Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

I don’t get how this had anything to do with my comment which had already been answered earlier. Take it up with the mvp not me.

You actually should spend your money on something else if that something else will bring you more happiness.


Im convinced visions were designed by ex-D3 game devs they didnt put on D4, i have no other explanation for this crap show.


They could VERY EASILY reduce the hp of all mobs significantly when a healer or tank does it solo. Or change the scaling in general when someone who is a tank or healer enters since a healer even in a group is basically useless. But what did you expect from developers that don’t play their own game.

See the above. Healers are basically worthless even in groups. There is literally no point to bringing one when a dps can pull an entire room anyway and destroy it in seconds without fear of death. Might as well just bring another dps. Nothing like watching a DH or rogue pull everything then evaporate an entire room in seconds. Who needs a healer or tank in groups again?

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We can’t have that, it doesn’t fit the narrative of the forums! lol

I have another explanation, they took a look at the Abyssal (or Abysmal as some people have it) content in EVE where there is only one sensible way to complete them in the given time.

I’ve thought since BFAs release that azerite gear should change when you change roles. I have been dps 100% of the time this expansion and haven’t bothered trying to heal on my druid. I feel sorry for healers most, tanks can atleast get by and kill stuff solo in harder content.

I think this may be a lot less true for people who have 3/3 of the solo research, which is +15% damage dealt and -15% damage taken (not to mention gearing up). Visions are at their most difficult now, when most people have very little research, but they won’t stay that way for months.

Regardless, what worries me is that they billed this as soloable AND role-agnostic, when it would be more accurate to describe the result as soloable OR role-agnostic - if you want to play a non-DPS role you need it to be in a group - and comps like DPS, DPS, Healer may not even be that desirable compared to DPS zergs.

Both of those are very worrying to me when this content is clearly a prototype for Torghast which will be a significant part of an entire expansion. If Blizzard intends a holy priest to be able to go into Torghast alone and not feel like they’re being punished for their spec choice, then they have some work to do to differentiate it from the present state of visions. If they don’t intend that, then it seems like a difference from what was discussed at Blizzcon and they should disclose it sooner rather than later.

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May I please have your gold? First wipe off all the tears… don’t want a wet coin pouch.

If what you are suggesting is along the lines of the content being aimed at dps with no allowance for healer and tank only specs then thanks for the info. If healers and tanks are once again going to be forced to do dps content then I won’t be buying Shadowlands any time soon if at all. That or I will just ditch healing once and for all and play a dps spec I like instead of being forced to learn and play off specs I have no interest in.

High fives all around Blizzard. Why not just have the game for demon hunters only? You could develop items so that there would be zero need for healers and just have all of the demon hunters do dps and tank specs. That is what all of your content seems to be most suited to. Why not just rename the game to World of Imbalances, too?

I think I already gave my point of view on the developers. They didn’t have the time or money to fine tune instances to every role. If someone can play a healing or tank class, they can play a dps spec. Both are ultimately about ordering your numbers correctly in a spreadsheet and if they do one, they with a bit of practice and reading can quite easily do the other.

Because adding a few NPC, we could call it a team; that performs the other two jobs in a geoup… would just be to much programming.

It isn’t like they have a slew of quests where your escorts perform actions… oh wait… this expac was filled with them.

Nope. Azerite gear is so common. Make a dps set.

Did you ever do the healing mage tower in Legion? It, at an objective level, was far harder than the other towers because you had to babysit the NPC in so many ways from healing to CCing things to save their stupid butts from deletion. If NPC teams were a thing, I have little doubt you’d still be complaining about how bad they are, because that’s exactly what happened during Legion. “Blizzard, healer mage tower is bad! Why are the NPCs so dumb???”

No but it means you’ve run with multiple people over the years and hopefully a few have made the cut to get on your friends list.

I’d never run them with a PuG but I do ask in my friends list and in the different Discord servers I’m part of to see if anyone needs one.

If tanks and healers didn’t make mythic plus their own personal dodgeball pick then dps wouldn’t have longed for solo content that they could do when locked out of groups. So essensially the OP is complaining about the effects of a self made problem.

It’s like cable companies constantly overcharging and then wondering why people are switching to the internet and abandoning TV.

I’m not sure what you mean by “self-made” problem, really. If there were more tanks and healers dps would find it a lot easier to find groups. The effects of this system are going to make it worse for you and you are going to get even more shut out of groups.

I play a few dps classes too, and know what you are talking about when feeling shut out of groups. But if you think healers and tanks are responsible for the shortage you are simply incorrect. In fact the players who opt to play tanks and healers instead of dps classes are your saviors. The more of us that choose those specs means the less you and all dps mains get shut out. These Horrific Visions are going to mean you are going to get shut out even more than in the past because people like me are going to be in shorter supply.

If you have your own solo content, and are happy with it, that is fine. But why should healers and tanks have have to run solo dps content to get geared up for group content seems beyond reason. That is where Blizzard is failing everyone. How would you feel if you were expected to run healer or tank content to progress your character? For example, you would have to heal a character up to full health and prevent him from dying. You would have to keep him up so he survived a ten minute fight versus a mean monster, complete with mechanics that required healing on the move, and dodging a minute long barrage–and also doing some dispelling too. And you’d have to do this all while healing and even doing some interrupts between healing with say a set of five different kinds of heals you had no idea how to use. And if you failed, you would not get a cloak upgrade on your dps character–which at some point would bar you from doing dps content. And after failing a few times you would then have to farm more currency for say an an hour or two to try again next week? Would you like that? Never mind that you would want the best chance of success so you would have to reforge your best armor every day and then reverse that again and fork out a pile of gold to do that. You would also have to get new healing weapons and trinkets, maybe even rings too. How would that be? And to add to that you would have to do a pile of research to figure out the rotations. You would have to choose talents you didnt know well at all. You would also have to set up your ui, addons etc, to have a fair chance at success. You would probably have to also spend a fair bit of time trying out the new spec and learning a fair bit of it.

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Yes… go back to Legion to try and counter my argument. It isn’t like we had countless NPC escorts I. BFA that worked. It isn’t like everyone has completed the cloak quest line… which had an escort.

Blizzard: we don’t want people respeccing so flippantly.

Also blizzard: creates content that is heavily dps favored


Actually, the best way to do them is in a group