Thanks, now i wont level my alts to 60

And you play Classic?

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It should be an optional thing that people who want to level can do

Events that give loads of xp to hasten the process to endgame for people who consider endgame to be what they enjoy playing should also exist


I want my discounts as well… I got all 4 covenants covered…


Fun detected yeahhh, no fun for you :angry:


The classes are not that hard to grasp, let alone there are guides everywhere that tell you the stats to get, the best talents to choose, and the correct spell priority let alone just reading your damn spells will give you a good idea. Not to mention that you need to go through all the different systems at max level which will get you infinitely more experience than leveling since while leveling you are working with a limited kit, and you dont even need it to be a full kit because things fall over if you just look at them. Its not a teaching tool, its a waste of time.


They don’t want you to play alts. They think if you’re playing alts, you’re playing the game wrong.


They want you to buy boosts instead of level. Make the leveling experience long and boring you have a better chance of selling boosts. So people will either slog through leveling, not level anything else, or just buy a boost. The only things actually worth leveling are allied races for a transmog set for that race.

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Honestly it was pretty boring to level through the first time too. I only started enjoying it in Revendreth.

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Nope, as you can see, this character is level 36. I couldn’t get through it and I didn’t care to level through TBC either. And in Classic, leveling is actually somewhat engaging. It was fun but too long and the graphics were gross. No ability to change talents for free, no thanks.

I think it’s the worst leveling experience we’ve had tbh. I haven’t become attached to any character introduced in this expansion. They are all very forgettable and generic.

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This thread is super whiny. The Shadowlands levelling experience is blazingly fast compared to every previous era of WoW. Zero excuse for crying about how long it takes to level. Levelling is, in fact, part of the experience. Expecting timewalking dungeons to give you entire levels upon completion is unreasonable and they shouldn’t leave in bugs just because you can personally benefit from them.

The levelling in Classic/BC is repulsive. Everything 1-60 in particular comes across as half finished. As for a more interesting world: there’s zero effect of the player’s actions and the story seems to have the player turn up just a few minutes after all the interesting developments are over. It’s so bad that most Classic players just boost through it via dungeons. This is quite the rose-tinted goggles take here.


This expansion made the levelling significantly shorter so this take is bogus.

Leveling is less than 0.1% of the game. Someone wanting to skip 0.1% of the game is hardly someone who wants to not play.

Let’s be serious here. Type /played on a character that was created in Shadowlands, raided, did M+, PvP’d, and did professions, and then how many hours do you see at 60 vs overall?

The 50-60 is literally irrelevant in terms of time played. 1-60 is still irrelevant.

My Dark Iron Dwarf paladin I leveled spent less than 30 hours leveling to 60 (total). My current Druid has spent more than 5 days at max. Assuming you play regularly, the tiny amount of time leveling is literally not worth arguing as valuable.

You could argue that since its so little time that it’s not worth complaining about, but… things we don’t like are pretty hard to deal with. Why should I spend 7-14 hours (up to two weeks for some players) just getting ready to play the actual game? Let’s not pretend that the “actual game” isn’t end game. You and I don’t need to treat each other like we’re idiots.


Leveling isn’t playing the game it’s a pointless time gate before the game actually starts

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It’s literally not. 50 to 60 is the longest leveling time since MoP.


What? It’s like 8 hours on average. I did it in under 6 hours on launch with optimisation. In MoP many realm firsts were beyond the 12 hour mark.

As for recent expansions: this one is very in line with Legion and BFA. In fact I found this one to be faster. Only WoD was shorter. But in general I’m talking about the entire 1-60 experience which is the shortest it’s ever been.

I can see how you might have that opinion when you literally do none of the main course Mr 49 renown.

There is no significant speed up for subsequent characters also 8 hours on average is more than 6 and that’s why I said since mop. Also I don’t really care about 1 to 60 in this context since they changed time walking to only be 50 to 60

To be frank, it’s so fast that no speed up is needed. Maybe they can make threads of fate faster, but even that felt very quick. I think people are lacking perspective here. In WotLK levelling 70-80 took something like 40 hours.

As someone with an army of alts, having leveled them to max level in each expansion, adding more and more over time, I assure you, ToF isn’t fast nor fun. Nor is doing the campaign questline over and over again. I think there’s a lot of us who want to level more alts, but are just sick of the same boring repetitive crap they’ve given us this expansion, so we’re looking for something different. This was different, and a lot of us were actually excited by it, but now I’m back to sitting here watching the forums instead of leveling alts. I wonder if they include time spent on the forums in their precious metrics to their investors?