Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Eh. I agree with what you’re saying, but not with the intensity with which you say it.

It’d be nice if tanks had squishy DPSes they could keep aggro off of smartly to help them win. It’d be nice if there was an almost dead tanky boi NPC that dies off quickly on other specs, but healers could keep them alive.

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Ok. I wont.

But if you don’t want to learn your dps spec, or play a group based role with others. In a group. …I just hope you enjoy not doing stuff.


Because Blizzard put some people on the dev team who don’t know what RPG’s are, and just look at wow as another shoot-em-up video game, and that’s the main reason that WoW now is about one-tenth the size of WoW from 10 years ago.


Are you trying to say friends and family and guildmates can’t and don’t use LFR together?

To do group content…with groups of randoms or with friends.

HOPEFULLY you have made friends (i know this is a shocker) of the people IN THE GAME and THOSE friends can help you out. Family might or might not fit this as well.

But the poster above was helping his sister so what is true for you is not true for all…covered that earlier.

Swap guilds OR wait to do the content when people are available.

That is their choice…just like it is their choice to not use their dps specs to do content that is supposedly only for dps specs to do.

Don’t care what others do when i am playing the game i want to play my way…but then again i don’t refuse to use the tools available to me to get content done and then complain that i am being victimized.


Honestly… I hate being forced to do this content and don’t understand why I have to do it. I am having a nightmare with it wasting all kinds of time and the vials are going to waste. I don’t know what to do except to just say “no” to it and just be sorry but I am not going to heal any more. If anything, I think it is time to just play a demon hunter and be done with it, or else just say bye to wow for now.

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Blizz should change the “pay to play” to be a “pay for a chance of loot” that way you can make groups more easily with people who have already run (and spent their vessels) or want to save their vessels for more challenging runs.

Many specs, even dps, can’t solo it and would normally reach out to guildies and friends to make a group, except those people can’t help them.

Classy move :+1:


I f*cking died at that comment I love it :joy::joy::joy:

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They could solve this by making the group leaders key be consumed instead of everyone’s key.

or they could just let go of the stupid gating requiring grinds for content, but we know that won’t happen since they have to stretch this nontent for a year.


Meh, I don’t really know a lot about monks, but WW does look like kind of a weird spec and it’s understandable that it’s not going to click with everyone.

She’s a perfectly capable healer in raids and group content, but DPSing solo is just never something she got.

Thanks for that.


WW is fairly straight forward. So straight forward in fact during Legion i ran it with one large macro i found on MMO champ…it was beautiful to run the whole rotation with one macro.

Anyways, it is not hard to work through but to be honest i think the better option is for you guys to run it together building memories as family playing the game together…later in life it will bring a smile to your face, hopefully for both of you.


Why can’t they help them?

Very true. Figure that since they’re going forward with the same concept in Shadowlands with Torghast that we might as well start now in building up some teamwork duo skills here. xD


The main problem I see when I go in solo on my healer (that isn’t a shaman) is that one of the dingus mcdoodleberries over in Trade District that I have to kill has a channel spell that needs interrupted or I lose a lot of sanity.

Nothing with major sanity draining potential should need to be interrupted. It should all be avoidable, he should channel out his deathy psycho beam in front of him and as long as we stand behind him, we’ll be fine.

Other than that, solo damage hasn’t been a major issue for me and I’m 15 if 48 toons deep on capes so far. The Blood DK did have some issues though, I guess. She was rather poorly geared though and I blame myself more than the spec.

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Exactly. I asked a friend for help and he said, and I quote: “Horrific Visions are easy.” He plays a DK and only a DK. Hence it is easy for him, so in his mind, it is easy for everyone, even healers. So nobody needs help. He refused to help me. Now next time he needs a healer to help him, he can ask me, and I will refuse back. But that is no big deal to him because he can just join a pug raid or dungeon and will not ever need my help–not that I didn’t help him. In fact, I put a raid together a few weeks ago, and was raid leader so he could get the last boss at Eternal Palace done and could get his AOTC.

That doesn’t sound like much of a friend at all.


But on a more serious note, technically the whole main bfa campaign is centered around being dps. I really don’t think this is anything new.

Stated the reasons in the first paragraph

with people who have already run (and spent their vessels) or want to save their vessels for more challenging runs.

Since you seemed to not understand what that means: if you don’t have a vessel or 10k to buy one, you can’t do the horrific vision and it may take days before you farm enough to get one.

And if your friend has a rank 1 cloak and no research done and you have a rank 7 with 3+ tiers of research, your friend can’t survive the content you need to do to progress and you doing content he can survive for him is a waste of your vessel and sets you back days of farming.

The system is anti-group.


Oh I understand how the system works, just fine.

Here’s how things work among civilized people, though:
Healer: “Hey guys, I’m having trouble soloing horrific visions. Could you save your vessels to help me out in a couple days?”
DPS: “Sure!”



Sorry buddy, I already did my runs and am out. I like you but…not enough to rerun assaults and dailies to be up on your time schedule.

And the funny thing is this only likes certain dps. I tried to take feral here. When I saw that timer burning away I said…yeah…ain’t no way in hell this is getting done.

so I agro’d as many as I could to speed up that death. If I can’t be efficient in fighting I can be real efficient in dying lol. it was their first run, but my 3rd char run on Stormwind. So I just knew this was a lost cause.

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