Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Tanks & heals having a problem doing these, especially if it is their only spec, is going to catch up with everybody. It looks like these cloaks are the latest and greatest gear level to say who can and cannot group up. There have been numerous posts by people concerned about falling behind and not being able to pug or even getting bumped out of a raid group. People are eternally complaining about a shortage of tanks and heals now, can’t wait to see what it is like in a month or two.


That’s because people are going off of old youtube videos with outdated information and clickbaity titles about “THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO IN 8.3” etc.

A tank can ball out in horrific visions. sorry healers.

I have to agree that is bad design, just like IE’s. I guess the main reason why I have to agree is because you can’t simply change specs. You would need to reforge your Azerite gear, change out weapons, and maybe even have to change essences. Blizz has made it to where you are all but locked into the spec you choose. A lot of the content they released is cool and has potential but just missed the mark and it’s really not clear how it could have happened with the feedback that they get. :man_shrugging:


The respec cost to change Azerite is dumb, no question about that.

During beta, Blizzard was going to slap a gold fee for changing specs, but a lot of us complained a ton so they backed off on that.


Honestly, I have a fourth healer–a resto shammy. And he has only one set of azerite gear. I currently have it set to running three dps traits, and if I want to heal i have to reforge it.

Now when I do the daily visions stuff I have to run those traits or it is impossible. As a result I do no healing on this toon because I cant be bothered reforging in and out twice a day. The cost in gold also goes up every time you do that. So after a week or so the gold cost to do this is in the thousands of gold and rising.

So you know what? Im not even gonna do any more healing on him. In fact all I do on him now is quests for gold.

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The system is designed to help advance those who are already the most advanced, and to hold back those who are just starting at the bottom of the learning curve.

I recently leveled up my characters in Korrak. This week my characters, all too low ilvl to comfortably do any of that content, got corrupted gear instead of usable upgrades.

The entire intent is to separate the playerbase into “elites” and “those who should be encouraged to quit”.


Melee dps its designed for. Casters will have issues compared to classes that can move and kill at the same time.

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You can go talk to MOTHER in chamber of the heart and remove the corruption. There was even a quest you had to do, that showed you that.

What do you mean reforging?

Oh. Wait, you mean the azerite gear? I hadn’t considered that.


They changed it so it no longer requires currency? When? You are the only person who has said this.

Of course, only one of the pieces would have been worth equipping even if it wasn’t corrupted.

I have no use for crit-haste gear. Especially not crit-haste gear with a corruption crit proc. Was it really a coincidence that 2 of my tanks got this exact item off an emissary?


Which currency does it use?

While we’re all here talking about the damn cloak, I noticed last run (I’m currently cloak lvl 5) I didnt get one of those orange things to upgrade after killing the Boss, am I supposed to now do the other areas to get it?

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You tell me. Everybody says it requires mementos to cleanse corrupted gear. You are the only one saying it does not.

They changed it after the ptr, when it was free.

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wowhead says it only costs 5 to cleanse, should be easy enough.

Yeah, my resto shammy wont be healing any keys. Thanks Blizzard.

And in a few weeks of failing Horrific Visions–if I do renew my subscription within 70 hours because it is to expire then–I will probably have switched to maining on a warlock and just let the healers collect dust. This system is “Horrific.”

Yeah, and if you run keys in pug groups, there will be four less healers out there for sure. And I doubt I am alone, as evidenced by others in the same boat.

Then too, another option is to just heal with damage azerite traits, and be done with it. Let the group crash if the heals arent good enough.

some like to be the one spec.

Possibly for RP reasons. I could see a priest complaining. if their RP is holy priest of the light, or Elune if a night elf, and they have to go shadow for this content as yeah that’s an RP problem.

Or possibly to some its rather counter intuitive to be spec A…and have loot set for spec B. since we could assume as shadow priest they’d roll for holy to at least get gear for that when done.

Ideally you’d want to run the spec B since its what you want to be. this is what will be irksome for me. My newest 120 hunter will stay BM. for this content only and I will change loot to MM. Since the value of a pet, with all the BM bene’s…is too good to give up really,

Non lone wolf MM can use a pet I know. My stance is if running a pet, may as well run the pet spec.

Sad to see more people making excuses instead of rising to the occasion.
I promise you, you are perfectly able to complete these as tanks.

Frankly, the requirements so far are way too easy.
You can easily do them as a healer too if you actually practice maximizing your time.

I’m not sure where everyone is at with this patch but you should be aware that there are now items that will do millions upon millions of damage for any spec in the game, especially tanks.

My rank two echoing void is regularly my top damage and does more damage than healers in mythic plus alone.

These things are just not tightly tuned enough to be threatening quitting over.

Just go do it as tank. Use the new food for an even easier time.

My resto druid has no interrupt. I died fast my last attempt trying to kill the guards at the entrance of the cathedral at Stormwind. I am not wasting more vessels and my subscription is due to expire soon.

Guess what? I am looking to fill my free time with Steam games.


It’s stupid because it makes healers take pvp talents. Is this Blizzard’s way of reviving pvp specs?