Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Then figure it out. It will take you very little time to learn it well enough to do these.

Or just spend that time getting better at resto.

Good thing they can be done in a group, for those that aren’t interested in changing their role.

My condolences.

Welcome to 2004, where Tanks and Healers might have to occasionally use their dps spec to do solo content.

To the people who say find a group for this content:

Remember that years ago wow didnt have LFR. And guess what? It was hard for some people to find a group for doing any dungeons or raids at all. Hence, some people simply up and quit and never came back.
And hence, Biizzard introduced LFR.

Well, that’s where we are now–we are back to when finding groups was impossible so people quit.

And for the people, like me, on servers that have few suitable guild options, it means we cant do the content. Or we are going to be extremely frustrated being forced to try.

Yeah, learn a dps spec in a day. Learn a tank spec in a day. And charge in there.


It’s that simple.

So play feral or balance. Or Feral Affinity or Balance Affinity. You have off specs and have had plenty of time to gear those off specs. Therefore the visions are easy. It’s not blizzards fault it’s the players fault that they are undoable.

Does Blizzard expect us to play with friends? Because i lost all my friends grinding their dailies.

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This is like the guy wearing his hat backwards with sunglasses on top complaining he’s getting sun in his eyes.

Well, a couple hours ago I got ripped to shreds in about a second because I didnt interrupt a cast in a Horrific Visions. Well, my resto druid has no interrupt. Okay, so dodge it you say. Well, I thought I could do it, but have already wasted three vessels. I am pretty fed up with this system, and already falling behind and I havent even begun the side content–which looks harder.

I am not learning balance or getting the necessary gear for it in a day or two. Give me time and maybe I can learn it and maybe I can find the gear for it.

Frankly though, I cant be bothered, and will either quit or switch to playing a warlock instead. From what I can tell, it is easy content to do on my warlock. I will say though, I much prefer to heal

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This is often your solution. It’s a good one. And often one not available to many. Not everyone has, or is able obtain, a dedicated group of friends. To pretend otherwise is avoiding the issue.

This feels like someone telling a person with money problems to just get richer. It’s technically a fix, but a largely unobtainable one.


Okay. It’s my fault. But I like healing on my druid. I like dpsing on my warlock. That is my fault.

But when I can’t do the content so I either quit healing or just quit the game altogether–guess what? The people who queue up for raids or dungeons will have one less person playing healers. And if this is only my case, hey–no problem. But is it only me? Am I the only person playing healers who is going to quit healing for this patch? Maybe, maybe not.

You know you don’t have to solo it, right?

You mean, after I get my ilvl up enough to get the cloak?

Sure. You can pug with any of the hundreds of thousands of people you are imagining are your “friends”. You can join a guild and wait weeks or months until somebody is willing to take a chance on your causing them to lose a vessel to help an unknown when there is no possible benefit to them.

Oh god shut up already. Acting like you can’t just click a “change spec” button and watch your gear morph to be itemized for your new spec.


Much as I see this as a non-issue simply because tanks could group up, and because every class has a DPS spec, I don’t like how blizzard is making tank/heals more of an optional role than a required one. Too much of the game has these support roles as optional.

I’d disagree entirely. Telling someone “get richer” is insanely vague.

Telling someone to network and go find some friends isn’t anywhere near as difficult. There are so many ways. Forums, discords, LFG, people have so many options. We are surrounded by communication tools.

I, myself, hosted thread upon thread back in Legion for people seeking partners for arena. And I, myself, made so many friends through those threads. And I wasn’t even looking! I just provided the thread for people to connect in. It’s really not as difficult as you’re making it sound, unless said person has some kind of high levels of anxiety, and even then, that is something we must work through sometimes.

I had a huge phobia / anxiety of making phone calls. My boss made me make them till I could do it confidently. Making a forum thread: “Healer LF friends / people for regular visions group” isn’t too hard.

Uhm as someone who mains tanks and heals. No it wouldnt.

If Im forced to do dps spec for something Im not suddenly gonna main DPS. Im absolutely trash as dps on my monk so I will instantly change back to healer always.

My issue isn’t anxiety. I love healing and don’t care about trolls in instances. My issue is the amount of time I have to dedicate to this game. My time allotted is getting less and less and it is very rigid in its time slots because I’m going casual in WoW and “tryhard” IRL.

That said, I’m glad that you have a good group and wish you the best.

I understand your frustrations but I feel like at the moment retail isn’t alt or very casual friendly