Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

Is there any talk of making a story mode for older raids that no longer have an active raid scene? It’s really hard to introduce new players to the game only to let them know they cant beat their chosen leveling expansion because the raid is impossible unless you max level and cheese it.

I think story mode is a great idea, btw.


Yeah, this is cringe.

Isn’t DF back to LFR being one of the main sources of raid candies again? No more mission table? The whole getting good players to hard carry auto-attacking bot players is so cringe. It’s just cringe.

This story difficulty mode means Blizzard has a path to scale back on their efforts to prop up LFR, which I only see as a good thing.


Yes we do.

I also agree, but I don’t see it happening.

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That’s pretty neat.

I assume Story mode will either drop Explorer Track Gear (based on the outdoor set/gear) or no gear at all.

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Being aware of his existence + wanting to make a joke with a target = he must live in your head all the time. Duh.


Going to add my voice to the others asking you (Blizzard) to reconsider this.

Story Mode should either follow LFR wing release schedule or be fully available when normal raiding starts.


Assuming there isn’t much combat, no gear is fine, if there is a lot of combat it would be nice for it to drop like heroic dungeon gear or something just as a minor reward and to get people ready for LFR and the heroic dungeon to mythic dungeon pipeline.

I don’t think so if it’s just story. If you’ve endured LFR, you know half of the story is watching the many ways people can wipe and the ensuing battles in chat over who messed up. I don’t need to see that story over and over again. I do want to hear what NPCs are saying, however. I think this is great. Raiders get their raid and loot. People who just want the story and would never raid would never affect anyone else and get to see the story.

And those who do both can experience the story without alerts going off or clicking the ESC key to get the cutscenes out of the way or be left behind.


Effectively kills the point, as if you are a player who is likely trying to do the story, you’re still waiting weeks after the story had concluded where you could have just watched it all on Youtube.

This is a brilliant idea overall, a way to actually see the conclusion of the story is good.

But this right here ruins the entire point.


Tbh this is a good bit more relevant than we wish it was.

Even LFR often does not manage to scale down simple enough to account for how few people put in effort in LFR (especially towards the end of expansions i.e., Nya - tbh, all of BFA LFR was pretty miserable - SOTFO, etc.), leaving the people who wanted to use it for whatever reason often high and dry to the point it might even be more productive to just try to get invited to Normal.

Except then in Normal even if you’re actively trying you tend to tank the floor too much unless you studied up like a Real Raider which feels bad … and for casual play the amount of studying up is frankly rather heavy since the length of WoW raids makes even the simplest of guides - and who makes those anymore nowadays, everyone wants to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! pad it out DON’T FORGET TO CLICK MY AFFILIATE LINK! to make more HEY! BUY THIS NEW NVIDIA GRAPHICS CARD THAT COSTS FOUR MONTHS RENT! cash off the thing - be as long as a full feature length movie. All because you just wanted to polish off a quest or something mundane like that, lol.

Not that I mean to be that flippant about the idea of learning mechanics, but unless you actually are in an organized raiding group, the structure of WoW raids makes it easily a tad bit much to take in at once (which is probably part of why FFXIV’s gained so much ground on us: just the fact that bosses are separated into their own instances like say the Wrath dragons were, so you can be correspondingly piecemeal about studying guides).

If you only just want to see the raid the once, the LFR idea definitely tried to serve a purpose, but it hasn’t done nearly as good a job at it as it should’ve, and even the loot has barely been relevant pretty much since the end of Titanforging (you don’t get items reliably enough to even make it worth farming for extra epics to DE, so unless there’s specific drops like in SOD back in Shadowlands - Shards and the The Nine mount were both available in LFR - it’s not worth the often literal hour queue you’ll sit through and then there’s still a high chance even LFR can’t hack it).

Meanwhile there’s only so tough that solo story modes can be made (remember how much of a mess proving grounds were because class kits turned out to vary too much in how well they jelled with the challenges at hand? IIRC, Diablo 3 ended up dropping the pre-challenge to get keys for Greater Rifts for similar reasons, and even FFXIV has dialed way back on the solo story duties because of needing them to be reasonable regardless of your class, to say nothing of server stampede issues at xpac launches), so I can understand the frustration over missing out on a challenge.

It’s still important to be able to experience the story firsthand I think though, so this is probably the most reasonable solution, reminds me of SWTOR having the story mode dungeons in certain places (e.g., the Shadow of Revan expansion chapter) as a patch for having Flashpoints be baked into the story.

Yeah, that’s true. Some of the LFR gear did look pretty cool. :slight_smile:

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So… LFR?

Sigh, still believe LFR is deliberately being sabotaged to dissuade people from queuable content.

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Nah, I don’t see that. It’s just a solo way to experience the raid that probably drops gear below LFR quality (If it drops at all).

I love queueable content, I will be playing LFR regardless. This will make the entire expansion playable after we move on and it becomes a leveling expansion though, which is what I’ve always wanted.


Sure, but these story patches don’t come out that fast. There’s usually about 10 weeks between those.

Like Admirdrassil was released early november. Story of the end of the raid came out middle of january.

Aberrus was early May to middle of July for the events that happened after the raid.

Vaults dropped with Dragonflight at the end of November, 10.0.5 dropped end of January.

There’s plenty of time to witness the events in order.

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Seems like no NPCs


The time gate to coincide with lFr is kinda disappointing but eh.

This sounds like a really cool thing… Hats off for bringing something like this to life.

So they remove LFR and give us queueable Normal since it’s the same almost as LFR anyway?

I am guessing part of this is just because things aren’t in a done enough state to extract to story mode before the LFR comes out.

Did you see you got twitter famous today?

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Careful showing me that, it might go to my head.

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