Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

I can play every class and every spec. Not having queues has never been a problem for me. People would have an easier time if they played more of what was available in the game instead of hyper specialising.

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Yes and it was designed for dps , heal and tank … I thought that this is not possible lol
Never mind


Jesus Christ how terrible. Who’da thought this was a social, group-based game?


Better to design dungeons around tanks and healers. Since they’re the only 2 roles who do their rotations with both eyes open.


There was not a single variation of the mage tower designed for a dps, healer, or tank to solo it.

Even the healer mage tower gave great benefit to some healer specs over others.

You are basically asking them to design 4-5 different “Horrific Visions”. When, sorry. That isn’t needed.

Make friends or learn your dps spec. If you want to play a support role, then you have to have someone to support.


Have you tried it on a resto druid? Good luck with that.


You mean resto druid who have the most viable dps of any healer? Cat Affinity, take Typhoon, hot yourself up and dot/swipe for days. If anything, they should be the one healer that is capable of doing it to some degree.


Why would I try it on a resto druid when there are two perfectly viable dps specs?


Not everyone’s interested and/or capable of playing their DPS spec.

I’ve started doing horrific visions with my sister, who mains a healer. Spent my last three vision vessels just catching her up (my main is rank 5, she was rank 1).

I’ve suggested that she try to learn and collect gear for Windwalker for that sort of thing, but it never works out as she hates her DPS spec and can’t play it well, and trying to solo a vision as a Mistweaver ended badly. So I decided to just catch her up so that we can progress together.


Then they may have to deal with the disadvantages of it. :man_shrugging:

Just like Tanks/Healers have been telling DPS who don’t use their tank/healer specs they have to deal with the disadvantage of getting into group based content.

Not everything can be designed to benefit tanks/healers.


Interested maybe not…but they can heal and press buttons, then they can dps and press buttons. ON the other hand…

This is what Guilds, friends and family are for. It is what the game is built around. Kudos to you for helping your sister out, nicely done.


Have you run Stormwind or any of the Horrific Visions content with no interrupt?

The truth is a Holy Paladin and Disc Priest can do this content to at least some extent, but by no means with the ease of a dps spec.


I’ve said as such before, that parts of the game is built around the assumption that everyone has a DPS spec. Things like the Brawler’s Guild and now these Visions. But all the pretty words in the world don’t make her instantly good at playing WW. She’s practiced, she’s tried, but it’s just not a spec she’s been able to get into.

Stuff like Brawler’s Guild is optional of course, but visions are pretty much required for any kind of serious player. I don’t think it would be a bad thing to make visions more tank/healer friendly.


Every class in the game has at least 1 DPS spec. Nobody is being excluded.


Um dps for most specs isn’t rocket science and besides. Who cares if you suck at it? Switch to dps, smash buttons that light up till things die. It’s not like you have to be perfect, you are basically questing. So what if my rotation sucks?

Tank here. I did the first 2 or 3 visions solo, but once I started venturing into the intermediate areas I started grouping up with friends.

We did one run with a tank AND a healer, which I would not suggest trying because it was very tight.

But tank OR healer, and some DPS, works well.

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Friends and family? Guilds? Then why is there LFR? Why is it even possible to queue up with people for dungeons or raids at all?

Not everyone playing wow is fortunate enough to have friends and family who also plays wow. Nobody else I know plays wow–not a single one of my friends. As for family? That is laughable. My family generally avoids computers period, except for when they have to use them.

As for guilds–not everyone in your guild is available when you are. I have witnessed people being members of guilds and doing one thing a week with other guildies at best. Albeit this is not always the case–being in some guilds is a social thing. But then there are players who do everything in pugs.

On my server, for example, there are top players who basically do nothing in guilds and mythic keys and raids all in pug groups–and they do very well doing that–except when they want to do mythic raiding, of course–but that’s a whole other issue Blizzard fails on.


Balance druid good sir. One interrupt every minute may as well be no interrupt. That’s why we have Typhoon.

I feel like its not really an assumption if its 100% factually true. Everyone has a dps spec.


Don’t tell me what to do or I will where to to go …