Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

It’s amazing people go into content like this thinking they can heal things to death. There are times and places for roles to shine and if you cant figure those out then I mean… WoW inst the right game for you. Just switch to the role the content requires and stop complaining that it doesn’t cater to your preferred spec. If you have SUCH a desire to heal it’s not like it’s hard to find groups that you can tuck your tail behind.

Saying you will stop playing because you can’t heal 100% of the time is a childish and absurd remark. It’s like going into a job and saying you only cook food and that when you have to bake something you’ll quit.


Your statement is evidence that more solo DPS centric content is needed not less; if nothing more than give DPS an alternating gearing route that does not depend on tanks and healers and to relieve the DPS pressure from the queues.

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Honestly all they need to do is make your weekly gear drop and cloak attempt cost the item, then the rest of them are free once you’ve earned it. Hell, make the free ones have no corrupted memento drops too if it really matters.

I, with a rank 7 and soon to be 8 thanks to today’s reset, have zero incentive to help someone with a rank 3 cloak. The content I pursue is going to be different, and them lagging behind could potentially cost me my chance. However, if they would just make everything on a weekly lockout, I would be more than happy to run “free” runs where they get their upgrade and I don’t get anything. But since the vessels are extremely limited, I can’t run that risk.

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I know, giving people answer to their “problems” is so annoying. Who actually wants answers when they can cry that about something that is easily solved.

Oh noes, nameless faceless people who cry on the forums find me annoying, whatever should i do. I know let me take a page from your book…/cry stamp my feet and have a tantrum and complain while a simple fix is within my grasp so i can scream i’m a victim.

Because THAT is how you work within the games parameters…or you cry and complain. Be my guest and cry and complain and don’t keep up, lots of people do that all the time, still doesn’t change the reality that either you want a solution or you want to cry.

I know this is hard to get but your not doing the mage tower so you either want a solution or you want to complain…again your choice.

And it is solo content. Crying that you have to change specs doesn’t change that, it is still solo content.

Because you either want to do the content, or you don’t. If you don’t then just sit in tank and suffer and complain if you can’t figure out how to do it. If you do then go dps and do the content.

Either way i don’t care. The answer is in front of you if you are not good enough to do it as a tank.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better about the hard challenge of swapping specs and running content.

Easier said than done.

Ask a rock band drummer to play the trombone in classical music concert tomorrow, and tell him it is the only work available for him. Guess what? He won’t be in the concert tomorrow. He has never learned to play the trombone and to expect him to play one in a classical concert tomorrow or even next year is very realistic. Right.

As for grouping up, I could group up if my server had any suitable guilds that wanted to help, but quite frankly it doesn’t–so I’d have to server transfer. But my twenty eight characters on my connected servers all reap the benefits of profession synergies, and my main toons have all the recipes from vanilla making them critical to my other toons. They also share materials and most have their bags and banks full of materials I’ve farmed over the years so that I can, for example make armor, enchants, etc, to make their leveling a pleasant experience. Right, I’m going to fork out hundreds of dollars to transfer 28 characters to a server with group options.

Yaaay Blizzard. High fives all around.

I do play with my friends, thanks. What I hate doing is begging them to carry me… For this, not just once, not just a couple times, but every week for about FOUR MONTHS. A healer is utterly useless in there. The extra person who can’t DPS does nothing but make it harder for the person doing the carrying.

Not to mention, when there are limited keys to get in, conflicting/complicated schedules make it harder to arrange. They might not think they have time to run something later, but I’m not on, so they run their own key when they have time… but then when they’re unexpectedly on later in the week that prevents them from saying: “Hey! Looks like we are on at the same time! Let’s run you through that!” They’ve already used their key and can’t help.

So your snide, overly simplistic solution isn’t really a solution.

First of all I meant no shade when making that comment but thanks for getting extremely offended for no reason.
Secondly, I don’t like being a burden to my friends either. But if they are real friends, they would help you no matter what and that’s that. So I’m sorry your friends don’t wait on you and run their vessels without you, ever consider they are really good friends then?
And third, disc is good, why don’t you just play disc? if you’re so insistent on playing a healing class, just play disc. It’s really that simple.
If you want to play holy, play holy. You have dps options there too.
If anything you sound like you are the problem to your own character. Stop making excuses. Please and thank you. :two_hearts:

Why not just do away with tanks and healers in general?! Who needs them for any content whatsoever?! I’d be fine with that but then, on the other hand, not really. I’ve spent years healing, and like it–but it’s not like I don’t like dps specs, so fine. Another solution though is making healing and tanking more attractive versus less attractive and by doing so they would be more in supply, and would reduce the bottlenecks instead of adding to them.

You see there are two ways to deal with this dilemma, and problem for Blizzard. And instead of tackling this problem they have made it worse with this content.

As a person who heals and only heals on my healers, I won’t be healer maining much longer with more outrage when failing a few more Horrific Visions. I will then be switching to maining on dps classes like warlock, mage and warrior, and will be joining the people who are tired of long queues–while at the same time not helping decrease this problem by healing.

Another solution from my point of view is to just to do other stuff in the game, like leveling a dps Mechagnome. But that wont be helping the bottleneck problem this content makes worse. And then maybe, too, it’s time to just time to move on and spend my time and money on less frustrating pursuits like some Steam, Xbox and/or Playstation games. There is the solution. It’s that simple. And your wait times will get longer.

In summary, Blizzard is shooting itself in the foot with this content. If they want to do away with hardcore healers and tanks altogether, they are edging closer to being halfway there. Force the dps mains into learning overnight how to heal and tank and pay in gold to reforge regularly versus having the healer and tank mains deal with these frustrations. Let the dps specs deal with the headaches of doing your “Horrifc” content speced so that they have no idea what to do. Instead of doing what you have done you ought to introduce content that requires dps players learn to heal and tank so that they can be a solution to a problem, not a liabliity.

Yaay Blizzard. High fives all around. Guess what? If you are going to make content that is unfriendly to tanks and healers they are going to quit healing and tanking. That is going to make your queue times even longer because there are going to be fewer of us. That is turn is going to mean more unsubs. How good is that going to be for your sales and bottom line numbers? If I were an investor in your company I would take note that your development team needs to get with the program and listen to your player base. Otherwise you are going to continue to shoot yourself in the foot and have even less of a budget to properly design your content.

I don’t think I’ve heard any tanks complain…

While there have been a few, the vast majority of the complaints on this come from healers.

I don’t have much sympathy for the issue. Use LFG, go with friends/guildies or go dps. healers have options. Of those options, fwiw, LFG is by far the worst.

don’t like playing dps? suck it up for the 15 minutes it will take to get through it, then swap back healing.

I seriously doubt blizz is going to change anything related to these. At the most, they’ll reduce (again) the cost to get in one.


Cancellation of 8.3.5. They wouldn’t have cancelled an entire patch if they either a) weren’t out of money and b) weren’t out of time or c) both. Ion’s been clear that essences weren’t meant to exist and the entire overhaul of the azerite wasn’t meant to happen either. That surely ate through a huge chunk of their budget if it took as much time as they were saying it did.

That would be a better system. I’m sure someone will say it’s bad but I like the idea.

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Hey, I’m not asking for your sympathy. As a person who mains on healers, and who is clueless on how to play dps specs on my healers, I’m saying your wait times are going to get longer. I have no desire to learn how to play windwalker monk, elemental shaman, or feral or balance druid. When it comes to dps classes, I like playing warriors, hunters, mages and warlocks, and don’t like being forced into learning other specs I have zero interest in–and overnight yet. I have no time and zero interest in getting gear for them, and reforging my armor all to do this content. I don’t have limitless play time for one, and I like healing. So why can’t I just do what I want?

Regarding sympathy. I have sympathy for you because you don’t understand, and don’t realize that along with Blizzard’s lack of insight this issue is a problem for you and everyone who runs dungeons and raids, not just healers and some tanks–the reason being that the cloak upgrade content is a problem for some classes and specs that are crucial to everyone’s access to dungeons and raids.

I don’t do random queued content, for the most part, so no, my wait times will not be affected.

I understand, I just have a different opinion on it. If something is too difficult to do as a spec solo for a player, that player should just group with friends, or even strangers, if they absolutely refuse to play their dps specs.

It’s not a complex issue. It’s not game ending to have to group with people or play an alternate spec to get something done. It’s not a huge giant crisis if a tank or healer can’t do difficult content solo.

I say this as a tank that isn’t out there soloing my own visions (after the solo just-thrall ones). So I do know exactly what I’m talking about.

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I run with experienced raiders and they are saying the same thing I am. it’s hard to find good groups. Even good groups are having trouble. And healers–good night Gracey.

As for what you mean by random content, I’m not sure I follow unless you mean you never join pugs for keys or raids. Great if you have a solid dungeon and raid group–which is where you are coming from. In my case, the best guild on my server is a fair bit behind my own progress with partial pug groups that include friends I run with, and in my experience raids and dungeons with guild groups do not compare so well with a solid group of serious puggers. These people share the same view about Horrific Visions for healers.

Why are you trying to shame the guy for wanting to play the spec he wants to play?

This isn’t a DPS-only cloak, it shouldn’t be a DPS-only progression system. There’s nothing wrong with the guy for wanting to just play a healer. Heck, a lot of the times a great healer isn’t even remotely good at DPS. It’s like playing a whole other class.

Like, imagine if you wanted to play your paladin, whatever spec you play, and they locked you into having to do it as a demonology warlock or some class you didn’t want to play, aren’t good at or don’t remotely enjoy. That’s what this is doing.

This is a primary progression system for every role. It shouldn’t be designed around only one role. It’s a poorly designed progression system, end of story.


Okay, hold on a second here, I’m not shaming anyone. How on earth did you come to that conclusion? I stated a simple fact, the tools are available and some players are choosing not to use them. I have no idea how that translates into shaming.

Your personal opinion is not the end of the story.

I am just surprised people are still arguing healers should do dps. Maybe they should make dps off tank and heal as well. I can already hear the outrage if something like that ever happened.

Watching a shadow priest trying to off tank or off heal.


The guy wants to do it as the spec he plays end game in, as it’s an end game progression system. In fact, it’s one of the most important end game progression systems, as the entire corruption system is based around your cloak level.

You and a few others are coming to the defense of the system, stating that the players are in the wrong for wanting to play their specs. Because apparently, to you, they’re the problem here, and not the system that isn’t inclusive to them. You know, that system that roles other than DPS still requires.

I’m not really sure how anyone could look at this and think it’s done well. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the horrific visions themselves, but if it’s designed to be a mandatory progression system for healers and tanks, why shouldn’t it be designed to accommodate healers and tanks? Why is expecting this driving you to defend it?

This is valid, constructive feedback.


Blizzard is never wrong, according to most people on these forums.