Thanks, now i wont level my alts to 60

Leveling sucks.
End game sucks.
Everything sucks.

Lmao you just can’t win with these people. Why do they even play this game?

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Manufactured rage. It takes less than a week to level up to 60 with casual play.

Nah raids are awesome just the misc crud you have to do to raid is not awesome.

The issue with this argument is that if it only takes a day, why does blizzard care if it takes a bit shorter of a time?

If player engagement is their main focus, and this was working, why make the change for a limited time event?

Nooo, and yesterday I went to level my Warrior and said “Meh, I won’t even bother checking TW with how crap the experience has been for over a year.”


I can’t believe people are so upset about tis. Really. The leveling system used to be so much more tedious. The Chromie way to level is really nice. There are other ways to level. PvP, dungeon spamming, etc.

If you want a toon level 50 in an hour, buy a boost.

By what standard? People were leveling from 1-max in about 8 hours. I dont what math you were taught but 20 hours is not less than 8.

Personally, and this is just a side note, it took 26 hours of very casual playing to level a toon. Leveling is pretty easy, now, and doesn’t take that long. If people want to go do older dungeons so bad, they really should just use the Chromie option and queue into dungeons like they are current. I like the Chromie option.

It didnt take that long, not even close. And especially not with heirlooms.

In case you havent recognized what this thread is about, its about the time it takes to level and even more specifically 50-max where chromie doesnt take into effect because its a 1-50 option.

It took a slow player maybe 12 hours to level with heirlooms. Why do you think people were saying to slow it down?

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I’m just saying - I was playing at a super slow rate and the time it took to level was much slower.

It’s still not that bad going from 50 to 60. I’ve been meaning to level another toon so I will cross check to see how long it takes me to get to 60.

You made no point other than playing slower takes more time. Thats a no brainer. Its like driving 30mph vs 60mph. Its going to take double the time.

And yes, its bad to level in shadowlands. Some covenant abilities dont function while leveling, DH necrolord doesnt work at all until max level.

… do you need a hug?

You’re right - I made one point because that’s the only point I have to make. I went Kyrian with my DH and not Necrolord so I’m not sure what is or is not broken there. I haven’t really had the time to level every single one of my toons. :'D

The demon for you to kill to gain the buff from necrolords doesnt spawn until you get to 60.

Taking your time while leveling doesnt further any conversation. I can make 50-60 take a year if i wanted to. Its just a nothing point.

Actually, I think it takes LONGER to go from 50-60 than it does 1-50. Desmephisto’s current 1-50 record is somewhere under 4 hours. I can’t see anyone beating that leveling thru shadowlands in either fates or campaign.


Shadowlands leveling is probably some of the most boring leveling in the entire game. Feels like walking through quicksand with both legs tied together.

You can’t skip the monotonous Maw intro, you have to wait forever for Jaina to blab on and on and and on and on and on and on. That isn’t engaging, that’s just pure mind-numbing torture.

Even doing Threads of Fate doesn’t really change things up when most bonus objectives give like 1% per item interaction and mob kill.

It’s not manufactured rage, it’s actually fun to blow through some levels doing old dungeons. I used to level via Time Walking all the time in BFA because the XP was so good. Hell, even island leveling was very lucrative.

What viable secondary options do we have in Shadowlands? The same four boring dungeons? Pet battle to level 60?

Nah, it’s garbage.


Come and join TBC…

Who cares if it doesn’t take all that much time to go from 50-60? If it doesn’t take that much time, why does it matter that for a brief moment TW dungeons made it take less time?

If you like leveling and that’s how you enjoy the game, cool. You don’t have to do TW dungeons. But for those of us who don’t enjoy leveling through a 9th time, it was a way to break up the monotany of max level grinding and chores.

And Blizz really could have left the change or at least not fixed it until after this event ended. The absolute worst case scenario here was what? A bunch of players picked up alts and enjoyed themselves? A bunch of frustrated or bored players found renewed interest in the game?


How is you choosing to level alts them punishing you?
You’re basically saying “the fact we can’t boost alts is just you punishing us, no fair!!! QQ”

You neglected to name what you’re comparing here so I can’t really be bothered to decipher your point.

My point was that in Shadowlands you only have to level in one expansion now to get from 1-50, which alone makes it faster than pre-Shadowlands levelling where you had to level in multiple expansions before the current one. As for the current expansion levelling, its baseline is shorter than that of BFA. The only thing that makes it longer now is that BFA eventually got more catchups and XP boosts and SL doesn’t have any yet. That doesn’t make SL too long, though. It’s still something like an 8 hour effort if you’re slow which is hardly anything.

If i play any other game of any other genre, i can get to the “fun” part the moment i click “new game”, or at worst after a 30 minute to 2 hour tutorial. If i play other MMOs, some of them don’t have raid/endgame centric design and you get to actually play your class and do meaningful content prior to max level, so even being low level is fun. But in WoW raids dont exist until max level for no apparent reason (especially given with the raid finder tool people could totally level doing old raids) and 90% of your kit is gated off till at least level 50.