Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

Ah yes the ol classic “I don’t benefit from this so it is a waste of dev time” argument.


My guess is there will be a quest to complete it, which will probably give a reward that will be an upgrade to the type of players who are expected to do it.

Morgan day said LFR sees the most completion compared to other difficulties



Because it’s not small, and that bird guy who thinks it’s a good thing to call other people names like ‘carebear’ doesn’t realize that WoW has moved away from catering to the hardcore crowd because THEY know where the money lies.

If it were up to some people, we’d still do 40 person raids that you have to attune to. But you don’t, because the world moved on.

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You can make reasonable assumptions when all the other blanks are filled in. If we know how big the raiding groups are and how big the PvP group is you have your casuals: probably 30% of the playerbase and I bet a micro percentage of that will actually see this as a value add over LFR because, really, who is having issues doing that content? Once again – we’re appeasing a small group as Blizz continues to do at the sake of dev time/resources for the core game.

I mean if you think wow isn’t for you anymore you can quit

Every time I check the data, of the people who full clear the raid, 50-60% do so on heroic or higher.

If discussion and disagreement chaps you so much a discussion forum is clearly the last place for you. Maybe Blizz can make a forum just for you. :smirk::smirk:

And yet, they created this story mode in the first place because they see a need for it.

The argument many of us are making here is that they need to open this one story segment at the beginning of LFR, not at the end. Why are you so opposed to this and actively campaigning here against it? It doesn’t affect you at all, as you’ll be doing normal or higher raiding or whatever it is that you enjoy. It only affects a certain portion of the player base, NOT YOU, who would rather see the end of the story in game instead of on YouTube.


I had very few problems with Torghast. When we first got sent there on missions to rescue top level NPCs like Jaina and Bain at first I couldn’t kill the boss. I had no problems with the mobs but the boss would kill me all five times and I’d have to start all over.

But then they nurffed the boss and I was able to finish the quests.

Other than that I don’t see what the problem was.

You just seem really bent out of shape over things that don’t affect you take a chill pill

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Like there was a need for the people afraid of video game spiders? c’mon bro.

Hey, love the inclusion of story mode! I had one piece of feedback though:

Assuming that the mode is not meant to be a significant source of player power, it seems arbitrary to lock it behind the release of LFR. I’m imagining a solo player that consumes Warcraft media outside the game would find it hard to avoid spoilers in the multiple weeks between the story coming out and LFR finishing up. Furthermore, LFR is not really an ideal way of experience the story, and those players may feel the pull to catch a glimpse of the raid through LFR rather than the bespoke story mode.

Maybe there’s a benefit to releasing it later that I haven’t considered, but it seems easier and more neat to just release it concurrently with normal. Either way, thank you for implementing this!


There is a psychological issue many people have with spiders. Blizzard recognized this, so they put that feature into the next expansion. It’s real. It exists. The game developers put a solution into the game. Now you can’t grasp that THAT’S happening, either?

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video games aren’t real life.

And the raiders aren’t the focus anymore.

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Once again, statistically you’re incorrect.

According to blizzard? I trust the company stats over yours


That is one of the worst things to trust. Countless people (including myself) have purchased carries in raids or m+. None of that is accurate.

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One of the worst parts about the already ridiculous LFR release schedule is that casual players get to learn about the outcome of the story via YouTube. Having to wait over a month pretty much ensures that players who don’t generally raid will have the end spoiled for them. Reconsider this–it’s garbage from a storytelling standpoint.

My main concern here is that players may miss out on important story by not experiencing the whole thing. Usually there are other bosses that have interesting lore implications as well, and it would be nice to be able to run through the raid to experience those without having to disrupt others.