Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Instant-queue for Raids and Dungeons are not enough… you want the same for horrific visions too. Your solution is easy: You could change specs - Every class has DPS spec or You could groups with real-friends (because real-friends help friends). You have options but choose to not take them.

If anything you post shows that Blizzard should invest in more content that does not depend exclusively on placating the egos of Tanks and Healers.

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You should probably reread what I said because you’re not understanding. Forcing players to do a substantial amount of undesirable content in order to succeed in content they want to do is bad design. This has been the big complaint of the entire expansion.

If I want to gear up by healing dungeons then let me, stop forcing me into this crap designed for dps.

Yeah i totally wanna do all 15 in one sitting instead of having it spaced out, that doesn’t sound awful for alts at all.

Forcing content in general is one of the biggest problems with the game.


Every single day we have guildies asking for groups and help, most of the people who pushed have no ability to help - not just because of the vessel cost, but also because they have different vision objectives. You can’t guarantee clearing 2 areas AND the boss to satisfy a rank 2 and a rank 6 upgrade on the same run - someone could get seriously screwed up.

The system is not designed for grouping… it just isn’t. Guilds can’t do it and PuGing it is way more toxic with the penalty than M+. I’m shocked they haven’t hotfixed it so 1 vessel works for the whole group. They will, its just a matter of breaking the developer mentality that what they built works as designed… it doesn’t. And it is going to hurt 8.3 until they fix it - let people get to the fun part of 8.3, which is NOT farming currency and not being able to run it with friends.

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My wife loves her discipline priest. Cannot, for the life of her, play shadow. I had to bring my Demon Hunter up so I could have a DPS that could carry her lack of it through this content, in order to upgrade her cloak.

Luckily we have each other. I can’t imagine other people being stuck in her situation without having someone willing to carry them through it.

It does feel poorly designed in a game based around multiple roles. They should’ve taken a page from the mage tower, and have specific mechanics for each role to fight through.

I hope the tower in Shadowlands is improved upon.


im not denying this, im just wondering how you find this out?

My understanding ability is working just fine, this is about you not wanting to DPS because you don’t like your DPS spec.

So you completely ignored the first paragraph of my post where I mentioned that we didn’t need to do all of this other bs to stay current? The bigger picture is being forced into content that we don’t want to do. If Visions weren’t required, then I wouldn’t do them, just like I don’t do Brawler’s guild etc.

Yeah, I burned my first 2 runs by grouping with a guildie, whose not that great but we run content together. I’m a healer main, they’re a DPS. We failed due to scaling out of the wall is bonkers.

So, I run my 3rd one solo as a tank, I didn’t meet the DPS requirement to beat it. Frustration. Locked out for 3 days to get 1 chance at it again. I go farm for some DPS trinkets, to use on my tank spec… Not unheard of but not something I wanted to do. I failed my 4th run… I repeat the cycle again and beat the vision with literally 2% left on my sanity. Not fun.

So, I go farm for some corruption gear to help me beat it as a tank. Not fun.

Now, it’s not too bad now but I suspect once I start getting to zone 3 or 4, especially 5 but that’s a given and expected, I might run into the same problem I had on week 1.

Forcing me to DPS, when I’m healer main is not freaking cool. I seriously wonder what the hell they’re thinking when they decide to come up with these ideas.

Quit trialing and testing on live and do some further critical thinking in house. As they’re not thinking outside the box enough and feels like they’re Hive Minding ideas.

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I replied to you about not wanting to change out of your healing spec, now you’re talking about content being forced upon you. I’m just here to talk about you being self-locked into your healing spec.

In Legion with the Mage Tower, there was content specifically geared for each spec and not generalized like the Horrific Visions are.

Why do I bring this up? I only cared about Mistweaver and BrewMaster at the time. I didn’t care for WindWalker, so I didn’t do the Mage Tower for it.

They should’ve made this with other specs in mind instead of only DPS in mind. Not all of us want to DPS to progress. So far in my WoW career, BfA has been the most intrusive expansion on getting me to play other specs and things I don’t normally do (like dailies) and it’s not been a fun venture at that.

Their attempts at getting me to try other specs has been met with irritation and not wanting to play.


That’s the thing though, they want to be able to play this content with the spec they enjoy. And honestly they should be able to. It would have been cool if they made these with every role in mind.


Ty metro and I enjoy your YouTube streams

Glad I was able to help! If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

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It has nothing to do with ego and everything to do with how the Horrific Visions are tuned. Players should be able to play the spec they like/know best and not have to necessarily switch to a DPS spec for the sole reason of completing content. (You’ll disagree with me, of course, but there are others out there who understand what I’m saying.)

My warlock has few problems with the Horrific Visions, but my prot pally (simmed for max dps for tanks) struggles. I don’t want to switch to ret and maintain a ret set of gear for just that one bit of content. (You’ll say I’m whining, but others out there reading this will understand what I’m saying.)

Grouping up with others isn’t really a viable option. My guildies are all at different levels with their cloaks and we spend our limited evening hours on non-raid nights running mythic+ instead of “maintenance stuff” like this. PUGs are out of the question – way too toxic.

My ten cents for the day (what a bargain!) Y’all have a nice day while we all wait for maintenance to end.


Thus the reason why Blizz needs to get rid of the Triad grouping system like in other big MMORPGs.

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World of Warcraft was built on tank/healer/DPS and should remain that way.

your like the most annoying dude on the forums. why should someone have to change specs when these visions should be soloable whatever your playing. the mindset of blizz. doing mage tower didn’t make people change specs why should visions. this was anoounced by blizz as solo content no grouping and why the hell would i want to go dps on my tank cause you know i play tank cause that’s what i enjoy. it’s just another failure cause blizz didn’t finish the job only half done.


Nonsense. Every spec of every class does not have to be able do everything. There are consequences to the spec you choose… DPS specs have long wait times when queuing for raids and dungeons and Healing specs may have to group (for horrific visions) since healing is a support spec by design.

[edit: parenthetical sentence fragment added for clarity)