Thanks blizzard, now all 3 hunter specs are in the lowest dps tier

I don’t generally look at warcraft logs, and I don’t particularly care about that parsing aspect of the game, I just try to learn my class and get better, but I feel significantly weaker. I was actually kind of shocked tbh for this type of midseason nerf.


Hopefully this will be a chance to buff other parts of each spec’s kit?

would it be an ok situation if the roles were reversed? someone “loses” in every one of those scenarios.

That isn’t at all what I am implying. I understand that new numbers do not favor hunter specs. I get that it can use adjustment. This isn’t going to be a 24 way tie though and as a hunter i can see how you want to be top, but for game balance and depth, you have to see how variance from rank to rank is more important than where a specific class falls in the hierarchy.

and this is a perfectly justifiable feeling. How are you feeling it though? is it an additional aimed shot needed to kill a boss? what type of DPS loss are you seeing from pre patch to now?

Well about 500 dps single target and about 700 dps over a mythic + run, if i compare to prepatch.
And just for reference thats at 222 ilvl

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Obviously not, why would you think so? The goal would be to make it so that two players of equal skill will be competing on even footing with different classes. But these are two different points that collide with hunters currently. The difference between best and worst spec should be lower regardless, but this is probably a pipe dream and wont ever happen.
The main issue is that they nerfed a specc that was already declining and has no other spec remotely viable. This is a thing that should be easily avoidable.

please lets try to focus all the changes we need in a single thread

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Ion hates hunters and he doesn’t want anyone to play it.


Doing more damage than bad players playing meta classes still doesn’t change the fact that a group would be better off if you were playing almost any other dps.

Ion is a dribbling idiot that is so out of touch with the player base that he still cant figure out why their subscription numbers are dwindling. He should make a “meaninful choice” and resign.


They actually have 3 in his raid, one of whom has been playing BM the whole time.

I’m well aware of that, I was just replying to the dude playing his alt as Kyrian and telling him why he did not notice a dps loss.

The correct way to do that would have been to buff BM in a playable state and not to nerf MM.


Definately would have preferred that, i actually like the searing embers legendary, and i would totally play bm right now if the dps was more viable, played it all BFA after realizing marksman was crap.

Clearly he get’s out damaged by them.


Ion is a carried greyparser that puts zero effort into his game and the balancing of wow


To be fair BM is doing better, which isn’t saying much given how low it was but it has been improving.

Doing better ? Going from the second to last spec of the raid to the current 4th worst. You got a slight damage increase but so did other l low tier classes.

Yeah, thats still doing better, not sure why you felt the need to disagree.

Because it’s place in the meta is still the same. Going from 2nd to last to 4th to last is meaningless. It was and still is considered as a trash tier spec.

See, this forum is filled with clowns that arent good. So all they care about is the max potential (That they’ll never reach) and something as trivial as “Player skill” is foreign to them. lol

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Actually it means that its getting better which is still a true statement, it just has more to go.

The fact that it still has more to go on the charts does not negate the fact that it has improved, if only slightly.

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