Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

After lvl 5 you have to clear a side area for the “Torn pages”

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very easy to solo as tank

You do not need an interrupt to do these, but resto druid has plenty of disruption.

Spend some time improving on your class and you will find these to be horrifically easy.

It’s unbelievable how easy the requirements are so far honestly.

Even on my undergeared toons I barely play I still complete each objective with multiple sanity orbs left.

Stop sitting here feeling sorry for yourself and go get better.

It’s just a game. You can do it.


I’m not sure out-dpsing a healer is something to be proud of


Maybe you misread. I said the SINGLE ITEM does more damage than the healer.
Not me, obviously I do more.

My point with that is if you had this single item as a healer you would double your dps, theoretically.

Oh I see, I gotcha

I’ve had my fair share of patches on my blood dk where my damage was abysmal. So i wouldn’t be surprised if some tanks were struggling.

Yup, which is what is going to be really hard on a healer. Which is why I’m going to stop playing healers and start maining on my warlock.

Not healer or tank friendly in a game that is already short both.

High fives all around Blizzard.

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The ultimate class fantasy, play fotm tanks with high dps.


you know these aren’t solo, right?

you can do them with a group

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You don’t really get that luxury as a healer. Sometimes you get pugs that are under geared and you’re going oom trying to avoid a wipe.

To dps on top of that is a little much.


this is where time gate raises its head.

A player has failed. They think they know why. now go farm and wait for a several days timer.

Some people…can forget what they had for lunch today by Wednesday. I’d be among them so not even making fun of them. This system is having them remember to zig instead zag on boss 2. zag instead instead zig on boss 3. Many days later.

see raid gets easier i am told since as long as you have the patience, the time and the in game bank account for repairs and consumables…you can wipe 10 times on boss 1, 20 times in boss 2, and in a lucky case boss 3 was just 3 wipes. 33 tries there alone.

Make mistake, see the mistake, correct for the mistake and succeed. With little to no downtime. then go to boss 2 and repeat…


I am thinking of coming off my feral spec. My guild mates say balance is so much better here. And for other content. Some would say so what, do it. I’d say my class fantasy is the allure of being a cat. But the cat so far as I can tell…can’t make this stuff bleed fast enough.


I heal. If I can I kitty weave.

As for the mobs at the entrance to the cathedral you need to interrupt “Shadow Shift.” Sorry but I’m not wasting five vessels learning to do something else other than that. My resto druid has already wasted three vessels and I havent even started trying to do the other parts of Horrific Visions. As far as I’m concerned my four healers, three of them of which I main on will be collecting dust for now while I either switch to maining on my warlock and forget healing till Shadowlands, if at all again, or I just do something other than wow in my free time.

And there will be at least four less healers available for pug raids and mythic keys. No big deal if it’s only me. But is it??


They might not be super easy as a healer, but they are super easy as a tank for sure.
Play whatever you want, but there is legit zero reason tanks can’t do this.

Healers, I can at least UNDERSTAND where the issue comes from, even though I know its not a problem.

Healers have less tools to deal with solo stuff, but you don’t need those tools. These are way too easy as it is, and the food thats out now makes them even easier.

I’d recommend everyone do these as tank though, if they have that choice on their spec.

You will NEVER fail these because you have low DPS, unless you are looking to push well past what the quest requires.

You may fail them because you die though.
I have had that happen multiple times on undergeared DPS.

I’ve done this on brm and guardian with no problem and have seen full clears on prot warrior and pally and blood. So I’d leave the tanks out of this.

Priests and shaman have a right to gripe, because their dps specs can struggle. But complaining about reforging gear is silly. Azerite armor has been raining from the sky in the form of emissary quests and the cloak quest all patch. You don’t even need the best traits to make it through this content just for the sake of getting cloak upgrades.

If you absolutely must go as a healing spec, they are absolutely required in groups. Tanks as well. No one is 5 dpsing visions.

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I disagree with all of this. Healers and tanks can find groups without a problem because they are healers and tanks. I run with a healer, tank, and two dps friends all the time and we have no issues whatsoever.

Those healers and tanks who wish to remain healers and tanks (and there’s nothing wrong with it) should seek a group of friends (people who won’t care, in other words) and go succeed.

Frankly, you shouldn’t be doing competitive content if you give up this easily, so this isn’t really something to leverage.

Anyway, you do not need to interrupt shadow shift. You can just move out of it.
The only thing that really should be interrupted is the fears.

You can do this with typhoon easily enough.

Or you can switch to Guardian and have zero issue.

Switch to guardian? That’s like asking a drummer who has never touched another instrument his whole life to pick up a guitar and start playing it halfway through a concert. Lol. I have no experience on my druid except for having played resto druid for years.


OMG No!!!

This is the day people will look back upon. The day that one healer stopped healing in a game.

But wait, you just admitted that we don’t need healers. So why would we care?

Make up your mind on what offends you.