Thanks For Not Caring About Holidays. Again

When do you usually have to pay to go to someone’s birthday? If a place has a cover charge to enter, I’d be expecting something worth my money in return.

Cynical me believes the ‘issue’ with Korrak’s Revenge that got it shut down as soon as the event started had something to do with it awarding pre-nerf XP or good honor or something that would be beneficial to players.

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there’s literally a new mount and toy.

What new mount?

Illidari Doomhawk

That isn’t new.

They added that last year, then hotfixed it to a 100% drop rate when people complained. Meanwhile, I still don’t have the Headless Horseman’s Horse or the Love Rocket. :pensive:

I believe they have all hands on Dragonflight and getting it up and running in time.

I would rather that instead of them working on an event that will only last a few weeks.

Just my opinion…

All of Season 4 was done by…what, one developer right? They couldn’t shift that guy to banging out something for the anniversary?

this billion dollar company still feeds us 15 year old world events for content , no surprise here.

Lots of the bfa devs still around and had bruised egos from that that 15th KAV is my tin foil.

wait, what…alliance has 1000’s of players willingly going into a very high loss rate KAV (alliance lost alot here really). to level…and saying even getting my teeth kicked in 3 hours a night is better than BFA leveling.

We will show them. you will take the content we made and like it!

the fear is justified. I don’t even rant on even 50% bot AV runs in classic. 2-4 towers, still lose since its bot city on noob hill is still pretty damn good xp. better than what I’d get feeding wolves to make them poop to get an item from that poop anyway.

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How do you know that? I’m not saying you’re lying, but was that confirmed somewhere?

Remember that they just hired a ton of people, and I’m sure they had to get them all trained and up to speed. Then, I suspect they were all thrown into DF mode.

I think it’s been pretty obvious that they’ve been playing catch up since the COVID work from home period, and once they recover from that, then we can start critiquing them on the “little things”.

Not to give them a pass for being behind at all… they should never have dropped the ball like they did… but if they are behind, I would rather them get DF caught up before stuff like this.

Disproven, check last years.

The XP buff might be considered a ‘bonus’ if they had released prepatch content like I don’t know - letting people level 1-60 in chromie time and not just 1-50 too.

Personally, I always look forward to their not being updates :slight_smile: Why? Because that means I have something new thrust upon me that I have to go and do that interrupts what I’m currently working on :unamused:

Neither were 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, or 17, and they all had additions.

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Hey bro, this is just a video game… maybe stop acting like its something serious.

It’s kinda depressing that people just accept that Blizzard shouldn’t do anything special for their anniversary except certain ones.

Every Anniversary should be a big event.

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Can I get the money funnel you have, where you can tell someone else not to care what they spend almost $200 on?

It was you choice to spend that money on pixels bro and no, you cant have my money funnel.

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It was something I’ve seen anecdotally in a few places, no confirmed source. I doubt they literally had one Dev doing everything, but it was obviously a small splinter group compared to the lion’s share working on DF.

Like, all they’d need to do is reskin some mounts and boom, new stuff. Puts scales and bat wings on a griffon.

Idk,so far I got to do something I haven’t did for a long time. So there’s that.

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