Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Well, maybe. But years ago when you couldnt find people for raids or dungeons, when there was no LFR system, and it was a lot harder to find people for raids and dungeons, I for one, quit wow. When LFR was introduced I started playing again, the reason being finding friends in wow was not always easy.

Back when I started I was in a few guilds, and my experiences werent that good. In one guild the guild leader would take all the good gear in raids for himself and the guild crashed. In another, I didnt get a fair shot at gear–we didnt roll for it–the officers “decided” who got it. And guess what? They gave it to their friends with others not having a fair shot at it. Well, that was it for me.

Then we had the system where the leader could decide who got gear–well, and I got the shaft in that system pugging a few times–the raid leader once had people roll, and I won the roll, and the item was an upgrade, but the guy took it for himself–ninjaing the item. I opened a ticket but Blizzard would not intervene. Well, and I quit raiding, and got pretty fed up and quit the game until the latest system–where everyone now has a fair shot at gear.

Now we are at the point when we have to ask others for help to do this content? Well, I asked one “friend” for help, and he said the content was easy. Of course it’s easy if you play a death knight, and only a death knight. It’s easy on my warlock too. But it is not easy on my healers, and I dont play the other specs on those characters, so I need help. But my server doesnt offer much in the say of suitable guilds-so what? I cant do the content.

That is all. And now I am debating with myself whether to quit the game when my sub expires in the next day or two, continue but give up healing for now, or try to do this “Horrific” content.

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I agree with fluffy, tanking these visions are waste of time and resources. Im afraid youre the minority in this matter.


This is the issue. This was the same problem we had with Withered training last expansion, except at least that wasn’t absolutely required. Doing these on a healer is awful.

To answer everyone who asks why you don’t just group for it, the DPSers who CAN get it done just go do it themselves. They waste so much time queuing for groups already, they’re sure as heck not going to queue when they can do it themselves. Which leaves only the ones who CAN’T get it done looking for groups which will turn into a waste of your entry fee since low DPS aren’t going to help a low DPS healer.

I knew this was going to be the case the instant this was announced, but I had still been kind of holding out hope they would come up with a plan for it… Looks like they didn’t bother.


So heal on the Druid. Your stats are the same for balance, just don’t switch Azerite and I’m sure you can still solo it just fine. Not my fault you’re bad.

I’ve been doing mine as a tank…Idk it’s been fine for me.

Are people running these solo?..Why?

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why would dps group up? They can do it solo easily without extra chance to fail because someone messed up

…so they don’t die. The same reason we group for everything.

How much does the reforge trait cost per change? I just switched this shaman out of ele into enhance and it was like 50 gold. If I recall on the reset the cost drops by half. Even if you reforged 2 times a week, it would take weeks before the costs become so astronomical that it’s a hinderance. There’s also the fact that you are upgrading your gear as you go anyway, so save your old gear for the dps spec. I have 2 sets of gear close to 430 ilvl, one for healing and one for dps and I don’t raid or do m+ regularly enough to matter.

dps with self healing will not die

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You must have literally never played the game if you haven’t seen DPS die.

Fixed that for you.

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it’s solo content, you’re not supposed to die

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You’re welcome?

I mean… I somehow managed to kill Alleria as tank by my own but the time could be a problem in the future.
In the end Tanks and Heals aren’t supposed to do content alone and have to group up.

Yeah, healers and tanks are the minority. But remember that being the critical minority means the fewer of us there are the less the majority can do the content. That is because you can’t run a dungeon without a healer and a tank. And you can’t run a raid without at least two of each. And if you queue up, you are going to wait longer in direct proportion to how how small this critical minority is. And if these “Horrific Visions” mean this minority shrinks… Well, do the math.


People who raid will be fine, we make sure all our healers get all the help they need running visions. Jus tlike we make sure everybody gets their M+ done for the week, etc. Raiding is a team-based game.

Healers have to group.

I feel solo is an option, but it feels so much smoother and more fun in a group to me.

Everything is more fun in a group.

I don’t disagree, but the Visions are just precarious enough without being too perilous.

What I meant is, they should have been advertised as “you CAN solo them, but you might want to group up instead”

Part of the problem was presentation of the content.