Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

Other than 5man content and raiding. Major sections of the game that makes them superstars, and roles people are constantly searching for. Being decent at either is a much much easier path to gearing up, compared to DPS.

Now lets throw in how they’ve constantly made tanks/healers better at dps over the years so you can easily quest/world content/etc.

Yup, you are correct in your assertion that healer damage has improved, but compared to my warlock, at a similar but somewhat lower ilevel, my warlock can do the quests, etc. in about half the time of my disc priest. As for my monk and druid, its more near about three times as fast on the warlock.

Now in Horrific Visions this difference is crucial because it is timed content. Just to illustrate the difference, when I do the daily Visions on my warlock it takes me an average of about two or three minutes to complete the objectives. On my healers it is anywhere from five to ten minutes to do it.

That is a huge difference. I might also add that on my healers I am in constant panic mode–well, not so much on the disc priest, but on the druid and monk, yes. I also have a resto shammy, and albeit he is lower level, my stress levels are way higher and the experience is anything but pleasant.

And when I switch to resto spec, I can complete 5man content 10x faster?

If you play a role based around doing something for others (tanking/healing) you should expect solo content to take longer.

The only way to change this is if they made a special “vision” for healers and a special “vision” for tanks.

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All I can say is I’ve read that to do Visions well you need big pulls. How any healer can do big pulls and then nuke it all down fast is beyond me. That is a feat no healer can do.

This point just emphasizes how “thankful” I am that I play healers and that Blizzard has created this wonderful content to make me gleefully happy I ever decided to heal. It makes me wonder why anyone wants to play anything but a healer when you can have such fun being expected to do content not suited to your choices.

High fives all around Blizzard!

Oh if only every class had access to the easiest combat role to play as.

Oh if only visions had the option to group if your too stubborn to play a dps spec.

Cry more you babies.

I haven’t played it as a healer but the one healer i did have used an orb at 750 sanity and essentially cost me an opportunity at a cape upgrade for level 7.

Note I’m not mad at that healer it’s not their fault the content was designed so poorly that one players mistake can set you back days to grind up another entrance token.

I will say i was extremely tilted at the time and have since invested all my points into solo content tree. im sure many who have had similar experiences have done the same. The risk is too high to go with players you aren’t absolutely positive are going to be good and pull their own weight.

I feel like the solution to this is that the only rewards should have been cosmetic possibly.

This, attaching the legendary cloak ranks entirely to visions was good in concept bad in practice. Visions would be much more entertaining if they were cosmetic only or if they just had the gear drop.

How is that a solution. Then you still have healers and tanks crying they cant get their special cosmetics cuz they refuse to respec.

The solution is stop being stubborn and respec to dps or group up. Simple.

This aint the mage tower that had encounters tailored to each role.

I can’t wait until they make content where they force you to heal/tank in order to gear your dps spec. I’m sure you’ll change your attitude then.

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Should just be saving vessels right now until you’re capped anyways, better to wait it out until you have more gear and can progress further in the vision. capping them out right now, I’ve also been able to add 2 more levels to my research tree(the ability to see chests) so I’ll get more out of my runs when I finally tackle them. Basically if you’re having trouble in there, just pile up some more gear while you save tokens, then blow thru the runs and you’re caught up with everyone else.
Also to people complaining about wasting vessels, at this point you only need one a week, and if you are doing all the content, you are collecting 5 or so a week. I don’t understand how this can possibly be a problem for people.

Honestly I am glad I am skipping the end game content for bfa and only focusing on setting up ARs for the next expac.

I have only lvl/played as a healers lol , it’s literally the last thing I love about this game and if that’s gonna be the meta ( healers forced to dps or use dps specs ) ima just give up on the game. Please dont ruin healers/healing blizz.

Stop being lazy and add healer or tank equivalents to big things like this. You’ve done it before here and there so we know it is possible.

That is how i got into tanking. It was easier to level and gave me more access to gear, it kind of grew on me though. Then blizzard gutted unholy pvp so i played exclusivlely blood after that.

That wouldn’t happen because not every class has all 3 combat roles.

2nd. It wouldn’t affect me at all since i aint a pansy who’s not willing to step out of their comfort zone.

Ive been ret since TBC and a terrible healer, yet i managed to unlock the mage tower skins for prot and holy.

Yet we got poor wittle tank/healer mains who cant bother respecing into the easiest combat role? Get real.

Do you only do quests in healer spec? That seems awfully masochistic for no good reason. I love healing, but all 5 of my healers have a dps os, and always have. Trying to do leveling or dailies in healer form is way too time consuming, and it’s been that way since at least BC. The visions are no more challenging than world content, so this just feels like people who are so bad at that game that they couldn’t complete visions in any spec, trying to get Blizz to nerf the visions.

I just want to say… while this sucks for tanks and healers this is something a lot of DPS had to deal with for several expansions.

A lot of world content is easily soloable by tanks and healers but DPS either have to switch to their tank/heal spec to solo it or they have to sit around and wait for a tank/healer/pet class to come initiate an encounter so they can join in and get credit.

You also automatically get the 100 currency to purchase the 3 globe trait even if you fail your first run… meaning that tanks should be going into Thrall/Alleria with a full sanity bar still.

It’s a different mindset, tanks and healers usually think about all the different variables and actions to take when things go down hill. This removes quite a few of those.

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Why does everything now have to be “timed”. I like slow and fun over this whole rush rush thing, including keys.

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What is the name of this food?

I agree with you and the OP

I don’t personally have an issue as tank but there are people who are struggling and going in to help makes it harder since mobs scale
It’s clearly more solo friendly but it was designed badly

Wish they allowed more vision runs

90% of my time is spent tanking in this game, I even completed a vision as prot a couple times, though it was a close call. After those close calls I put on my DPS set, switched to Ret, and it was much easier after that. It’s stubborn not having a DPS set at this point, I have zero sympathy for players who choose to be single-minded.

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