Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

i appreciate it. dont need to raid in a group to see the story now


would be good but my guess will be no loot drops from story mode diff


who cares, then dont do it


Oh my god! It’s what I’ve always wanted from raids!

For real, I don’t care about loot from it.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



Before anyone comes in and complains about it…

A raid story mode would enable players to enjoy the COMPLETE STORY without having to (a) try desperately to get into a pug raid they don’t want to be in or (b) wait six weeks for LFR’s final wing to open up. It would mean enjoying the entire story when the story actually feels relevant, and not having to remember story beats from days or weeks before. It would be a TREMENDOUSLY good option to have.

And it’s not like it hasn’t been done to a certain extent in the past. Remember the last beat of the Zaralek storyline where you got to go into the raid without being in a raid? That’s a story mode. An actual story mode would mean getting to enjoy the story and the foes we should be facing.

Let’s face it, raiders go to raids to kill bosses, not really to enjoy a story. Story mode would be the very best of both worlds.

I really hope this is a sign for the future: story modes are awesome.


and if it is with no reward, raiders cant complain that theyre “obligated” to do it


Raiders will always find something to complain about.


Maybe this will let them finally get rid of current LFR.


When they got rid of the tier sets and trinkets from WoD LFR, it wasn’t the raiders who complained that much.


Unfortunate, difficulty is a good storytelling mechanism and it’s likely that will be entirely lost in story modes since even LFR removes almost all mechanics except basic fire to step out of.


how is gating 6 weeks for LFR good storytelling mechanism


Probably because blizzard wants you to clear the raid on a difficulty where mechanics are a thing. That said I don’t mind that, if they got rid of the lfr gate that would be fine by me. The only thing I really mind is that lfr is essentially babyproofed and designed to make sure that every mechanic that might contribute to making the encounter have some modicum of challenge is removed.

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Awesome, no need to suffer through LFR anymore.

I hate being in a raid with others that don’t want to actually raid and do mechanics, people just drag their feet for free loot.

And if I really wanted to raid, I’d go do Normal instead, because folks in there will actually apply themselves.

Glad I can now skip LFR entirely, good riddance to that mode.


story raid difficulty eliminates you needing to group with people who arent good at the game bc we will have our solo raid experience

some good raid set recolors in LFR though


This is just proof that nobody goes into raids for the story, only for loot. Without loot, most raiders would never step foot inside a raid again.


Let’s hope that story difficulty does not mean literally easier than lfr then. I’d be ecstatic if they kept mechanics in for the solo raid experience, I just feel like that’s probably not what’s going to happen.


well, good thing i can experience the story and then do the raids for the loot.


So does this mean we can just make LFR into Normal mode with a queue now? Oh and make it require challenge mode silver again that would be nice.

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Have you heard of mythic raiding? Most guilds end up progging bosses and getting only a few myth upgrades because mythic raids honestly aren’t super effective for gearing. I’m pretty confident those guys aren’t playing the game for just loot.