Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

I have had no problems as a tank, and find the content quite fun. Cloak is maxed for the week and I’m excited to jump back in next week for the upgrade.

But tanks do not do the damage that dps classes do. Or at least some tank classes are limited in their damage output. Is that not a problem? This content is timed remember.

I’m pretty sure if he’s doing it he’s well aware of the time constraints and with his cloak at R7 he’s had to do side wings as well.

When us dime a dozen dps complain about not being able to get in a group thee one answer that is always given to us is “make your own group”. Well healers and tanks, this system allows you to make your own group, so do that! Follow your own advice!

I’m sorry but I’m been scarred past the point where I care about the feeling of most tanks or healers. (all but a seldom few that I know personally). I have been called a “dime a dozen” too many times! Well now the “dime a dozen” doesn’t need to kneel before the healer or tank anymore, we can actually fed for ourselfs in meaningfull content. I admit it is not ideal and the system could use changes. But after all the abuse I’ve swallowed I am afraid I no longer feel sympathy for you. Perhaps that’s just me.

Ran this as tank no problem. Found it easier as a tank tbh because you can pull bigger. NPC’s dont hit hard just gotta pay attention to mechanics more about mechanics than anything. Single target as a tank lucky to get 15k so its doable

Dear lord.
Remember when you decided to play a DPS spec and to further your gear progression you started to collect gear to tank and heal? Ya apparently some tank and healers refuse to play the easy dps spec because its mentaly too hard for them.

People in support role are mad cause they can’t solo something becasue they choose to not have someone to support. It is like a tank complaining he can’t solo a whole mythic dungeon, even though its actually possible… just like visions!

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Just gotta be aware of mechanics and wing goals. Pull big and AoE down while dodging mechanics. In fact the SW zones with hot feet are probably easier as a tank because you can handle pulling extra if you’re accidentally launched into a pack that hasn’t been engaged yet. I use all the tools in my kit to survive, go faster etc. Sprint, stealth, speed potions, cool downs so on and so on. It’s a challenge, but one I really enjoy. I was able to clear two zones and the boss in SW with little issue and had fun doing it. Your experience may vary, but saying tanks can’t do the content is incorrect.

As a side note, I’ve had a 10 Ilvl upgrade since maxing my cloak… if I get a couple good corruption effects Tuesday with Orgrimmar being noticeably easier, I will probably go after lost zones as well. This stuff is fun, even though it has some issues. We should all calm down and give it a chance. It’s also blizzard’s first crack at this type of content and it will get a tuning pass if the data shows there are clearance issues, or certain mechanics are unnecessarily punishing to most.

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You’re cherry picking specifics and I’m discussing a broader picture. Any one thing alone, and we’d have little to disagree on. But that isn’t the case - as I keep saying, there are a number considerations when people go into Visions, and lack of success with an attempt is rather harsh. Keep in mind I am completing objectives in tank spec on multiple characters, hybrid characters I also heal on. (I wouldn’t try them on a healing toon - because of the “timer”, I’d also hesitate to go in with someone else in healer spec.) That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate where others would have difficulty on multiple fronts, and I’m not about to shut someone down for reasonable frustrations. If Blizzard had even promoted this as DPS focused content there wouldn’t be much in the way of discussion, but they didn’t - as mentioned previously, it’s about failure to set up realistic expectations. Visions were promoted as role agnostic and open to groups of varying sizes - and while technically true, there are serious handicaps to taking that approach that run counter to what we’ve been trained to expect in WoW. From level 1 to level 120, having a tank and healer in the group is usually a benefit, not a drawback as is the case with Visions.

This should be concerning to all of us going forward because Horrific Visions are most likely a testing ground for elements of Torghast in Shadowlands, and if the kinks don’t get worked out now, whether it’s mechanics or player expectations, it sets up strong potential for a bad experience there, in what is described as a major part of the max level experience in the next expansion.

Maybe I’m overly empathetic. I game with people who are quite successful in Mythic+ and ready to fill various roles, and those that do one spec exceptionally but can’t wrap their heads around others. I have also gamed with individuals with dyslexia, and individuals with visual impairments. And a whole spectrum of players in between. I’ve been able to enjoy all of them, and I want them to have positive gaming experiences. They ALL pay their subscription fee, and ALL hope to be able to explore the game. I don’t lose anything at all by advocating for content that is approachable to a wide range of players, or at the very least, has appropriately defined expectations so those players aren’t left confused and frustrated. Mythic+ is an example of a positive step towards that sort of thing as it scales and allows players to work to improve. I think Visions/Torghast have the potential to be something similar, but there are difficulties in designing for the solo experience that need ironed out and addressed for that to happen.

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The only thing I’ll agree with you is Blizz failed to set up expectations for Visions. Players have gotten used to solo content with little to no ramifications for failure and with little to no difficulty. The Mage Tower was an outlier but since it was just tied to cosmetics we didn’t see as much outrage (though there was still plenty of drama on the forums back then).

Nothing is stopping anyone from doing this content no matter the role or class they’ve picked. Since we know there are players of all specs and classes who’ve been successful both solo and in groups the issue is what players expectations were/are based on past design choices.

Players can choose to tackle it alone or with a group. They can choose to run right to the objective for slower progression or push themselves and risk their key. They all have multiple specs and the option of picking which one works best for them. The only thing stopping them is themselves as corny as that sounds.

Yeah and the moment you got buffs when doing your Heart Essence unlock quest against the elemental you’d tear hate off your NPC and get drop kicked into next week if you were poorly geared. The NPCs outright are crap and haven’t changed since Legion. Something you’d know if you did the healing mage tower.

Says the dps.

2008- 2016 is who you have to thank for the victim mentality. Safe Space, wokeness, and minority voices mattered all stem from that dark time period. So no people cannot stop, that’s 8 years the majority of most people formative years.

Well you can do it as a tank, but yes if all you do is heal your are pretty shafted.

Should be some mobs you can heal for extra mementos or something to have some incentive for healing… but even then that wouldn’t be worth much.

IMO, the problem isn’t that the healing is nice, but that for a lot of content you’re basically forced to have a dps spec to do content while blizzard goes “But HURR DURR, all der tank specs play DPS, lets make only 1-2 tanks viable and leave random specs on F tier” and it’s a real bummer. Not only are tank essences generally more time consuming to gather as a tank. (PVP essences are a pain, not a lot of tanks in pvp are even supposed to be there, you have to grind 30k honor but can’t kill anyone and they don’t want to fight you either, and you tend to steamlock 20 crowds of melee dps while getting soloed by a single magic dps while tickling them with 6k dps.

ON the other hand, when healer content is Forced, you get things like… Groups and healers raging vitrolically at any slight damage, or refusing to heal group and tunnel visioning a 100% overheal tank over a 20% dps. Or things like… attrition damage being ignored. Healer has to go piss? Guess i’ll just die then. Oh, want to do open world content in a dead zone? Oh well gg, healer’s don’t quest in spec.

That said, just get a dps offspec like i did for pvpings and raid spots. (GG trying to get 1/2 tank spots with no explaination of any mechanics whatsoever in a pug raid whenever your tank spec sucks, or has no real advantages in open world post flying no daze.

Yeah no, my only experience as a group was 2 orbs being put at the same place and failling it horribly, wasting 2 days worth of coalescing visions farming.

I’m doing it solo now. Forever.

and btw, I don’t think being a tank sucks in Vision. Maybe because I’m a Prot Warrior.

I’m not a forced healer, I’ll heal any content you need on my nelf druid if you’d like.

Some of us play healers questing, pvp, and everything.

if they didn’t bother thinking about tanks or healers when they made the visions, then yeah, they made it specifically for dps, lol.

Visions are easy as a tank.

I started them at 419 ilvl.

There’s not much in the game designed to benefit tanks/healers at all to begin with.

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