Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers


I speak no lie in my case. As I write this I am clearing out my mailboxes for when my game time runs out in the next day or so. I can’t decide whether or not to sign up for more game time or not. My options are to continue with this content while hating it, do other things like level a Mechagnome or three with an eye on Shadowlands, or just go on with other things in my free time.

Maybe I’ll just make a dk and dh and say to heck with healing. Healers rarely get enough thanks as it is, and at times even get squashed under heaps of blame when others don’t dodge, fail on mechanics, and just mess up in general. No more slings and arrows from this game for me. Thanks again Blizzard.

I’m going to stop you right here
 that corruption affix is a rare drop. You cannot possibly expect everybody to have it. That’s a false premise right there.

I think you should try it on holy priest and report back. I think you’ll change your tune a bit. Please remember not everybody can play on your level. GIT GUD is not an acceptable answer as it assumes the person in question doesn’t know anything and doesn’t have a valid reason to be frustrated. Not everybody is capable of doing +20 keys, please remember that. Visions are de-facto required content for mains this patch, as such it needs to be doable by all player mains at some point. IMO Alleria and the trash outside her door is slightly over tuned, it’s a fine line but I do think it crosses it.


3 people enter a race, a tank (slug) a healer ( turtle) and a dps (hare) and you are surprised that the slower ones lose ?

When you go to a horse race are you looking for the slowest one to bet on ?

This isn’t the special olympics, you don’t all get a medal.

It might be rare, but that’s not the point.
The point was just that the OP is being very pessimistic of their chances when there ARE items in the game that will allow them to succeed considerably easier.

Look at it as a microcosm for the issue.

What do you think is wrong with Holy Priest?
Holy Priest has some of the best access to damage any healer has, so not sure what the issue might be. And ya know, they have discipline as another healing spec option.

I’m not that good, honestly. I just play a ton and pick up on trends better than most.
My reaction time and ability to process information on the fly is below average.

Either way, this is not an Olympic sport. You do not need to be a professional gamer to kill Alleria before you go through 3 sanity orbs.

I disagree that not everyone is capable of doing that, but please don’t even think to compare that level of difficulty to Visions.
Its probably like trying to solo a zero more than complete a 20.
Entirely different skill sets, and the tuning isn’t even remotely comparable.

Go try to solo a zero and see what you can learn. It might work as a pretty good learning ground, even though you will take FAR more damage doing that then you would doing visions.

It absolutely is doable by all player’s mains, ESPECIALLY “at some point.”
Not sure what you were after with that comment, but if you just farmed the minor vision every day for a month you’d have enough mementos to fill out most of the talent tree, then you’d walk in there and destroy the place.

But that’s besides the point.
It is doable RIGHT NOW too.

Go get the food for visions, get a flask or two, and buy an invis pot.

If you are still on the quest sub rank 6, you literally only have to kill 3 mobs. 2 guards and Alleria.

You can do it.
Don’t give up!

I haven’t given up. My point is you’re coming across incredibly condescending in your earlier posts. You’re comparing a situation where you got lucky with a rare drop to someone with average or below average gear. Dial it back please and try to help rather than respond with GIT GUD.

Remember that a frustration can be valid even if the reason for the frustration isn’t itself. Telling someone that their frustration isn’t valid because it worked for you is very insulting.


You are just reading into it too much.
Frankly, corruption is not that rare either.
Getting the exact item you want is, but getting any combination at all can make a HUGE difference for the healing and tank specs.

There is no reason to give up on content this approachable, and there is certainly no reason to try to blame Blizzard for your failures and act like healers and tanks can’t possibly do this.

Some times the truth hurts. Being insulted by some one telling you the truth is the first step many people need to improving.

If people still need more specific answers to help them, then do the following:

Get more gear. Its raining from the sky right now. Top world raiders are boosting 5 keys around the clock. Get in on those and get some 445 gear. Preferably with corruption.

Go buy consumables, including the new food made specifically for the visions.
Its overpowered.

Research PoV videos from your role. That alone will quickly show the OP that its doable and they can learn a lot in a short time from seeing some one else succeed.

Once you get the hang of it, you will look back and laugh at the notion that these were ever hard in the first place these opening weeks.

Its content that is meant to have 5 additional layers of difficulty on top of the three that are there by default.

Just keep at it and you will find success.


What damage do we have access to other than holy fire and smite? No hate just curious.

There are ways to get through them with the right setup. Look at some of the class forums, granted its not near as easy but doable.

Holy Nova and Holy word Chastise of course.
Holy priest spells unbuffed do more damage than any other spells in the game aside from Holy Paladin.

A Holy Priest who spends every global on DPS can easily do more damage than any other healer aside from paladin, but of course you never see this happen because that is not their role.

The problem might be their lack of utility and defensives though, so not sure what was being brought up there.

They certainly don’t lack damage though, that much is certain.

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Oh I see you’re right! I forgot about holy nova and chastise. Does divine star work too? :relieved:

Sure, divine star is probably a great option for these, as you are often fighting in closed quarters.

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Got it thanks for the info! :blush:

Stop whining.
If they designed it for tanks, DPS would either get totalled or the fights will be short and easy so the DPS can survive.
If they designed it for healers, ditto.

Having DPS orientated fights is not a bad thing.

The only healers that can really solo this content are holy paladins and disc priests. Resto druids, shammy healers, and monk healers, rip. Priests that heal holy and holy only and who have no experience as disc or shadow rip.

The real problem is not being unable to do damage. Its that healers damage output is not enough in a race against time. Why healers are expected to do this is still beyond me. Or why healers do not have a high dps follower to heal or something like that befuddles me. I am not ready to do this content and waste more vessels. I have wasted a big batch of them over a few healers and just wonder at Blizzard’s design. It obviously puts some classes at a severe disadvantage.

I’m not even gonna begin to talk about getting a delivery of frozen goods at an inopportune time halfway through a Visions run and the result. I still don’t know what the development team is thinking when they involve a currency that you have to grind for that is limited in this whole picture. At least with a timed mythic plus run a fail is not so bad because you can just do the run over and if you finish you still get the weekly chest and possibly some loot for the run.

If the aim is to have people unsub, they are a good way there. If the aim is to make people, especially healers and tanks feel defeated, they are more than halfway there.

Imagine the complaining if DPS people were forced to play tank or healers (if their class allowed it). Can you imagine the uproar? Ret paladins having to play holy paladins, fury warriors having to play prot warriors, etc.

People have a reason to enjoy their spec, and should not be forced to play one over the other. Try putting the shoe on the other foot and see how it feels. The number of people who play classes capable of tanking and healing, but simply don’t (e.g. warfronts) gives an indication that DPS is popular for a reason, and tanks and healers always get the short end of the stick.

The more they do this kind of rubbish, the harder it is going to be to do group content. Maybe they want this to be a single player game.


Yup. Agreed. Let them see how it feels. Oh, right. Just learn a spec in a day and go in there and “press buttons!!”

Let’s just ask the drummer who has never touched a guitar in their life switch to lead guitar halfway through a concert. Or let’s get a lineman to jump in there and play quarterback halfway through the Superbowl.

Right. You can do it. And the fact that you are being forced to play a spec you dont want to play and have never played? That is cake and icing. Go for it, man. Oh, and please don’t unsub. We made this content especially fun for people to do stuff they don’t want to and to play specs they specifically opted not to play. Accept it and suck it up.


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@OP, I have to agree even though I don’t play healers or tanks. The whole horrific visions concept is bizarre - maybe they let interns ‘design’ it.

I don’t like the MVP has come up with some strange and very convoluted solutions to the issue and trying to pretend it’s a player’s fault when clearly it’s bad design.

With the number of people complaining about Horrific Visions, you’d think Blizzard would take the feedback, acknowledge it, and either implement something better or offer some alternatives.

I’m also sick and tired of hearing ‘this is high end content, you shouldn’t be complaining that you don’t have access to it’. No, it isn’t. The cloak questline is a fundamental part of the new patch. It is available to everyone. If they wanted to restrict access to the higher skill levels, they should have locked it behind mythic raiding or high level keystones.

Instead they dangle carrots at people, with few options and inadequate guidance about how to overcome these challenges. They make it seem like it’s available to the average casual player, when obviously completing Horrific Visions takes a fair amount of knowledge, skill, and gear. This leaves players to feel frustrated and inadequate when they fail, which is kind of the opposite of a ‘fun’ game.

I am thankful to have a fantastic guild which supports me and helps me to overcome these kinds of frustrations in game. Sometimes you just have to step back, breathe, and get some perspective.

I don’t really care about the cloak anymore. However, I do empathise with the people coming to forums with legitimate complaints, and being told to suck it up. Failing and having huge time gates to retry and get better is not an incentive to keep playing. It’s an incentive to quit. How about listening for a change, Blizzard?

I also agree with Jessail:


Yeah I don’t like it either. Not sure what they were thinking. Why is there even a cost? The cloak is capped and the items you get you can only get once per tier. If the vision(as solo) scaled based on your gear/spec then it might have been fine.

Maybe when they originally made the vision it was suppose to be a group activity for 3-5 players. However they got worried about backlash of people wanting to solo it so they slapped on their generic scaling system and called it a day.