Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

But what if I already have a tank and healer to run with on my pure DPS character?!

Wrathion tells you you have to go deeper to progress…you need to do one of the side wings to get to R6, and two side wings to get to R7.

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I have no reason to group with a capped cape or trust any randoms with a risk of burning a key.

For everyone, just some food for thought:

There’s a lot to unpack and analyze when it comes to 8.3 content. But when it comes to Horrific Visions, “utility”/support characters are going to have a tougher time than others.

-As many have mentioned, the “timer” makes Visions a DPS race, and supposedly the difficulty scales with the number of players in the Vision - this means if your character is optimized for healing or survival (many tanks) vs. a split of traits or being pure DPS, even going in with a group, you’re potentially a liability.

  • The effort that goes into acquiring Vessels of Horrific Visions is substantial, so few are going to want to risk “wasting” a Vision attempt hampered by a less successful character. The set back is easily viewed as too extreme.

  • Even swapping specs and re-optimizing gear can become punishing as all of a sudden players are being forced into unfamiliar character mechanics. My priest has both shadow and holy gear, but his trinkets for shadow are pretty dismal, and changing that means I need to seek out drops and get lucky. This gets magnified when you take into the impact of Azerite tries and Essences.

  • Finding a group has several hurdles. First, you need to find someone. Then that person needs to be on the same stage of their cloak as you are, so that you need the same objectives AND have the same amount of protection against Sanity drain. If one of you runs out of Sanity partway into an objective, then someone is left soloing what was started as group content. Going back to the time investment per Vessel, few will want to waste a chance to reach an advanced objective just because someone in their party is only capable of reaching Thrall/Alleria.

  • from the outset, Horrific Visions are greatly slanted towards player failure. The very first time a character goes in, they have no Sanity restoration and very little protection against Sanity drain. This makes downing Thrall or Alleria extremely unlikely. The second time in, you have the restoration orbs, but still inadequate Sanity protection to reasonably complete a secondary objective. Yet there are numerous reasons, among them farming more Corrupted Mementos, that encourage you to spend even more time within the Vision, increasing the odds of failure. Then there are poorly marked/identified secondary objectives, which can require time to sort out.

  • Horrific Visions favor mobility greatly, putting most spellcaster DPS/healers at further disadvantage.

I don’t think people are on the forums complaining about “challenging” content. I think people are complaining about being set up to fail at content that everything else in the patch, from gear drops to boss encounters, hinges on.


Yeah, of course, it’s not like Bliz’s increasingly poor handling of WoW (least cost invested for most profit out) has driven away all the friends you used to play with over the years…
It’s entirely the parent commentator’s fault their quality of wow-playing ‘friend’ is what it is…IF ONLY they’d improved the playing experience for their better friends, they’d have better people to group with.

Sounds to me like you need a better group of friends.

All they had to do was reduce the NPC health and damage or add a full team to anyone that entered like the NPC’s in islands.

Corruption resistance. I’ve got several gear drops i can’t even wear because my corruption resistance is too low. And i have a rank 6 cloak. It would be worse with just the rank 1 cloak.

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It’s possible to solo them as a tank… I’m clearing +2 bonus as a Guardian druid. I imagine DH, Paladins, and Warriors would likely have a much easier time than even me! :smiley:

I recommend double checking your talent setup, swapping out your essences and gear for more damage based output while maintaining your survivability. If this is to be treated as an equal to the Mage Towers only with the option to group up, then that makes sense.

Also keep in mind, the difficulty is supposed to be tough and gets easier over time as we rank our cloak up, for everyone!

It is in no way impossible for at least tanks to solo it, if you can play your class then you can solo a vision. For healers, well idk why you would expect to be able to solo something that requires you to kill enemies, but there are always bad people who need healers for visions. Also not like you can just freely switch your spec to dps for 10 mins.

If only you had a dps spec. :scream:

P.S: idk about you but I have seen bears absolutely destroy visions. That damn conflict and strife talent gives them some fat dps.

I think you guys are particularly strong for the encounter. Build completely offensively, can copy the traits and essences from this video:

Of all the things in modern WoW to complain about you picked one of the few things they actually did a good job with.

No wonder modern games are crap; people like you get to derail the game…

I don’t even have Conflict and Strife :frowning:

The trick to clearing Visions as a Tank is the trick to doing any content as a Tank.

Pull big and use DPS trinkets.

If you use the mysterious red liquid, that can basically solo a 3 chest (2 medium areas and Alleria) with how much damage it does.

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I’m sure you’re an absolutely fantasic, skilled player who can easily adapt to new classes and picks up everything quickly.

Everybody isn’t. The idea that any undergeared player learning a new class should become expert in an hour is silly.

If you “weren’t even 420”, then that character was already higher ilvl than all of mine.

The main reason is they gave you the quest immediately and told you to do it now.

I searched on wowhead and could not find this. What is its actual name?

Well, they either improve it, or I for one, will not be victimized by it. I will simply opt out of healing. It’s like a woman being married to an ogre. Why stay?

It’s like “vial of mysterious red liquid”. There’s a whole bunch of them with different effects, typically with mixes of both positive and negative buffs.

The red one gives you a free dragons breath (sans the disorientate) every few seconds and does a ton of damage even on single target.

I, for one, will not be victimized by it. I will simply opt out of healing and maybe for good. It’s like a woman being married to an ogre. Why stay?

Queue times, pugging KEKW.

I don’t see how you could have Horrific Visions accommodate healers and tanks without breaking their challenge.

Visions are all about completing objectives in a timely matter without dying. To accommodate Tanks you would have to ether drastically lower the rate of sanity loss (the core factor that makes them difficult in the first place) and/or buff enemy damage to make it legitimately challenging for a tank so it isn’t just a tank-and-spank snore fest.

For healers it would require even more, since their DPS potential is so bad. You would have to implement AI-controlled “players” that you guide thru the Vision like a pet (similar to how the Mage Tower challenge for healers went back in Legion) which would make it ether a snooze fest or frustrating beyond belief, or just make it so that healing does damage, which defeats the who point of being a healer and just turns you into a glorified DPS spec.

Personally, I would just face facts and accept that you can’t do everything as a tank or healer, because if you could why would you play DPS in soloable content? Tanks and Healers have so much survivability that they can basically kill anything they want given enough time. It’s a lot of effort that would just break any semblance of challenge.

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