Thanks, now i wont level my alts to 60

No, it doesnt. What makes something faster or slower is the amount of time it takes to do what you did before, nit the amount of content. You werent going through all of an expansion prior to the slow down of leveling and the heirloom change. If you quested it was maybe 2 full zones and you were off to the next one and with heirloom gear it had a ton of power to them compared to now. You 2-3 shot almost everything outside if dungeons depending on your class.

Wait you think a 26 hour time gate on being able to play the game isn’t a long time? Most of the wow playerbase aren’t in school or college anymore.

Do i think its a long time? Not really, considering it would take much longer pre SL. I took my time tho so that number could go down for more hardcore people.

People have been coming after me all day bc of my opinion on this. Im kinda getting tired of defending my stance…its not changing.

What’s funny is that when the Alterac Valley bg anniversary event was going on they knew players were using it to level characters super fast, and they never uttered a word, or cared that folks were using the event to level quicker. Now all of sudden it was a issue with this tw event lol. They should of just let it ride until Tuesday, and let folks have fun with it, and then hotfixed it after the week event was over.


Apparently at least one person over at blizzard thought it was fine, probably tried to slip it in to let people have some fun. But we know better. We’re not allowed to have fun playing this game.

It’s a month of playtime for an average person It’s approximately 50 mythic plus runs before you can actually play the game or 5+ raid clears. Blizzard wonders why people are quitting lol.

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Oh you are allowed to have fun. As long as you are only having what they consider is fun lol.


Because there is always the hope next expac will be good.

So you stage alts for that.

Why I have a forced levels here.

60 and gear to not diaf in 60 to to 62 start of 10.

Some are also staged for 9.3. A few classes forced setup for 9.3 and it’s promised legion fixes to mythic Legion raid.

They basically made this game like a medical exam, Not fun but you have to do it.



This game now feels like a chore

That’s not the problem. If you want to play several characters/classes or simply just level them to 60 for old expansion dungeons/raids, it becomes a real issue.

Now? I stopped leveling after my third max like a month after the expansion launched :rofl:

it takes about a day to level from 1-60 it’s really not that bad.

They have done that across the board, i have left the game for the last 6 months because they nerfed the hell out of XP in BG’s (my favorite form of playing the game) and destroyed looms too. I mean why nerf XP in BG’s? I don’t get it, it’s like they want to fight people that like to level alts at every turn and then wonder why people have left the game…and if you DO level they have this garbage AP MOUNTAIN that they want you to climb…35 ap at a time.

Yea, game is not for alts or altaholics for sure.


Or some people have already leveled to max dozens of times and are bored of it?

Or have done the Maw once and would never want to do that dumpster fire again?


To all the people saying "just play the game " well yeah we want to play the cool parts. I don’t even mind 1-50 it’s 51-60 that I wanted to skip.

I am seriously considering going harder into TBC and just letting retail go for awhile. I’ll still do weekly stuff but this is my 3rd 60 and I really don’t feel like doing it again. I have most classes at 50 so that’s a lot of potential playing if it can just be fun.


Leveling is like my entire game lol. Get a new toon to 60, get the covenant set and max it then just do occasional callings and mission table. It’s the end game (raids,mythic,pvp) that feels rather unwelcoming/unfun/chore to me. Different strokes for different folks and all.


Seriously, the fact they haven’t reversed this is just mind boggling already. Guess i’ll just not renew and instead go use my money elsewhere. I’d rather support devs who are actually sincere with the ‘‘we want players to have fun’’ thing, instead of people who say it but do the exact opposite, and indeed, this is just the last straw for me, after way too many times they pissed me off with awful choices or disregard for players as well as a underwhelming expansion. 23 days left here for me.


But then you wouldn’t be buying level 60 boosts in the shop, they can’t have that happening can they?!

Or the campaign or the renown or the borghast etc etc and so on . Forced pve is bad

LOL. They think a 50% of the current miserable XP awarded will make up for the atrocious nerf given earlier in the week. How out of touch can you be with your own game, blizzard? Seriously