Thanks, now i wont level my alts to 60

I have six accounts, with a LOT of toons.

I have way more “experience” than the vast majority ever will, on all classes, in a variety of ways of leveling.

Shadowlands leveling is bad. Really bad.


No it hasn’t where have you gotten this insane idea? If leveling was the bread and butter of MMOs we would need new raids every six months to keep people subbed.

The biggest reason leveling sill exists is because it’s a leftover from the original dnd roots of the genre. I’m waiting for someone to put out an all raid and dungeon mmo where leveling isn’t a thing would have significantly lower sunk costs and if they sniped good designers they would get a decent playerbase.

find me an mmo that doesn’t have leveling

so roguelike games?

Destiny 2 did away with the base leveling in favor of just grinding item level if I recall. Has been a hot minute since I last played at the end of Shadowkeep to be fair.

Hahahaha fun detected. :crazy_face:

I am SO glad I powered my shaman 50-60 last night. Especially since there’s 2 shamans to level. Guess the second one is in for the typical slog.

Really wish Blizz wouldn’t do stuff like this, but they seem to get really mad when we spend more time in old content than new.


Destiny 2 largely did away with base leveling and is primarily just a gear grind. As I said it’s a left over from the dnd roots of the genre. The massively multiplayer is the actual most important part.

MMO not single player and no roguelikes are procedurally generated and have significant death penalties. I’m talking about literally just a hub for finding people and then portals to various raids and dungeons with 5 to 25 man difficulties. The only reason I still play this game is raiding honestly and I know a lot of people who are similar M+ is okay in small doses but it’s largely to get gear to raid.

For everyone saying it was a good *fix. I have to completely disagree.

A few of my friends and myself was really excited that we could level this way and enjoy alts easier without having to go through the motions. I have several max level characters all of which I cannot enjoy due to how much time is required to play them.

Leveling this way helped ease that burden and created excitement for the game. If you disagree with this that’s fine. You can level a different way. This way of leveling helped ease the burden of the chores needed to do. I enjoy playing endgame content. I am sick and tired of the time gates required. Leveling being a chore, renowned farm tedious… you catchup to like 30? then it slows down drastically. Then you need to gear.

I don’t want handed anything… but leveling is trivial and at this point should at least be faster if you have multiple max level characters. As another poster mentioned there is no skips for hardly any of the repetitive content. Blizzard has done a very poor job at listening to its player base and you guys are defending them! LOL

Get a grip. First and last post ever here in this atrocious forum


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: I always miss out on fun times!

They’re not going to revert a bug just because it was giving you an advantage.

C’mon, you had to realize that getting that much experience in a dungeon was a bug right? Why would you even pretend like that’s intentional and then get outraged when Blizzard fixed the bug?

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There’s a lot more to the game than leveling.

Leveling was fun the first time, racing to max level. It was even fun the second time watching cutscenes and actually reading/paying attention to the quests. After that it was complete and utter tedium.

Some of us find nothing at all enjoyable repeating the same stale content while leveling. We instead prefer to repeat the same stale content at max level!

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So make it like a level a dungeon make time walking weeks a leveling week and you will get a ton of people doing it and then they will have new alts they want to play at endgame

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Or they can not do that, because it would make any other form of Shadowlands content completely redundant for those who want to level.

I really don’t understand you people. On the one hand you get pissed at Blizzard when they don’t fix bugs, and then when they do fix them, you complain about it getting fixed.

Leveling isn’t the game it’s a gate to playing the actual game.

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Lol at all the people saying leveling sucks. Why do mmorpg die? You.

Wait, what? and I missed that :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

MMOs died because there is a massive amount of free to play games out there to suck up time. It’s not a coincidence as league and later battle royales were ascending mmos were shrinking. Also for people who like single player leveling aka not the mmo part of mmos there are a lot more options out there now than there used to be.

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The problem with WoW is that leveling a character isn’t rewarding. Tie it to the Achievement points and give players unique rewards, like hitting 10k will net you a permanent +25% exp increase and something in the old expansions.

People who actually do ALL the content should be rewarded for their invested time.


I love that they instantly rush to fix Timewalking EXP gains meanwhile my covenant ability, bone spike, has been broken now FOR FOUR WEEKS and still no sign of it being fixed. Disgusting.


Nobody has even forced you to make one.

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