Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Because it makes content more challenging. It’s a good idea. Players will always find a way to get through content, but they can’t always do it to a stopwatch.

I wouldn’t mind giving healers and tanks an NPC companion option for solo visions, when they queue a non-DPS spec.

All my classes that can heal always go heals in dungeons. I don’t run a healing spec while questing or world content unless in a group since vanilla. That part isn’t new. Although I did quest as disc priest a fair bit, since I felt the DPS was high enough.

As far as respecs, I usually only respec one piece on average, and keep others in bag. I don’t see this as a big problem, but I know some players prefer to only heal, so I understand the frustration.

Salute. Thank you!

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Pretty much do everything in only healer specs yes.

For me, someone who has never dps or tank specced beyond like lvl 50 lol, I have no reference on how much faster it would be so I dont notice. I imagine if I didnt care so much about just healing and tried some dps specs it would be faster and hard for me to go back to a slower way, no doubt. Most healer classes do good in questing now a days. I remember in cata being a paly healer how bad it was lvling as holy or before when priests were extremely slow, etc lol. I find lvling as a dps id die more and the walk back would be frustrating as heck for me, so I always stay healer as it’s also what ill be doing endgame, ( them ap grinds in legion pretty such sealed this in for me too rofl )

What I like about only healer questing is being able to grab a ton or mobs and mow em down without dying as a healer, the only healer that had issues with that was the shaman mostly because theyre much slower casting in general, the aoe dmg for resto is depressing and chain lightning feels clunky af lol. Though they did eventually get earth elemental back they still should get fire ele unpruned, but they are getting a few things back in shadowlands apparently.

Most classes have talent options to make it not so bad. Druid have the affinity forms for feral, monk is just a beast for grabbing all things and aoe/single target killing, priest got holy nova back and a decent toolkit for dps,p or can do disc, paly can pop cooldowns and burn all things, sham lvl the slowest lol.

Because they don’t enjoy it. I hate what Blizzard has done to both shaman dps specs and I don’t want to play them. I didn’t roll this class for Ele/Enh, I rolled it for restoration which is a spec that I love and enjoy. I just don’t see why they can’t come up with challenging content for healers/tanks. The Mage Tower was perfect, why can’t we have more content like that?

DPS players can be single-minded. Why the double standard?

Mix and match within the vision if needed.

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Most of our time in this game is spent killing things, either you’re helping your group to kill things or you have to do it yourself. Saying that you don’t enjoy doing damage is mind-boggling, you’re closing yourself off from a major portion of the game. I personally don’t think developers should waste their time creating content for players who refuse to change out of their healing specs, maybe I’m a bit harsh but I will accept that criticism.

You’re not winning me over with that argument. Pure DPS are single-minded because they have no other choice, you have a choice and you’re refusing to use it.

What makes you feel like its bad design?
Either way, nothing I suggested is “strange” or “convoluted.”
I suggested you improve in your game play and use the tools available to you to do so.

I suppose the reason people are having trouble in the first place is because they look at that advice as “strange” though, huh?

Anyway, one last comment on this topic for me.

If you think its designed poorly, you have two options.
You can sit here and make excuses all day and blame the game and try to force them to change it to make it easier.
Or you can get better and solve your own problem.

Which you choose is up to you, but I would recommend the latter.

You might find that LIFE is designed poorly at times.
Should you get depressed and wallow in your lack of success, or should do everything in your power to improve your position?

That’s the logic I am applying here.

Luckily, this isn’t life. Its a video game which caters to everyone.

These things are insanely easy, especially rank 1-5.
And especially now that you can get a half dozen trys a week after all the buffs to coalesced vision acquisition.


you know it’s not only solo dps content, right?

you can group up with some friends and run it as group content…

why are we arguing about this for 300 posts when there are options available to everyone to approach this content in different ways?

So what you want to do in an MMO can’t be done 100% solo on your support class? let me pull out my tiny violin and serenade you.


Idunno, because tanks and healers can take on larger groups than dps can. It evens out in the end when you play to your role’s strengths.

And Horrific Visions can be played with a group. Try it. I’m sure you group for dungeons and raids, right? Or do you just complain that they can’t be soloed by a healer or tank? WTH? How have you lasted this long in game doing everything solo on your healer?

Get in a guild, run with guildies. Make friends. Run with friends. I disagree that there are no groups wanting healers and tanks. If you friends don’t want to do it, find new friends.

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Dropping in the image…and yes, I use the Voidfin for movement speed and carry a stack of k’babs just in case. I also have a stack of invis pots because starting with a pot and skipping the first wave of trash eases things considerably.

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Its “DPS Content” for only a handful of specs

Death Knights Frost & Unholy
Demon Hunters
Fury Warriors
Ret Paladins
WW Monks

Tanks and Healers can group with

Feral Druids, Spriests, Warlocks, Mages, Hunters, Shamans, Rogues, Arms Warriors etc etc

Cool thanks!
Great advice. The invis pot on the pull makes you have to kill 3 enemies right?
I can’t imagine how that could ever be difficult for people haha

I mean blizzard has been forcing dps content on me for like 13 years. It’s not worth doing world content as resto :sweat_smile:

I start every run with the pot. For Ranks 1-5 it makes getting to Alleria or Thrall a cakewalk since it takes you right to the door guards untouched and with a basically full sanity bar. Total kills required - 3. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t do that. :slight_smile:

For 6+ it takes you right to the first tunnel entrance where you have a trivial trash pull before you go into the wing. With a 3 minute CD on the pot you can use it again if you have some need to…like people doing a 2 wing run (I split mine, 1 wing plus Boss for a shot at loot drops without stressing over not having enough orb time left) who want to skip the trash on the way to wing 2 after porting out of wing 1. :slight_smile:

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Most of our time in this game is spent killing things because of Blizzard only coming out with content that is favored for dps. In WoD most of my time was spent healing raids, and in Legion most of my time was spent healing dungeons and raids. I didn’t need to do a surplus amount dailies, islands, horrific visions etc.

Also, there’s a difference between not enjoying your dps specs and not enjoying dps. I enjoy dps as a boomkin, not as a shaman. I rolled this class to heal and I wish I could spend the majority of my time healing on it, but Blizzard is tying upgrades to content that’s tailored to dps. It’s not a good design.


I could not solo as Blood but my ilvl was horrific at first *no pun intended. Anyways I do them with my wife. I like the Horrific Visions and wish I could do them more frequently to see how far the wife and I can climb. It feels as if we are beta testing the Tower of the Damned.

You have terrible friends.


The design is fine, you have the tools available to you and you’re choosing not to use them. That’s 100% on you. If you don’t think your DPS spec is fun then that is a legitimate complaint and you should provide feedback based on that.

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