Thanks blizzard, now all 3 hunter specs are in the lowest dps tier

Doing better ? Going from the second to last spec of the raid to the current 4th worst. You got a slight damage increase but so did other l low tier classes.

Yeah, thats still doing better, not sure why you felt the need to disagree.

Because it’s place in the meta is still the same. Going from 2nd to last to 4th to last is meaningless. It was and still is considered as a trash tier spec.

See, this forum is filled with clowns that arent good. So all they care about is the max potential (That they’ll never reach) and something as trivial as “Player skill” is foreign to them. lol

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Actually it means that its getting better which is still a true statement, it just has more to go.

The fact that it still has more to go on the charts does not negate the fact that it has improved, if only slightly.

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Not sure if trolling or actually delusional. People who criticize this are actually playing with people of equal skill. So if you say that its fine beause if you just play better than the fire mage you can still reach him, it is just not applicable. Maybe you play in a group where everyone around you just plays bad and you can feel about yourself, but thats not the norm.
If you play really well and the other players in your raid also play really well, hunter is currently bad and any comparison to bad players is useless.


Just need a lot of people sending messages constantly to the warcraftdev twitter as this is unacceptable

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This…reclearing mythic today felt so horrible - my damage really did feel like I lost 20 ilvls =_=


Yes it is definately a noticeable hit. I think it seems really noticeable single target.


At least the MM nerf is keeping most hunters from talking about how much they love SV.

I dont know if anyone else is experiencing this but I am having a hard time even getting in M+ pugs, im ksm with 1340 io, i have been attempting for an hour and a half. I feel like the word is out , this is really pissing me off.


The community perception of the hunter nerfs is doing more damage than the actual nerfs themselves.

Streamers and wow figures are saying hunters are bottom of the barrel etc, i.e. Limit’s Max vod clip is saying “hunter stonks are down and shaman stonks are up”, completely out of context it pretty much has trashed hunter’s perception in the game.

And to add further to your comment, I don’t pug that often, but this week I couldn’t get into 1700 RBG groups (when I’m 1800), and was declined from a various 14/15 keys requiring 1300 io as minimum (although I don’t push keys anymore, I’m 1777 io).

Start your own group maybe, as the damage has well and truly been done.


Silver linings :slight_smile:

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I’ve known that since Legion



I love SV.

I don’t. That was a lie.

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Hybrid tax doesnt exist anymore bro get over it

To be honest - there’s close to no reason to bring a hunter into a dungeon except hero. Noone is going to risk bringing a suboptimal class for an occasional 8s root on a pack of mobs. There’s no unique things that hunter brings to the table.
Same goes for RBG - why would you want an MM hunter in your group? There’s no strong and reliable CC’s, MM can barely keep up pressure on a healer since Aimed Shot is on long hardcast/stand still/cooldown/only 2 charges/extremely little damage for what it requires to cast. The only “good” thing is probably Bursting Shot/Hi-Explosive Trap to yeet people off Lumber Mill or into the abyss in Eye of the Storm.


There is a mage in every single key, why would you bring a hunter to lust ?


Because all the mages are unavailable due to already being in other keys, duh.