Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

The story is available right away, just do it with the intended mechanics.

Or wait a bit for easy-mode.

As the original and most vocal advocate of a single-player raid experience, since Dragon Soul… this is fine.


I don’t get it though. Don’t you experience this in raids like LFR anyway?

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Dragon Soul didn’t have an epilogue or any proceeding narrative. That was literally the very end so it could be delayed.

Reading Chapter 1, reading part of Chapter 2, reading Chapter 3, and then after several weeks reading the bit of Chapter 2 that you missed is not good narrative structure.


This removes the problems with LFR, like “GO GO GO” and “HE STOLE MY LOOT” and all the other nonsense.

LFR should never have been implemented in the first place, they did it because it was a cheap and easy way out, back in Cata.

They got it right in Wrath, with Battle for the Undercity. They should have adopted that model, starting back in Cata.


That we can agree on.

Ah yes. More difficulties is what World of Warcraft needed.

So if LFR isn’t supposed to teach the mechanics.
It isn’t supposed to drop big loot.
And now it isn’t supposed to tell the story.
What is LFR for?

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Good change! Hopefully knowledge of this mode reaches everyone who would use/want it.

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LFR was a panic reaction by Blizzard to their first drop in net subscribers, back during Cataclysm. Since raiding was their most cost-effective player retention tool, they thought slapping a queue on it and removing most of the mechanics (and tuning down the rest) would give the players who were leaving something to do, to keep them around.

It wasn’t thought through, and should be removed. Hopefully this is a stop along the way towards that.


It’s a legacy feature that exists because it existed before and Blizzard knows people will throw a fit if they remove it so they’re just not going to remove it, they’ll quietly strangle it to death instead boiling frog style.

Should be. Probably won’t be. Would be a very bold move by Ion to do so, and Ion doesn’t really do bold.

Rent free.

Mog farming?

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Omg PLEASE be removing LFR!!!

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Blizzard really needs to add this:

  • Obtaining an appearance from a piece of gear also rewards the appearance for that same item from lower difficulties.

It eliminates a big part of “HE STOLE MY LOOT” and gives a nice little reward for doing harder difficulties - which are sorely needed because the rewards for higher difficulty raiding are trash.


People who wanna do raids without sitting around waiting to get an invite/making their own group manually?
And, as always, there is transmog.


They should do this for all the older expansions too.


That would be cool, and I’m not against it. However, it would result in people playing less as they’re running fewer older raids for mog. Due to this, it will likely never happen.

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Well said. I always felt the gating of LFR for this reason alone is bad. same for mega dungeons not releasing heroic til later.

Because the outdoor campaign often passes the story beats or players end up being spoiled long before they get to do it.

Then of course there are times blizzard just releases stuff in wrong order. They didn’t release final tyr quest until after amirdrassil post quests and party, which then in turn resulted in players not getting a “stay a while and listen” involving tyr cause they didn’t even know why he was there to begin with. over all gating story just messes things up when they’re not careful (and they usually aren’t).


It gets the people who shouldn’t even be there out and leaves the content for the intended audience.

I agree that Blizzard is unlikely to do it since they’ve said in the past they like forcing experienced players into LFR to “smooth out the runs” (which is the most hilarious turn of phrase I’ve perhaps ever heard).


Mog farmers probably have enough to do without needing to run every raid difficulty.

I agree with Brewa, it would make higher difficulties more rewarding if you automatically scooped up lower difficulty mogs.

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I dunno what you mean, I don’t mind him.
Actually watch him from time to time. Aside from some takes of his I think are dumb he’s alright.
Nice work defending your streamdaddy from the big bad joke, though, he must be proud.

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