Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

You could also just make your own group in group finder saying “need group, looking to push, i’m this level cloak ect…”

They don’t like tanks and healers, even though Ion is a healer. If they don’t want me to be available to tank when those needy deeps need a tank, I’m fine with that. Go tank your own instances, guys.

Maybe, but I’d much rather wait for people I have faith in, rather than pug it. :smile:

so you won’t hear, “sorry I just did my last one”?

The system makes getting groups more difficult and it could be solved by allowing people to choose to use a vessel at the beginning of the vision: want to consume one, you get a shot at loot. don’t want to consume one, you don’t get loot.

Way better system


No worries :smiley:
Just putting out options for people ^^

Well, sure. But if you have ever used LFR or tried to join groups for mythic keys, you will know right away that if you are a dps spec you often have to wait a loooong time or have trouble getting invited because there are a lot of dps players relative to tanks and healers. However, if you are a healer or tank, it is the opposite. That is because healers and tanks are in relative short supply.

Now if this content cant be done by healers or tanks, well, then they cant get the gear they need \ to do raids and dungeons–which means dps are gonna have even more trouble finding them. And hence, queue times are gonna be even longer.

Is this what Blizzard wants?


GOOD NEWS: You can soon get more!

BETTER NEWS: If nobody can help this week, they’ll have more vessels next Tuesday.

EVEN BETTER NEWS: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with waiting until that Tuesday to bump your cloak another level.

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Even better news would be for Blizz to improve the system.


The system is fine.

It’s not Blizzard’s fault if people immediately use their vessels the moment they get them, because those players have absolutely no control over their actions and give zero thought to the other people they play with.

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Honestly, as a healer main on three healers–one now geared at 455 ilevel, and with little gear, patience and time to learn and do dps specs, and after wasting another vessel today I am near fed up with this. My subscription is due to end in less than 70 hours now and I am thinking about forgetting this game till Shadowlands.


Rather than quitting, I would suggest finding a guild where the people aren’t jerks, instead.


Lol. My server is dead for guilds, and i have 14 toons on it. That is a whole other issue, and more reason to quit wow. Like I am going to pay for 14 server transfers.

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No, the game has been out for fifteen years is why there isn’t as many players at its peak. Even without know how many subs there are, I’d bet anything that it’s more than any other MMORPG.

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It’s Blizzard’s fault for creating a system that punishes players with more advanced cloak ranks and research from helping new players and players with alts.

You need to progress your own cloak, progression which requires you to do more and more challenging content. And you only have so many chances of doing that each week. It’s unreasonable to be asked to give up your chances of progression to help others. That’s beyond helping and into sacrificing and eventually that will be a point of friction


Just create your own group then, it’s really that simple.
I main a healer, I just do visions in a group with dps. We’re support for a reason. We’re not really supposed to solo content in the first place.


If theres some way I could help on my DPS toon on Gundrak i would… though the oceanic server lag may kill it and alas i have no essences right now. Could help in a few days tho if you want.

Lots of games have been out longer than 15 years and are still growing.

“It’s old” isn’t a reason. It’s an excuse.

No problems as a tank so far for me. I expect it to get even easier as I improve gear.

I know because swapping specs out is so taxing these days…

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I’m sitting on 2 vessels in my bags right now and have 15k currency so I could buy another.

Do you know what I’m doing with those vessels?

Nothing. Why would I? I’m holding onto them so I can help anyone else who needs it.

If vessels are burning a hole in somebody’s pocket and they just HAVE to use it right now, that’s a problem with the player.