Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

Yep I got carried for argus aotc and nzoth

it’s dead on arrival just because of this.

either it’s day 1, or it is simply useless

I mean I’ll take it to finish the raid questline before needing to queue LFR

If they want to clear it right away, they have the option of attempting to progress the content on normal.

It’s not blizzard’s fault that some people choose not to.

LFR is already brainrot mode
it makes very little difference

the point is that the story is spoiled, 4 weeks down the line.
which defeats the entire purpose of “Story” mode

better call it “solo” mode

They could still change it. We gotta let em know tho

We all know the minute a player pauses to look at the scenery, listen to NPCs, or heaven forbid not cancel out of a cutscene, that person is being kicked.

Do you really want the solo story focused players applying for your raid groups? I think not.


And that’s the funny thing
 they actually sort of did this “story mode” type of game play during Zaralek in Aberrus. Not killing the Scalecommander, but that quest that takes you into the raid after the fact
 a quest that didn’t unlock until LFR was fully unlocked. It was a great idea, one that’s been done a couple of times before.

Problem was, by the time I got to that story conclusion, I didn’t care anymore. And I’d forgotten all the previous story beats, because it had been over a month since I’d done the rest.

I keep going back to the idea of reading a novel, except that you can’t read the last chapter until you’ve taken a 6-week break. You just don’t care as much.

Blizzard needs to release this story beat as soon as raiding opens, period. Don’t make us go to YouTube for a satisfying end of the story you should be telling in your game.


You’re still engaging with the content whether you paid gold or RMT to do so and while I fully believe people gold buying, GDKP, and carry buying should be banned you are still engaging with the normal, core mechanics of the game to get these runs completed.

Wonderful, I hope that’s something we can look forward to in the future as well.

Sure but your whole point was that something like 50%+ of the player bases raided because of the achievements. You cannot count a person buying a carry as being part of the raiding scene.

Achievements are not a good indicator in this specific instance.

I was dead and afk

Why not? We have guildies don’t have the skill or patience for prog so we bring them in when it’s on farm. They’re still engaging with the content. Blizz’s internal analytics wouldn’t make any more of a discrepancy than I am. They would just likely file you under a one-and-done bucket but still engaging with raid content.

If the game is intended to be played solo then why make it online? There’s no point in literally engaging in anything with anyone by then. Why engage in group raiding when you can just cheese through a solo version and get the same loot?

You know for the longest time everyone was like “oh there’s a lack of community” well yeah when you’re anti social you’re going to be an isolated individual. I genuinely believe people who buy runs are really intent on destroying the game. But we’ll see.

Thankfully it sounds like a loot-less pathway for the people too afraid of LFR which really just kind of reinforces your point: why does this exist?

Seems crazy, but people who are really interested in seeing the story through the raid, and only want raid via LFR can just not go look up the cinematics online.

I’m extremely doubtful of that. But like I said, we will see.

Y’all really like being elitists

I’m fine with loottless story raid. Like I stated earlier in the thread

And yet, you still fail to explain why you’re opposed to the people who want story mode getting it at the start of LFR instead of the end. Which is the only thing most of us are trying to argue for, since story mode is happening whether you like it or not.

Because much of the game for us “solo” players is open world content with lots of other players. Being online doesn’t mean we have to only engage with the game with other people. That is true in EVERY MMO game, too.

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What exactly are you doing with other people online in open world to justify this claim?