Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

You could, you know, do it as part of a group?

Okay, I main tank and yes, the dps content kind of sucks.

Here is the thing though, it doesn’t have to. Ffxiv does the same thing but healer and tank jobs get some sort of solo scenario buff. They do competent damage. They aren’t going to finish as fast as a dps job, but you won’t be in there over twice or three times as long as the dps like with wow.

Wow could really do the same thing , then the content isn’t bad for tanks and healers.

Alternatively : fewer mobs if you are solo tank or healer


Of course it is designed for dps, just like leveling in any zone, it is for dps only. That is 100% the intent the devs have, when you need to do solo content you have to dps.

It is sad that the best part of 8.3 you simply can only do for 15 mins a week.

Have you thought about playing with friends?

^^^ This, my gaming rig is in the shop but have at least 3 people who have my back when I’m up and running again. OP,your issue sounds like a people issue NOT a game issue as your friends sound like selfish buttholes if they’re refusing to help you and make dismissive comments. Also sounds like you should find a new guild if they aren’t willing to help anyone outside of their raiding clique as well since the point of good guilds are to make friends and help one another out. Take the initiative and socialize with new people otherwise at this point,you’re going to be perceived as making excuses.

People like you who just need to get good, I’ve gotten my cloak to rank 6 as healer and tank solo. Perhaps it’s the ones complaining about it that are the problem.

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As someone that designs systems, interfaces, websites, etc. I doubt that. No, I guarantee they designed it as it has been released.

It would have been too much work to build for different roles; would they need to add NPCs to be party members, would DPS of healers be calculated into the mix.

Instead they tested it most likely against DPS cases and allowed grouping for specs they didn’t test or to get the content out by a deadline.

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I agree with people here.

Content in WoW has always only been designed for DPS.

That’s why there are two other roles.

I’m sorry
I’m a healer main, and this type of complaining isn’t a bit too much. While I do agree that it’s a bit of an oversight, and the system is really bad with the cost of Visions, it’s really not that hard to change specs. This is also an MMO, and playing with friends is generally encouraged. By this week my baby Shaman healer who has no gear is sitting at 5 Visions + 10,000 essences already. I’m waiting for when my friend gets his next so we can run through it together, because friends shockingly play games together if they aren’t jerks.

This is one of those situations where the issue isn’t the design of the content, it’s just the entry. This game hasn’t been super healer or tank friendly for most of its life outside of instanced PvE, yet many healers and tanks have survived to this day. This feels like a “learn to play” type issue, though I’m not trying to discredit the people struggling. The amount of complaining is just a little over dramatic and unnecessary.

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This is a valid criticism though. Horrific Visions are tuned in such a way that tanks and healers are kind of a burden and can’t really solo well either. It is a flaw of horrific visions that is worth discussing.


This problem also exists in Islands. Maybe they could set the scaling to a negative in just these two areas for tank and healers? Go in solo as a tank or heal spec and the scaling drops like 5%?

Say you have a group of 5
 all dps
 so the scaling is exactly normal. 100%. Go in with a balanced group of 1 tank, 3 dps, and 1 healer? 90%. Get through there a little safer, but a little slower.

I’m just throwing out ideas of course and not advocating anything except giving all classes and all specs their own gimmick free interrupt. cough healers, warlocks, and boomkins cough cough

@Fluffyclucks, honestly I dont know what your issue is as a healer
 group up dude
 I do visions as a tank with a healer and we duo the content without issue
 Both cloaks at rank 7. Healers and Tanks both have the ability to put out enough dps to complete the visions to get the required items to upgrade your cloak. Heck most if not every healer Ive run with in dungeons and raids will dps when there are down times
 this far into the game, healers dont “only” heal
 But like others have said, don’t try to speak for everyone


even with it costing a vial.

And these are people you call friends?

Making content for healers and tanks would take more work.

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  1. it should be obvious the OP is posting from an alt

  2. while they aren’t real specific, they have mentioned they have attempted to get into groups.

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I’m curious; unless you’re pushing content
Heroic or Mythic raiding or high keys
just what exactly is the driving rush to progress that cloak as quickly as humanly possible?

Definitely not a problem since you get a vessel every like 2.5 days now due to the massive bump in CV gains. People in my guild are swimming in the things.

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“Most advanced”?

Hardly. This character wasn’t even 420 when 8.3 dropped, and if you look at the character, “most advanced” or “elites” would be two of the last things you would describe it as. Now I’m at Rank 6.5 (one wing into the two I need for 7) and still only i433.

Part of the reason is probably all those “THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO IN 8.3” clickbait youtube videos.

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