opportunity to do that. I’m pleased Blizzard has made that possible.

you also forgot to add botters can already level in 3-4 days…

You mean the The Wrath Crusade forums. This entire forum has been a train wreck. It’s glorious.

I’ve said it a lot, but it’s streamer influence. They’ve created videos full of random insane ideas that people will be rerouting IPs to save on new accounts to buy boosts to make gold, or botters (which won’t spend a cent on a boost, they bot for free so ??? )

They’re being fed nonsense about ruining the integrity of the game while these same streamers simultaneously accept thousands of gold daily and handouts and raid/level boosts then tell you that you’re wrong for wanting the level 58 boost.

It’s getting sad.

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False, leveling was fun back then, leveling is a total chore a literal torture now.

Leveling even in Classic can be fun if you twink your way from 1-60 or 1-70 in TBC especially on PVP servers, nothing is better that just absolutely obliterate everybody of your level while leveling or even kill people 10 level above you.

Good luck trying to do that in Retail seeing how unbalanced and complete garbage PVP is level 1-50 and you cannot even twink since gear doesn’t mean anything.

Leveling in Classic or TBC actually give you a feeling of character progression and clear power progression you could struggle to kill a level 40 mob and then come back at level 45 level and just completely destroy it since you are clearly stronger now, in retail that doesn’t exist since everything scale with you all the time, yes leveling changed QUITE a bit.

There are both benefits and negatives to this situation. A pro is that you can essentially start leveling in any zone in Vanilla.

Hell yeah. I was on the fence about even trying tbc but now it’s a no brainer. Thanks blizz :slight_smile: