Thanks for forcing DPS content on tanks and healers

And this is the starting point that devs used in developing that content, that healers and tanks don’t deserve to continue character progression in 8.3 unless they have mastered a dps spec. They don’t deserve to continue playing the game and legitimately should be stopped if they are unwilling to drop everything to master a spec they may never have played, as some have not.

I guess devs were figuring that there were too many tanks and healers, and this was a situation that needed fixing.


I agree to a point - this was one of several errors on Blizzard’s part as they pushed it as being accommodating to multiple groups sizes and role agnostic. Taking the closest correlation, the Mage Tower challenge in Legion still had to have numerous modifications for each class despite each spec specific challenge being the same. Even then, the difficulty variance was high - I did the tanking one on my Druid first and it was brutal, did it on my Brewmaster monk next and couldn’t believe how much more forgiving it was. That was something that could pass then, because the Mage Tower reward was purely cosmetic. With Horrific Visions and the legendary cloak it’s a different matter because so much of 8.3 content/systems ties into it.

Cause it’s a beautiful relationship that doesn’t rely on perfection of the human body and can truly appreciate themselves.


Or, y’know, they created content that’s appealing to solo players? Tanks and Healers already have Raids, Dungeons, and PvP, 3 of WoW’s staple content offerings that will be ever present for the rest of the games lifetime.

Horrific Visions are a one off that appears to lay the groundwork for Shadowland’s Torghast activity, which that most likely being a expansion one off like so many things.

If you want “character progression” in 8.3 as a Tank or Healer, go do raids, dungeons, and PvP and group up for your weekly Visions. Not every piece of content can (and shouldn’t) be doable by every role.

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So the entire purpose of 8.3 was to serve elite solo players?

You’re totally reaching.

None of these will be competitive without the cloak. Lame rationalization. It sounds like you’ve never played the game.

Every class has a DPS spec. Every. Single. Class.

If you choose to not at least learn a DPS spec well enough that you can kill Thrall five times then this content isn’t for you.

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Exactly. If you haven’t mastered a dps spec, well, the game doesn’t need the healers and tanks it has. There’s too many of them and this needs to be fixed.

Serve your fickle dps gods, healers and tanks!

I made a amendment. If your a tank or healer just group up to do them? It’s not strictly solo content to begin with and in a group it’s infinitely easier.

Of course not, that’s a asinine thing to assume. Content patches (in general) should try to touch all corners of the game.

Including single player content.

Yup, too many healers. Too many tanks. And when I play my warlock, I have to already wait for more than half an hour in a queue for LFR, and sometimes even longer. If I want to run a key, I have to queue up over and over, and get refused over and over until I find a group that is not very good and usually a lot lower geared, and so the play experience is generally not very good. This is the same for joining a pug raid.

And why is this? Well, if there were more healers and more tanks, on the other hand, and the game was more balanced, then (if you need it spelled out for you) there would not be shortage of tanks and healers Then all of the people who played dps specs mainly, would not have to wait so long and/or have to join poor groups to do that kind of thing. Then dps would not get tired of endlessly waiting.

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Oh. So you think “carries” is legitimate game progression. Why require anyone to do it if the preferred character progression is carries?

Getting lamer and lamer as you reach further.

The basis of entire patch is for dps only. That doesn’t come close to “touching” single player content.

It’s almost as though you were sent here to do a job you don’t even understand.

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I main a prot paladin because thats the spec I enjoy. I can play ret, but I dont enjoy it. I shouldnt be forced to play a spec I dont like for my core progression. Brawler’s guild was bad enough but at least it was optional.

Every role has purpose, and fulfills different things. Expecting Tanks and Healers to do everything a DPS can is a silly thing to ask.

It’s like expecting raids to be doable with 5 tanks and 10 healers, or a M+ to be able to be timed with 5 DPS.

Also, admittedly, if you are a die-hard Tank/Healer main, it’s assumed you are already playing with a group of people (be it a raid or dungeon team, or a PvP group) and that you would just group up with those people for them. If your playing solo as a Tank I can understand, and you can do Visions solo (albeit you need better gear to compensate for lower DPS) but if your a Healer playing this game completely solo then I’m sorry, that’s a wack way to play.

Honestly, as I think more and more about this issue, I start to think (albeit dramatically) about the company on a competitive level in the gaming industry. I say this because I once read of an owner of a used car company going to a competitor’s car lot and slashing the tires of cars in the lot so that the competitor eventually failed and the one company could then raise its prices and reap the benefit of better sales and better profits.

And yeah, sure, I doubt this is at play here–meaning I doubt it is an effort at sabotaging the whole wow enterprise and community, and hence its sales, some part of me wonders. And while, no, this is probably not the case: in the end the effect is the same. The tank and healer shortage will end up being a bigger bottleneck and a bigger imbalance and problem. Then the dps player base will be to some extent turned off with even longer wait times and an even worse end game experience and people will just leave and run into the arms of Nextflix, Electronic Arts, and Steam.

That would be true if the Visions could only be done solo like the Mage Tower but they can be done in groups up to 5.

Coincidentally Tanks and Healers are roles designed for Group content. There’s no issue here.

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Visions are actually stupid, although there is a “solo” option only melee classes with short interrupts, sustain, and good aoe are good at them (cough dh).

Some people in here are so trash. You know just by the way they answer OP that they have zero life outside this game and this forum.

OP has a valid point: everything could’ve been done in Tank/Healer spec up to now, even WQs. They took longer, alright, but it wasn’t hard and it let Heal/Tank Only players do content. Now they just can’t do a very important part of the patch because Blizzard cba to cater to those players, which they DID in the past.

Of course, the no life corporate bootlicker nerds just have to come and bash OP, like he personally attacked them.


So they can’t group up with their friends to do them?

You know the same people you Tank and Heal for every week?

First off, I run Visions in tank spec and am completing them fine. I made the choice not to run them on my monk this week and hoard my Vessels for next week. Now that said…

Choosing to main spec tank, even as a solo player, doesn’t mean you have a set circle of people to group with. I tank. I leveled tank spec, and solo tank spec, so I get to know the spec inside and out. I tank pugs. In MoP, I was not active with a guild and ended up tanking exclusively for pugs. I would absolutely NOT do a Horrific Vision with a pug - depending on the affix, I there are times I refuse to tank Mythics for pugs. So your contention that the OP must have SOMEONE they can do Visions with doesn’t necessarily hold up.

Aside from that, I’ve already mentioned the issues that are already coming up for players when it comes to grouping for Horrific Visions. There are just so many variables to consider, I can easily believe the OP when they say they haven’t been successful finding a group within their community.

I honestly don’t know what the answer is short of removing the need for a Vessel to access the Visions and placing some sort of “loot lock” on how many of the quest items for the upgrade you can get in a week.

It’s not the players’ fault. Blizzard did a poor job of relaying realistic expectations for Horrific Visions and the patch. While yes, it’s strongly advisable to develop proficiency with multiple specs, not everyone is going to have the same amount of success. At this point I just hope that further discussion/development acknowledges that with a little bit of empathy.


If you are a tank one would fairly assume that the primary content you engage in is group based content correct?

Just get people from your group to run with you and then you can very much do them as a tank.

On my healers which are similar in a lot of senses similar to tanks, here are a few things to consider in relation to your post.

First, my healers are on a half dead server with very limited guild options. My main option for group content is to join any number of guilds that have an average gear level that is about twenty or thirty below mine and run normal raids once a week when I like to raid nearly every day, and have almost cleared Heroic already. The same goes for running mythic keys.

Second, I can server transfer, but on my two connected realms I have a total of twenty eight characters I would love to transfer to Proudmoore and/or Stormrage for more options, but I am not paying in the seven or eight hundred dollar range so I can get my toons and their synergies working for me.

Third, I do do cross server things in a community but Blizzard has given people like me the short end of the stick when it comes to doing Mythic raid content that one of my toons is already up to speed to tackling. I will be shut out of that next week and for a few months–another reason I feel shafted.

Fourth, the above means I am either forking out hundreds of dollars to do switches to a high pop server where I can have access to groups or I pug.

Well, Blizzard just wants my dough, so they set the system up this way and are not going to change. You can join an overfull server for access to group content with a regular group or you can suffer through the slings and arrows of pugging. As a healer, I get blamed for a lot of group fails in dungeons, generally speaking. I regularly get hammered because people die, and yet there are groups that run dungeons with NO healer. The reason people die is because they don’t know how to dodge, don’t know how to interrupt, and don’t know, for example, that in some fights the damage is reflected back to you and the healer can’t heal you through that.

Now, all of this in mind, as a healer, I now have to contend with Blizzard’s new Horrific Visions being completely “horrific” and unfriendly to my healers.

My choices are as follows:

a. Struggle through Horrific Visions and die over and over, and just be perpetually frustrated with the whole thing. That or learn in a day how to not only to play a dps spec, but play it well. I’ve tried a run on my monk healer as dps spec after reforging my armor, setting up my ui for dps, buying weapons and doing runs for trinkets. Well, that ended quickly and badly as I am used to playing her while being able to heal myself, and like to know my healing characters inside and out without always having to switch back and forth–which also, consequently, is costly having that you either play with your best armor reforged day in day out or you play with your lower ilevel azerite armor. And let me tell you–reforging three pieces of armor on a daily basis quickly adds up to in the thousands of gold range. Anyhow, the run was a huge waste of time and effort–the daily visions are also sometimes a hassle on a healer. I often have to run around the perimeter of the area to avoid long fights and aggroing more than one mob. I am also used to dpsing on her as a mistweaver, and havent played her dps spec for a couple years.
b. Try to pug them.
c. Unsub, and just forget about this patch.
d. Play other toons–basically dps characters like my warlock, and/or new Mechagnomes. And just add to the already out of whack imbalance of more dps and less tanks and healers.
e. Play Steam games. Play another RPG. Play Electronic Arts, Xbox, Sony Playstation games.
f. Watch Netflix flicks.
g. Do something productive like read a book or hit the gym.

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