Thanks for this Blizz (story raids)

It is indeed a time gate.

I pay the same amount of money for this game that you do. I play it for story and for an entertaining diversion. I don’t want to spend hours inside raids. If you think that it is too much to ask that I get to experience story beats – you know, the RPG part of MMORPG – without wanting to spend hours inside a raid, then you’re wrong.

There is no reason that this story mode of one boss, as part of the story campaign, shouldn’t unlock at the same time the raid does, contingent upon completing the rest of the preceding story. No reason whatsoever.

If it’s going to take too long for us to get to that point, we’ll simply watch it on YouTube. No one is going to convince me that that’s Blizzard’s preferred method of storytelling, having it delivered by players on a YouTube channel.


Do it right or don’t do it.

I don’t want to read Chapter 1 and then read the last page of Chapter 2. I don’t want to queue and be dropped at the final boss. I want to see the whole narrative with all the encounters.

And delaying the end of the story until weeks later is also terrible. Don’t do it for Story Mode, and don’t do it for LFR.

I want Story Mode, but I don’t want the half done version.


I don’t either; I want a story mode version of the raid, which only drops maybe cosmetic items and gold and lets us see things without actual “raiding”. LFR can be for those who want to see the raid and enjoy group gameplay.

But if they’re going to insist that this story mode is only for the end boss, at least don’t make us wait two months for it. That’s the argument many of us are making. Because all Blizzard is doing is encouraging us to go watch YouTube videos to get the rest of the story when we actually care about it, while we’re engaging WITH the story.


No recent announcements have been for the core player. I stated the exact opposite of what you’re saying I said. Normal should be the baseline difficulty. LFR was already an unlosable story mode. At this point storymode just sounds like bowing to the carebears.

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Care bears pay the lighting bill

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One of these days, you and many others are going to realize that “core player” isn’t who you think it is.

There’s a vast amount of players out there who don’t raid or do M+, and yet their subscriptions pay for just as much of the game as yours does. Probably even more.

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Yes glad to see a story mode option for those of us that don’t do regular raiding but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT make us wait for final wing of LFR to finish story when raiders can get it done week 1 of Normal. That’s unfair to those of us that don’t have time or ability to raid outside of LFR.l

Please listen to your players!


But why? If anything this should be released at the same time as normal. Some people could be fast readers and or might be available. Kind of seems pointless to timegate it


So is this really something fundamentally new or merely a more interactive version of the “show me the cutscene” dialogue option we have had for the past few expansions? My read of this is that perhaps rather than being a single cutscene, the finale of the raid plays out across the various transitions and mid-encounter events?

Either way, I look forward to it.

If the story is so important to you, why not bring the removed story content back into MoP?
Mop Remix is ​​the perfect opportunity for this.

Neat addition. Best thing you can do for story players though is to release the final boss earlier so it isnt just spoiled everywhere. Especially release it before you release the epilogue quests or post the cinematics


Last time I bothered to look at the statistics over 50% of the playerbase clears normal raid and like 20% get AOTC. There are also players who purely PvP which probably sheers off another 10-20% of the carebear 50% and the reality of the pool is far less are incapable of clearing normal due to ability but rather time.

I think you’re overestimating how big the carebear crew truly is. Easy to misunderstand since they’re obscenely vocal about how everything is so hard/fomo/terrified of social interaction/etc.

Plus just because you pay a sub doesn’t mean the game should bend over backwards to you. WoW at its peak, both player count and gameplay, didn’t do this.

Id say that applies to most players of any game like this regardless of complexity.
Even if its just mogs, we want something to make it a little more interesting.
If i wanted to watch the same rerun over and over and get nothing from it, Id just turn on the TV.

If it was so small,why are they adapting their design philosophies toward the casual or rather include the casual/ solo player

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I’d like to see two versions of story mode, one where it’s basically what it seems to be now, just a simplified version of the raids to see the big bad get murdered in their home.

Then I’d also like a toggle option that turns it into a proper training mode. It clearly explains the mechanics, perhaps even pausing time to do so, and requires the player to properly execute in order to take down the boss. Completing this version could give some one-time Normal Raid gear.

Then we kill off LFR as it would have little reason to exist and wouldn’t be worth its contribution to gear bloat. Then from another angle they could work towards getting rid of Mythic difficulty, which in turn would make it more justifiable to reduce add-on functionality by not having the game be so difficult as to make them feel “required.”

With two main difficulties eliminated, gear doesn’t have to scale so fast that it required regular squishes and the skill curve required to raid is clamped down and the learning barrier is easier to get through thanks to the story/training mode. Then maybe the game would start feeling like an MMO again with people being more willing to group together without a queue, but without completely neglecting those who want that solo experience.

That’s the question. There is zero doubt that the target audience for this is tiny. Blizz-Act haven’t exactly been making stellar decisions in the last… decade?

This for basically nobody. LFR had the same function (lose proof) and actually yielded rewards.

They’ve been adding all sorts of utterly lame and cringe content for a while. This is just yet another footnote in pointless additions instead of improving the core game.

Bro sorryy but holly said in interviews they see in their stats the trend toward solo friendly content people want solo friendly even raiders. There’s a lot of overlap between everyone


I’ll trust actual achievement stats over PR vomit.

Your stats which most casuals never get included in

Times change

That’s nice of you to say, but truth be told, I’ve put on a pound or two over the years.
